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Thread: Mid Cycle Bloods - (500mg Test w/ 3 weeks Tbol)

  1. #1
    Coffeehead is offline Associate Member
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    Mid Cycle Bloods - (500mg Test w/ 3 weeks Tbol)

    So I'm still awaiting my bloods even though I got them done Thursday AM last week. In the meantime I'm sweating it out because I've been having trouble sleeping lately, and now just got my blood pressure reading done.

    152/83 <---WOW

    Is that normal for mid-cycle? I don't have a history of HBP, but this is pretty damn high in my experience.

    Hopefully my blood panel doesn't come back all fuked up. I'm enjoying the cycle a lot, but If a bunch of red flags pop up I'm gonna need someone to talk me away from the ledge (not literally). Each day that passes with no BW results is brutal...and it's taking longer than usual.


    Will post the BW results when they come in. Until then...we wait.

    ~ Coffee

  2. #2
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Diet plays a major part on elevated BP, do you do any cardio?

  3. #3
    Coffeehead is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    Diet plays a major part on elevated BP, do you do any cardio?
    Negative. So it sounds like this is abnormally high even for being on cycle?

    I'm slightly limited in my ability to do cardio. Oddly enough I can squat, DL, and do various leg exercises, but I'm not running yet (recovering from a knee injury).

    I've got battle ropes in my possession, and I can hop on a stationary bike as well. I'd like to think that would suffice for cardio.

  4. #4
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coffeehead View Post

    Negative. So it sounds like this is abnormally high even for being on cycle?

    I'm slightly limited in my ability to do cardio. Oddly enough I can squat, DL, and do various leg exercises, but I'm not running yet (recovering from a knee injury).

    I've got battle ropes in my possession, and I can hop on a stationary bike as well. I'd like to think that would suffice for cardio.
    Dude, you better get on a recumbent or stationary.

    Cardio does not have to be running. I don't run (I don't have to, I don't move fast for no body. Lol)

    But seriously, you stated your bf was about 20% or so. You need cardio on cycle.

    I had my blood pressure get pretty high, never high second number like that, but high from my pre cycle numbers.

    Stay away from simple carbs like breads and such, they also play a serious role in high cholesterol and BP on cycle.

    If you got a bike, ride it here n there.

    Fwiw, I smoked ciggs on my cycle. I struggle my ass off to quit. Its the toughest enemy I've ever faced. Not that it has anything to do with your situation. But I did a few unhealthy things on cycle (cigarettes actually only things I did bad).

    Do that cardio please i know, it sucks balls. I like to play Tetris while on a stationary, 45 mins flys by if you do something other than stare at a stopwatch or clock waiting for it to end

  5. #5
    Boneslapper2002 is offline Junior Member
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    OP I have had something similar however I was not on cycle but as Marcus said cardio is the key because it was for me, hopefully your BW comes back ok if not then there could be other issues going on.

  6. #6
    Coffeehead is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Dude, you better get on a recumbent or stationary.

    Cardio does not have to be running. I don't run (I don't have to, I don't move fast for no body. Lol)

    But seriously, you stated your bf was about 20% or so. You need cardio on cycle.

    I had my blood pressure get pretty high, never high second number like that, but high from my pre cycle numbers.

    Stay away from simple carbs like breads and such, they also play a serious role in high cholesterol and BP on cycle.

    If you got a bike, ride it here n there.

    Fwiw, I smoked ciggs on my cycle. I struggle my ass off to quit. Its the toughest enemy I've ever faced. Not that it has anything to do with your situation. But I did a few unhealthy things on cycle (cigarettes actually only things I did bad).

    Do that cardio please i know, it sucks balls. I like to play Tetris while on a stationary, 45 mins flys by if you do something other than stare at a stopwatch or clock waiting for it to end
    Appreciate the reply. I'm probably much closer to 15%, not 20%. I thought I was a little higher when I started, but I appear to have leaned out a bit.

    I'm not opposed to cardio, I just underestimated the effect the lack of would have on my BP. Now I know...

  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    The most obvious thing you need to do to control BP, is stop drinking coffee

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    The most obvious thing you need to do to control BP, is stop drinking coffee
    Definitly on any day you're getting your BP measured!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coffeehead View Post
    Negative. So it sounds like this is abnormally high even for being on cycle?

    I'm slightly limited in my ability to do cardio. Oddly enough I can squat, DL, and do various leg exercises, but I'm not running yet (recovering from a knee injury).

    I've got battle ropes in my possession, and I can hop on a stationary bike as well. I'd like to think that would suffice for cardio.
    You avoided the diet question so I'm assuming it's not very good. Cardio doesn't mean running steady walk on treadmill or use a bike. You should try these things while you wait for your results. And if you drink a lot of caffeine then cut it down.
    Last edited by Marcus G; 01-11-2017 at 06:42 AM.

  10. #10
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    I used to do this.

    After a workout later in the day, when your glad its over and relaxing watching tv. My mind used to say "TV, HUH? Get down there and do that workout you just finished a few hours ago, all over again".

    Don't be satisfied with enough, want more.

    That's what separates average from above average

  11. #11
    Coffeehead is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    You avoided the diet question so I'm assuming it's not very good. Cardio doesn't mean running steady walk on treadmill or use a bike. You should try these things while you wait for your results. And if you drink a lot of caffeine then cut it down.
    Well, the way you phrased it there wasn't a diet question in there. You just said diet plays a big part of elevated BP. I agree.

    My diet admittedly has not been spectacular. I had a couple weeks where I ate a little too loosely over the holidays. What exactly do you want to know...macros? Food choices?


    Calories: 3600-3700
    Fat: <50g
    Carbs: 525g
    Protein: 275g

    Egg Whites
    Chicken Breast
    Ground Turkey (93/7)
    Pork Tenderloin
    Lean Ham (5%)
    Whey Isolate

    Greek Yogurt (non-fat)
    White Rice
    Bagels/English Muffins
    Pasta (w/ LF red-sauce only)
    Black Beans
    Kodiak Cakes (protein-packed)

    Fish Oil
    Olive Oil
    Avocado (rarely since fats are low)
    Parmesan Cheese (used rarely and sparingly when eating pasta)

    Green Beans
    Green/red/yellow Bell Peppers

    *All veggies are fresh

    Hopefully that gives you a better idea.
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  12. #12
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Great that's plenty of info so did you know what your BP was before the holidays? It could just be as simple as elevated Estrogen levels causing water retention thus causing BP issues (blood work will show this) . But if your BP was OK before the holidays then it could just be down to not enough cardio and lose dieting (as you put it it) over the last few weeks..

  13. #13
    Coffeehead is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    Great that's plenty of info so did you know what your BP was before the holidays? It could just be as simple as elevated Estrogen levels causing water retention thus causing BP issues (blood work will show this) . But if your BP was OK before the holidays then it could just be down to not enough cardio and lose dieting (as you put it it) over the last few weeks..
    Damn mdprivatelabs taking forever on my BW. Officially been one week since it was drawn. Sigh...

    OK - Good to know! I didn't check my BP before the holidays, but I know I don't have a history of HBP. This was the highest I've seen it by far. I may have hit 130/80 (ish) on a couple occasions, but generally it's a little better than that.

    I tightened the diet up considerably since the new year. So much that I can't even gain anymore and I've leaned out by 5 lbs, and my pants are starting to fit again. Heh. I guess eating a little bit of junk food helped me stay in a surplus. Gotta up the intake and finish this cycle out strong.

    Of course, assuming there are no significant problems with my BW.

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