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Thread: What's wrong with my HCG?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    What's wrong with my HCG?

    *Posted this under PCT, decided bring it to a section with higher traffic after 100 something views and no comments after over a week*

    Past 2 cycles I have ran, towards the end of the cycle both times testicles have shrank. Nothing changes throughout cycle. Always continued HCG 250iu's twice weekly same days I pin, and an AI, from week one up until it's time to start PCT.

    Done some reading on HCG shelf life, which I've been lead to believe that the potency obviously begins to diminish over time (supposedly 30 days/60 days refrigerated.) Last cycle, I actually made a new batch just past halfway through yet still the same damn outcome?

    Bunk HCG? But if that was the case I would think I'd have shrinkage way before I got around 11 weeks give or take.. Or could potency be diminishing quicker than I realize, and by the time I make a new batch I've already fallen too far behind? Any insight is appreciated yall

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Taking HCG is not a guarantee that your balls will not shrink.

    Low dosage HCG keeps the leydig cells in a small activity, sertoli cells are mostly activated by FSH, so if your FSH is low your sperm count will be low.

    Sperm production occupy a large "space" in testis.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Taking HCG is not a guarantee that your balls will not shrink.

    Low dosage HCG keeps the leydig cells in a small activity, sertoli cells are mostly activated by FSH, so if your FSH is low your sperm count will be low.

    Sperm production occupy a large "space" in testis.
    Ahh. This is good to know.. I always read people making the comment about running HCG "to stop your nuts from shrinking up" but never has anyone corrected them lol

    Makes sense though.. I notice them fluctuating in size in between pins, but I'll be damned right about that 11th week if they're not gone. Size, eh I could care less for. But it is annoying af having to push them bastards back down out of my stomach during sex lol

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