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With transdermal testosterone it would be minimally suppressive since testosterone has a half life of about 10minutes.
Thus it would be out of your system almost immediately after absorption from the skin has stopped. Winstrol on the other hand is C17 methylated and has a much longer half life, let's say 9hours.
While winstrol is less supressive than test, since its not converted to estrogen, the transdermal delivery system will still provide blood levels of stanozolol for long after it has been absorbed.
With 5mg a day with DMSO, (I'm not sure how much will be absorbed, but letsfoe arguments sake say all of it is)
then you have 5mg in you at day 1, at day 2, 2,6 half lives has gone by in 24 hours, let's round that to 2,5 half lives. That means 5, 2,5, 1,25, 0,93mg is left +5mg again. So at day 2 you're at about 6mg stanozolol in your system.
6, 3, 1,5 ; 1,125+5mg on day 3 (6,125mg)
From my calculations you'll reach steady state levels at 6,15mg stanozolol in your system.
That's not enough to cause complete shutdown, I would think.
But it is enough to cause some reduction in natural T.
I wouldn't run this micro dose indefinitely, but say you take 2 weeks break every 3 weeks, and ill suspect you'll be fine.
Ofcourse, your best option is to do blood tests.
Test for LH, FSH, total T and free T, SHBG, and E2.
(Check the lipid profile and liver enzymes now and then too)
If you see that your T levels don't diminish while doing this, then the only other concern is the effect on health like lipids (cholesterol) and liver enzymes.
Using AAS in micro doses as a "tonic" of sorts is an intriguing idea.
I'd very much like to hear how it goes, but it's very important u follow up with regular blood work when doing this.
It will also be interesting to see whether you'll actually get any benefit out of it in the longer run.