Originally Posted by
Tice recommended 600mgs a week, and ill agree that if you really want to harness its anabolic potential try to reach that.
Or 500mg, then it's in equal dose to the test, and since its mast e I'd try to reach that. What I said about 300mg was based on the prop version, with enanthate id say it's an even more gentle compound, but also up the dose a little. 400mg mast e would be about 300mg mast prop, and I'd say 300mg mast prop is a bit low to see its anabolic effects.
When primo is more expensive than mast, I'd chose mast anytime.
But then again, I'm not worried about my hairline.
But apart from being more androgenic (which is also some of the appealing nature of mast), it's pretty similar to primo.
400mg primo pr week isn't going to give any dramatic anabolic effect,
neither will mast. But it will do something ofcourse.
In any case the cycle you propose, should be a very feel good cycle with minimal sides.