So I'm pulling the trigger on my first cycle test e only 12 weeks, arimidex. 25 eod pct blah blah blah lol pretty much the beginner cycle outlined austinite in the beginner cycle section.
I'm 32,218.6lbs, 5'10 roughly 16% bf, not too worried about the high bf% as i can cut fairly easy, never had issues dropping bf
I wrote all this in my introduction post, so my question is realistically what can i expect. I'm just super anxious as I'm sure everyine was on their first go around and i don't see too many pics of first cycle results floating around.
My goal is to build some lean mass and cut a little bf, not looking or expecting 20lbs lol just somethingto fill out a little more and push to that next level. I'll be eating around 25-2800 cals and will adjust to more if needed. Again ive said all this beforein my intro post but I figure its pertinent info for people to give me an idea of what i can expect on cycle.
I'd really like to retain as little water as possible and cut down a couple % of bf, I'm a realistic guy and i work my ass off in the gym. at my weight i think I've got room to make some good gains i have visible but muddy abs, top 4 and obliques, i hold weight in my lower torso for fucking g forever and hate it even in single digit bf well aroind 9 or 10% i held most of it in my love handles shit sucks, my back has developed really really nice over the past year and a half, i had surgery 2 years ago for my shoulder and found out that basically from the age of 15 til then i wasn't really working my back properly so i got soooo many newbie gains in my back and lats over the past year and a half and i fucking love it haha ... anyway enough of this novel... let me know what you guys think i can expect, reading this shit helps settle my anxiety for this cycle