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Thread: getting ready for my wedding and I've got a problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    getting ready for my wedding and I've got a problem

    Hello Gents,
    I hope all is well for you guys! I've come to ask about a predicament of mine. So for starters I've run numerious cycles over the years containing a fair number of the sustances available to the AAS community - all with good results (more or less). My problem comes that other than for information purposes I have never sourced my gear from online - always a buddy of a buddy with good success. As you might imagine however, this can pose some difficulties when a buddy of a buddy goes MIA which seems to happen regularly.

    I understand from all the info out there that the online game can be risky to say the least; and for some one who barely logs on or participates in discussion the online world of sources is not that easy to engage. With this said I believe I've found a reputable online source to try out... albeit not without hesitation because as they say you can't count your chickens till they've hatched.

    My quandary comes in that I have an ample supply of var which I have used before and therefore can confirm it's g2g. I also have some t400 a different brand than the var which I can not confirm it's quality as I have left over and had never used it. Generally speaking I never like to mix brands as then you have no idea what's working and what's not and god forbid you end up running orals, tren etc.... with a test back that's bunk or everything's good and your clomid and nov are sugar lol

    So I am now in a bind where I have t400 which could be good no reason not to trust the original source, var from a different guy that I know is legit and an online source that's a maybe. What to do? I am planning a cutting cycle and want to use the var, my thought is to get some test e from the online source and use a combo of the t400 and test e. 600mg t400 and 250mg test e per/wk along side 100mg var ed.

    My thinking is this: provided at least one of the test products work I'm running test alongside my var. middle case senerio only one is legit and I'm still running test just less and it might not be a bad thing that it's less helping with sides and water retention. Worst case neither is legit and I run a var only cycle which is not ideal but quite frankly I have done it before without any recovery problem at this dose. Let me know your thoughts. Oh an I should mention that all my ancillaries/pct will be coming from the same online source with the exception that I do have one sachet of clomid (it's not in front of me) but I think it's 20 or 25mg tabs and I think it contains 80 tabs. Same maker and source at the var so I assume it's g2g.

    Anecdotal info... I have ordered pct from Aa-r in the past (an old banner/sponcer here) maybe it was good or not and I could order from there for pct again if people think it's a good idea. Problem for me is I have never felt different during recovery/pct regardless of my cycle... never experienced pct sides at all (with the exception of some pharm grade clomid I got when I was in Thailand which gave me the blues a bit) therefore I really have no idea how to tell if my pct has ever been real other than I've checked my blood test levels before and all was within normal range.

    The other option is to go and find the guy that looks like he's pinning a couple gm's a week at the gym and just ask him but that's not my preferred method.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    2,569 is a good rating site for online suppliers.

  3. #3
    not reading that to long lol

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