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Thread: GHRP-6 Question

  1. #1
    Metalmank's Avatar
    Metalmank is offline New Member
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    GHRP-6 Question

    So I eventually plan on going the route of cycling.

    I was reading about GHRP-6 and was curious if that needs to be taken with anything else? I read that its great for fatloss / Lean muscle building etc. Side effects dont seem to crazy. Someone told me that is literally all the use for cutting.

    I've never cycled before and going to get blood work done eventually but was just curious can you run this compound alone without going the 'Starter guide' like the sticky suggest?

  2. #2
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Good for cutting? No way, all it does for me is makes me hungry as fuck so its good for bulking

  3. #3
    Metalmank's Avatar
    Metalmank is offline New Member
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    Yeah I read that it makes you super hungry as well.. I was going off what I read from several sites

    example from one

    Lowers body fat: GHRP-6 administration has the reputation of lowering fat, making it a good option for bodybuilders in their cutting cycles. It is also extremely attractive to those people who are weight conscious and are looking to shed those extra pounds without working hard at the gym.

    Increase muscle: GHRP-6 administration also has the reputation of facilitating an increase and development in muscles.

    Increase stamina: Those users who are vouching for the drug claim improvement in stamina levels post the administration of GHRP-6.
    Is protective and anti-inflammatory: GHRP-6 administration initiates better protection of the muscles and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent which is crucial in the muscle recovery process and synthesis.
    GHRP-6 also ensures that the liver is working to initiate IGF-1 secretions helping you lose fat quicker and gain strength as the time passes by.

  4. #4
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    I have never taken GHRP-6, only HGH. To answer your question, yes, you can take it without running test. It is a completely different compound than AAS. However, if GHRP-6 works like GH, which I assume it does, it takes a long time to see results and they are nowhere near as dramatic as AAS. Typically, you are looking at three months before the effects are really noticeable. And then you must continue use.

    This is my experience with HGH and is working on the assumption that GHRP-6 works in a similar fashion. For more concrete advice you will have to find someone that has run it solo.

  5. #5
    sub-19 is offline New Member
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    If you want stronger effects, combine it with CJC Dac. They work synergistically for greater GH output.
    3 pins of 100 mcg 50 minutes to 1 hour before eating a day+ 2 mg of CJC a week at 1 mg every 3 days or so. You may go for 5/6 months.
    Last edited by sub-19; 01-27-2017 at 12:58 PM.

  6. #6
    bobtail is offline Associate Member
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    I always took it with CJC wo/DAC. The hunger only lasts for a few minutes.
    It's a pretty good peptide. When I'm taking it, within a few days my skin feels really smooth. Look a little younger, too.
    Maybe a little better recovery.
    GHRP-2 is great for before bed because it makes you sleepy.
    If you have the spare cash, it's worth it.

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