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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1

    First cycle

    I am 42
    Blood work is all good.
    monday 1ml test e
    1ml test cyp
    1ml nandrolne
    1ml Prop (5 weeks )

    Thurs. 1ml test e
    1ml test cyp
    1ml nandrolne
    1ml Prop (5 weeks )
    week 8 Drop the nandrolne and the add Tren Blend

    take 2 tabs of stan a day unit run out (50 days)

    Arimidex .5ml every 2 days

    nolvadex first day 3 tabs, then 2tabs the next day, then 1tab every day after
    any info would be great thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    There is no info in that post that can really help I'm afraid.

    You've put measurements rather than doses. No timings. It's all irrelevant.

    You have way too many compounds.

    It looks like an Aussie teenager has given you this 'cycle'.

    Honestly, regardless of dosages it's a disaster. Read this

    But at 176lbs and a minimum of 20% bodyfat it looks, on paper, that the issue lies with your diet and/or training programme.

    How long have you been training?

    Can you post a pic of your current physique?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by old mate01 View Post
    I am 42
    Blood work is all good.
    monday 1ml test e
    1ml test cyp
    1ml nandrolne
    1ml Prop (5 weeks )

    Thurs. 1ml test e
    1ml test cyp
    1ml nandrolne
    1ml Prop (5 weeks )
    week 8 Drop the nandrolne and the add Tren Blend

    take 2 tabs of stan a day unit run out (50 days)

    Arimidex .5ml every 2 days

    nolvadex first day 3 tabs, then 2tabs the next day, then 1tab every day after
    any info would be great thank you.
    You realise you might not be able to recover your natural testosterone after such bad 1st cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    You say your "Blood work is all good". What do you mean? What are your beginning levels?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Yea as above mate. With your height you should be able to get to 100kg no dramas with a decent body fat level natuarl. At your age you should look into trt tho.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    OP - I too, totally agree with the two posts above... I believe as BIB stated at 176 and 20% bf your diet and maybe training as well needs an overhaul... head into our diet sections and training sections, as well posting up a pic and lay out your full diet(everything you consume in a day), and what type of training your currently doing?

    How do you know your bw is good to go? Post that up here as well.

    Your defeating the whole purpose of using propionate 2x wkly when it needs to be run at least EOD as it clears your system in 3days... read up on esters as well

    For your first cycle and adding in a 19nor and at the age of 42 like mentioned above you may never recover as Nandrolone is probably the harshest compound to actually recover from let alone both Tren and nandrolone together!

    You need to run a test only cycle as your results are fully based on a good diet and intense training!

    Please lay out your on cycle ancillaries you'd be using like your AI, hCG, and if you don't plan on listening to our advice what DA(dopamine agonist would you run... are you on any codeine based drugs atm b/c that will rule out one completely as it renders it useless)

    Please read the link BIB provided and even more

    ^^ this covers all the basics and much more!(come back and ask and answer all questions please - best of luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Are you on TRT? If you cycle at 42, you will be!

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