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Thread: Tren + Adrol + Clen + INSULIN

  1. #1

    Tren + Adrol + Clen + INSULIN

    Hi guys,

    I've done about 7 or 8 cycles.

    In September I'm going overseas to do ghetto outreach work, and I want to be as big as possible by then. I've run Tren a few times, my last cycle was Tren A 150mg EOD for about 3 months.

    For my next cycle, starting around May or June, I'm considering:

    Tren A 150mg EOD
    Anadrol (kick start)
    Clenbuterol (medium dose)
    Insulin (medium dose)

    What do you reckon about running these 4 together? Also I'll be running Test P as a base at about 100mg/wk.

  2. #2
    Oh by the way I've never run Anadrol before, however I've run many other steroids and not had an adverse reaction (test,deca,tren,dbol,avar).

    This will be my first time with Clenbuterol and also Insulin. (If it means anything, there's no history of diabetes in my family).

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    30 yrs old
    224 lbs

    I started lifting at 21 and I was 173lbs. My heaviest was 243lbs a few months ago but I was plump (15 - 20% bodyfat). I'm a lot leaner now.

    I've signed up for a Christian mission trip in NYC going to Coney Island helping with the kids in ghettoes (spreading the gospel, being a mentor, a role model and a friend). If they accept me, I'll be going over in September for 4 months. I want to be as huge as possible for it so I'll start this cycle in May or June.

    Am I to expect crazy gains from Insulin?

  5. #5
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    Insulin will only give you significant gains if your digestive system was already at its maximum or close.

    If not it will help with post workout catabolism, and will give you a fuller look.

    Do you know what kind of slin you need and how to use it? You know it can kill you, right?

    Dont understand whats clen doing there?!?!?

  6. #6
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    I can't say much about the insulin but from both coaches I worked with told me NEVER to touch it without HGH and t4/t3 or I'll get fat. So maybe keep that in mind

  7. #7
    Yes I know that insulin can kill you if used improperly.

    The Clenbuterol is in there just to keep my BF% as low as possible throughout the cycle.

    I've heard that Trenbolone and Anadrol go really well together so I'm gonna try that.

    Of course I've heard good things about HGH but I'm told it's a very longterm thing..... like you only see results after a year of using it. I'm looking for "quick gains in little time" with this cycle, as I probably won't be working out for the 4 months I spend in NYC.... so basically I just wanna get jacked as fuck from May - August .... go help some ghetto kids Sept - Dec, then come home and start working out regularly again.

    I don't know anyone that's taken T3 or T4.

  8. #8
    Insulin will only give you significant gains if your digestive system was already at its maximum or close.
    Do you mean that I need to be eating as much food as possible? Like absolutely stuffing myself?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    Do you mean that I need to be eating as much food as possible? Like absolutely stuffing myself?
    No. I mean that, as everything, there is a limit to the amount of food you can process. By process I mean, the food you put in your mouth till they enter you cells.

    It is a integrated cascade multiple feedback system. Insulin is at the end of the line, allowing nutrients to enter cells, but it will trigger several other feedbacks down the line.

    If you dont understand what insulin does, and for example, you have no idea of your fasting BGL, or what it is, maybe its better to stay away from it, like I said before, one mistake and you can die.

  10. #10
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    It seems like you are over complicating a cycle just to go away and not train for 4 months. I understand that you want to be jacked but why go to the effort and risk just for this trip. To me the risk with the slin isn't worth it. Just my opinion.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Stay away from slin. It's not something you can do haphazardly.

    All this talk about slin has got me hungry.
    I'll start with long actin as soon as I can retrieve my FlexiPen from Novo Nordisk. Wait, I got some Insulin aspartate in the fridge, time to get some.

    and then let me just continue with what that actually means:
    1) I'll load up 8-10U (think I'll do 8U today, much easier to handle)
    in an insulin syringe, as I only have one flexipen right now, and it's loaded with a UltraTard (long acting) cartridge.

    2) while I have just eaten a good meal,
    I'll still take a protein shake with 80g maltodextrin and 60g protein at the same time as the inject. I'll also add in 5g taurine, 10g creatine, 10g BCAA, 1g carnitine.

    3) I got a glucometer and will measure after one hour when it peaks, (a novice needs to check more often) and I'll sip on juice or something all the time.
    Or even better; I'll sip on a drink of BCAA, lots of glutamine, maltodextrin, taurine up to this and also continue doing so for 5 hours.

    4) around the 1h mark after the inject I'll see if I can cram down more food.

    Often I use oatmeal as a source of carbs, but if they are too slow for fast acting, so in that case I'll do a protein shake with oatmeal 30min before taking slin.

    Actually I'm too tired. Fuck it. I'll start tomorrow when I'm rested.


    You see? This is just some of the stuff to take into account and be familiar with when using insulin. It's not easy. It's a hassle.
    I love insulin and would have used it 365 days a year if it wasn't for the discipline it requires.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    This entire plan is stupid. Why do you want to be jacked for a mission trip? Are you going to beat the Good Word into these kids? (Austin 3:16 isn't actually a bible verse).
    You're just going to lose all your gains if you stop training, especially right after a cycle. If you come off right before your trip, you'll probably be moody and rapidly shrinking, and even your naïve church friends will easily deduce that you're using steroids and it will be awkward.

    Also, clen doesn't build muscle. At all. It is mildly anabolic in horses.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 02-06-2017 at 10:54 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Why do you want to be jacked for a mission trip?
    Ghetto kids are more likely to latch onto me as a mentor or rolemodel if I'm a tank.

    Are you going to beat the Good Word into these kids? (Austin 3:16 isn't actually a bible verse).
    No, I am not going to beat the Good Word into them. There may be sermons and church-going and talk of Jesus being the lamb of God to pay the ransom for all our sins, but no I won't be beating the Good Word into them.

    You're just going to lose all your gains if you stop training, especially right after a cycle.
    I might be able to do light dumbell workouts in my room or whatever, enough to keep the blood flowing as they say.

    If you come off right before your trip, you'll probably be moody and rapidly shrinking, and even your naïve church friends will easily deduce that you're using steroids and it will be awkward.
    Here you might have a point.

    Also, clen doesn't build muscle. At all. It is mildly anabolic in horses.
    Clen's a fat burner. Fat burners are good.

  14. #14
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    I know kids like muscles, but they only need to reach a certain age before they too understand (or suspect) AAS use when someone reaches a certain size.

    And I think it's positive that you want to help these kids,
    (I am worried you do it for the wrong reasons though,
    as some Christians I've talked to believe that without kneeling before Jesus,
    your sins can't be washed away, and you can't enter heaven.
    Which to me means that god has to be a "racist" of sorts,
    not being able to judge somebody by their actions, but only by whether their in his "click" or not, and by human standard that would make him far from good. But I digress.)

    As far as insulin just forget about it now.
    It's a great compound for bulking, but its much to learn, not only to use it safely but to use it effectively.
    Insulin is basically a compound you use to utilize what you're eating more efficiently. That means what you eat is very important.
    The blood sugar lowering effect, and the need for carbohydrates on insulin,
    is just one of its effects and things you need to watch.
    It will also influence how you absorb protein, fats, amino acids, supplements like creatine and carnitine, etc.

    It does have the ability to make you fat as well, but I've never gained any more fat than what I could lose in 3-5 days after. So insulin does not have to make you fat at all. It will slow down fat loss, but I'd say it's even possible to lose fat on insulin.

    You've just used words like medium dose and such, and with insulin you can't really say what a medium dose is.
    It depends on your insulin sensitivity.
    And that sensitivity can change all the time.

    Only way to know what a medium dose is,
    is to start very low and use a glucometer. And then up the dose slowly over days. You can't simply say, my friend uses x amount and he's big and experienced, so I'll use 1/2 x and that's medium.
    That can either lead to such a low dose it does nothing, or, if he's got low insulin sensitivity, such a high dose it's gonna give you trouble.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    I know kids like muscles, but they only need to reach a certain age before they too understand (or suspect) AAS use when someone reaches a certain size.
    I remember before I did juice when I was about 20yrs old asking some people if they were on anything, and they'd reply with a hand motion to their mouth saying "eat lots of chicken", and I suppose I leaned toward them more being a genetic freak than being on juice.

    And I think it's positive that you want to help these kids,
    (I am worried you do it for the wrong reasons though,
    as some Christians I've talked to believe that without kneeling before Jesus,
    your sins can't be washed away, and you can't enter heaven.
    Which to me means that god has to be a "racist" of sorts,
    not being able to judge somebody by their actions, but only by whether their in his "click" or not, and by human standard that would make him far from good. But I digress.)
    I haven't been a Christian for very long but I think there's some experiences in life that a person can't recover from without some sort of faith. My exgirlfriend took her life last year and so in the months following I needed something to keep my head above water, and Christianity did the trick (there's actually a gospel hall near me and they've had a meeting every day for the last 3 weeks so that has helped immensely). And the preacher guy actually gave me what looks like a pretty expensive bible yesterday (I think it's leather-bound, also it appears to be about 20 years old but in mint condition, I dunno maybe he's been saving it).
    I definitely understand what you just wrote though. Some faiths are based on "works", as in you do good and then you get to go to the afterlife. It took me quite a long time to realise the absolute genius in Christianity.... i.e. that our good works are nothing more than filthy rags, and the only way to the afterlife is to believe in Christ. It took me months to realise what this was all about, but the penny dropped for me on the treadmill one morning. I've seen Christians recover from major life events that I don't think any other people can recover from (I lived in a Hare Krishna temple for 27 days and I've done 20 days of silence with Buddhists too). I think a very good example of this is the survivors of the Charleston shooting.

    As far as insulin just forget about it now.
    It's a great compound for bulking, but its much to learn, not only to use it safely but to use it effectively.
    I think I'm gonna focus instead on getting a decent fridge-freezer, cooking pots and knives, and spending my entire Sunday (when I come back from church) putting my meals in tinfoil in the fridge and freezer. Of course the Tren+Adrol+Clen will help too. I'm out of bed at 5:30am and in the gym at 6am on weekdays.

  16. #16
    drop the clen
    no need for it with tren IMHO

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    drop the clen
    no need for it with tren IMHO
    My last course I did Tren A 150mg EOD for about 3 months and I developed a belly. Yes of course the first thing to look at is my diet, but I figure it can't hurt to throw a fat burner in there.

  18. #18
    if you're getting fat on tren then you'll get fat on clen.
    Drugs don't work miracles but heck, it's your health... do what you want

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    if you're getting fat on tren then you'll get fat on clen.
    Drugs don't work miracles but heck, it's your health... do what you want
    Are ya saying Clen's bad for ya?

  20. #20
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    Post a pic Simba. We'd like to see how advanced you are as a bodybuilder/weightlifter.
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  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion
    Are ya saying Clen's bad for ya?
    It's definitely not good for you. And it happens to be pointless when used in this context IMO

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Post a pic Simba. We'd like to see how advanced you are as a bodybuilder/weightlifter.
    Hang on and I try to find a panoramic lens to capture the greatness

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by boisebeast View Post
    It's definitely not good for you. And it happens to be pointless when used in this context IMO
    Will it not just keep my BF% down while I'm on the other stuff?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    Will it not just keep my BF% down while I'm on the other stuff?
    You really shouldn't have to worry about gaining a bunch of fat while on strong androgens unless you're taking in way too many calories. Just dial it back a bit and skip the clen. It isn't the miracle drug you think it is.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You really shouldn't have to worry about gaining a bunch of fat while on strong androgens unless you're taking in way too many calories. Just dial it back a bit and skip the clen. It isn't the miracle drug you think it is.
    When you say taking in too many calories, do you mean across the board (i.e. the sum of all calories of proteins, High GI Carbs, Low GI Carbs, Fats)? Or do you just mean the bad calories like High GI Carbs and saturated fats?

  26. #26
    Not that it's in any way relevant to the discussion..... but today I went out and bought 10kg of rooster potatoes and 5kg of carrots. I've been pealing them all since 9:30am, so nearly 2 hours now. Then I'm chopping up the onions. Then I'm getting a load of tinfoil and making loads and loads and loads of meals to put in the freezer

  27. #27
    Hey guys could someone tell me what you think of this diet? I'm going to get eating it consistently for a month before I go on the gear again.

    5:30am : Huge shake about 1,000 calories containing oats, egg whites, cow's milk, almonds, scoops of whey protein powder (maybe 1 apple and 1 banana too)

    Finish workout at 8am : 1 scoop whey protein powder shake

    Get home at 8:30am : 1 tin of tuna on brown toast

    Noon : Baked beans on brown toast

    3pm : Chicken breast with brown rice (maybe a little sauce with it too)

    6pm : Big plate of mashed vegetables and butter (potato,carrot,turnip,cauliflower,broccoli,onion)

    9pm : Granola + yogurt + raspberries + cow's milk

    Just before bed : Casein protein powder shake

    So I get the diet going consistent for at least a month, and then....

    Test Prop 20mg EOD
    Tren Ace 150mg EOD
    Anadrol tablets 100mg ED
    Clenbuterol 40mcg ED
    Not sure about insulin

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    Hey guys could someone tell me what you think of this diet? I'm going to get eating it consistently for a month before I go on the gear again.

    5:30am : Huge shake about 1,000 calories containing oats, egg whites, cow's milk, almonds, scoops of whey protein powder (maybe 1 apple and 1 banana too)

    Finish workout at 8am : 1 scoop whey protein powder shake

    Get home at 8:30am : 1 tin of tuna on brown toast

    Noon : Baked beans on brown toast

    3pm : Chicken breast with brown rice (maybe a little sauce with it too)

    6pm : Big plate of mashed vegetables and butter (potato,carrot,turnip,cauliflower,broccoli,onion)

    9pm : Granola + yogurt + raspberries + cow's milk

    Just before bed : Casein protein powder shake

    So I get the diet going consistent for at least a month, and then....

    Test Prop 20mg EOD
    Tren Ace 150mg EOD
    Anadrol tablets 100mg ED
    Clenbuterol 40mcg ED
    Not sure about insulin

    What are the maros?
    Depending what you are doing the diet will have to change weekly for cals.

  29. #29
    I have not measured the protein, carbs, fats of this diet yet.

    I wanted to start with something basic and "natural" before I start whipping out a calculator and weighing scales.

    I'm doing this more-so for my own emotional healing (my ex took her life last year) than I am for changing my body. So I might eat this diet for a week, then next week I might feel more comfortable about doing calculations.

    Just at a glance though, do you reckon it looks alright? I could throw in a strip of cooked-from-raw fish with each meal.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    Hang on and I try to find a panoramic lens to capture the greatness

    I'll hold my breath.
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  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'll hold my breath.
    If you do that on juice, does it result in aveolar hypertrophy?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    If you do that on juice, does it result in aveolar hypertrophy?
    I'd like to see a picture as well.

  33. #33
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bb.jpg 
Views:	158 
Size:	21.4 KB 
ID:	167496

  34. #34
    That pic is 5 minutes old

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    <img src=""/>

    That's your current pic, and your talking and considering using tren, adrol, Clen and insulin?

    Are you serious?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    That pic is 5 minutes old
    That's 7-8 cycles? You're kidding right. If that's true you have no idea what you are doing. You could have done better natty. You're at least 18% bf.
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 02-08-2017 at 03:53 PM.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    That's 7-8 cycles? You're kidding right. If that's true you have no idea what you are doing. You could have done better natty. You're at least 18% bf.
    Cape, I think we be getting trolled a lot here lately with these new threads from new members considering insane cycles.

    Yeah 7 or 8?

    If kill myself on purpose if I ran 7 cycles and looked like that.

  38. #38
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimbaEighthPortion View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bb.jpg 
Views:	158 
Size:	21.4 KB 
ID:	167496

    Obviously you've put in days of hard work.
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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Obviously you've put in days of hard work.
    2.5-3 days easy.

  40. #40
    I've lost a lot of size through drug addiction and hospital stays. I've got that stuff out of the way now.

    I'm hoping now I can consistently get bigger and bigger.

    By the way I'm a lot shorter than 6'0" but I multiplied all my weights by 1.5 to give the equivalent weight of someone 6 foot tall.

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