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  1. #1
    n4esa is offline New Member
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    Jan 2017

    First Test-E Cycle questions

    This will be my first cycle and just confirming everything looks ok and had a couple questions also

    Age 40, 5'10", 205lbs, 20 years lifting experience, no cycle experience other than some M1T's many years ago. Feel I've reached my body's potential after all these years and wanted to see where I could go with some help. I also feel that there could be a mental boost and overall feeling of wellbeing and positivity that I've read a lot of people experience.

    500 mg Test-E / week (250mg twice a week mon & thurs)
    Aromasin 10mg / day
    HCG 250 iu twice a week mon & thurs

    14 day break

    Weeks 1 & 2
    - HCG 1000iu every 2 days? (unsure)
    - Aromasin 25mg / day? (unsure)
    - Nolva 40mg / day
    Weeks 2 - 6
    - Nolva 20mg / day

    My questions are:
    Being my first cycle, the overall total of new products I'm introducing to my body seems like a lot to me being a newbie, I feel like I'm going to be bombarding myself in a way, is this a normal / easily handled type of cycle? I've read of very basic cycles of only Test-E and Nova for PCT and that's it, but after my research that didn't seem like a smart way to go?

    HCG - how much to run at minimum during PCT

    HCG - is it normal to run this basically during the entire 10 week cycle + first 2 weeks of PCT? Just making sure because it seems like a long time in total

    HCG - mixing, I've read up on this but is it as simple as using 1 syringe to draw the right amount of water from 1 vial and inserting it into the HCG vial?

    Aromasin - tabs are in 25mg, so cut in half 12.5mg daily will be the dose, I assume this is fine, or I could do 1 tab every 2 days.

    Injections - does the time of day matter?

    Syringes - My plan was to get 20G needles for drawing, and swap with 23G needle for injecting, rather than drawing and injecting with the same needle, does it matter?

    - I've read about the obvious effects to expect, what are some things I might experience you don't hear about often and how did you deal with them?
    - Also emergencies or a missed dose, this entire cycle including break + PCT is 18 weeks, that's a long time overall and there could be issues where you can't stay on top of everything. For example what do you do if you get sick or a flu, if needed is it safe to cut the cycle short and if so how?

    - There seems to be all kinds of variances of when/how long to run each product, like is Aromasin really needed the entire cycle, or to keep Aromasin during the 14 day break, HCG during cycle or only PCT, or a delayed start on it etc.

    Sorry for all the questions lol. Thanks for any input guys!

  2. #2
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Here are my recommendations
    1 aromasin 12.5 eod
    2. No hcg during pct because it'll suppress your natural LH and your trying to to recover it.
    3. Pct should include clomid not just Nolvadex
    5. Don't use the aromasin during pct
    4. Definitely don't use the pin you draw with the to inject, always use a different one (I use 25g 1 inch)
    Last edited by Marcus G; 01-20-2017 at 03:32 PM.

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