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Thread: I got a friend 18 that is about to do Tren, what will happen to him?

  1. #1
    gangen is offline Junior Member
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    I got a friend 18 that is about to do Tren, what will happen to him?

    Im 18 and my friend is 18, we also got a friend who is 16 and is taking tren and test. I've told my friend that he can go sterile, but he don't care, he is also taking a winstrol only cycle right now.
    Im really good friend with this guy, but not so much with the 16 year old. I'm just curios on what is going to happen to him. I'm not thinking about doing it myself, if i ever want to take anything it will be sarms . But the question is really what will happen to my friend which is 18. The 16 year old guy doesn't seem to have any problems.
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  2. #2
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    He may not have any problems right now but he may:
    -go sterile
    -lose hair
    -have gyno and lactating issues
    -be depressed and lose all gains when he does come off

    He will:
    -get some temporary gainz
    -permanently damage his hpta
    -require trt from a young age
    -have sexual disfunction problems
    -have emotional turmoil

    Please try and sway them from this path. It's about damage limitation now. If they will listen then hopefully get them on a successful pct and recover whatever test they have left.

    24-25 is the soft cap for starting steroids . And even then it's baby steps, starting with testosterone only. Trenbolone is for advanced gear users.

    Man I hope they recover from this. They could mess themselves up emotionally for life.

    All the best for your friends
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    Im 18 and my friend is 18, we also got a friend who is 16 and is taking tren and test. I've told my friend that he can go sterile, but he don't care, he is also taking a winstrol only cycle right now.
    Im really good friend with this guy, but not so much with the 16 year old. I'm just curios on what is going to happen to him. I'm not thinking about doing it myself, if i ever want to take anything it will be sarms. But the question is really what will happen to my friend which is 18. The 16 year old guy doesn't seem to have any problems.
    Have your buddy join this board. We will educate him but unfortunately it sounds like its too late.

  4. #4
    IFEARSKINNYME is offline New Member
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    He's too young for it and it might mess him up emotionally, physically, and spiritually. At this age your body is already a super steroid with the raging hormones. I swear to you if he just ate right and plentiful and busted his butt in the gym consistently and with maximum effort his body will respond.
    Now with adding these compounds I bet you he will break out with incredible acne because his system is going to overload. Gyno might also happen as well as libido issues when he comes off the compounds plus the possibility of damaging his internal organs is a real happening.

    Believe me you don't need it yet and I wrote this because I care. And you know what I'm aware of the pressures of life at that age but don't put the unwanted pressure and stress on your temple (body).

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  5. #5
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Others alllready said it pretty much.

    I've seen a lot of this.
    Yeah, you don't see the problems for while,
    except maybe the psychological, but they might seem just as much positive as negative for the observer. (And one is pretty good at fooling oneself also, as one will usually experience both highs and lows, and it's always easier to remember the highs, except when one does feel low that is)

    Apart from the problems allready listed I'll add that using AAS that young often leads to some pretty reckless behavior.
    It can in some ways be like a sneaky cocaine rush that lasts for weeks and months, except when it doesn't and one feels like shit.

    Oh, and the 16 year old, he won't get much taller.
    Unless he's the one running winstrol only, as aromatizing compounds will increase estrogen, which will close the bone plates.
    Some initial spurt in height growth may happen due to increased production of IGF-1 and the androgenic action, but then growth (in height) will grind to a halt, and this is permanent.

    Other than that, as long as they quit, things might go OK, the human body is one tough motherfucker. But it's also vulnerable.
    Like, I'd say they don't have to worry about organ failure (unless being really reckless beyond stupid), but they do have to worry about their HPTA.

    It's gonna be a ride, (and the longer the more unpleasantness is gonna pop up), that I can promise though.

  6. #6
    Hydrolex is offline Junior Member
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    I was 19 when I started using roids... Biggest mistake of my life. At the time, I Was thinking about smashing pussy, feeling good, looking swole. now 10 years later, I FUCKING REGRET touching roids, but you know what, I didn't listen to anyone, I'd read off of these forums and say fuckk off I'm doing the cycle anyway. So my advice to you is yes go ahead and do the TREN only experience teaches you, not what we tell you

  7. #7
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    The brothers always with reassuring words and sound advice for there fellow brothers in a world gone mad. Show us humanity still exist in this world where we come together. I'm glad I found this place.

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  8. #8
    evanescent is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    The brothers always with reassuring words and sound advice for there fellow brothers in a world gone mad. Show us humanity still exist in this world where we come together. I'm glad I found this place.
    Seconded. Smart, experienced bucks willing to help you out. Really great forum with a great member base, shame about the fucking dumbass stuff that appears... truly stupid stuff, beyond basic logical comprehension. Literally cutting off your nuts to spite your face .... but that reference will be lost on many.

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    You know they say we get wisdom with age but some of us still have to find out on our own. Live and learn.

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  10. #10
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Id like to know who gave tren to a teenager. Good luck man if i were you id show this thread to your boys.

  11. #11
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    Im 18 and my friend is 18, we also got a friend who is 16 and is taking tren and test. I've told my friend that he can go sterile, but he don't care, he is also taking a winstrol only cycle right now.
    Im really good friend with this guy, but not so much with the 16 year old. I'm just curios on what is going to happen to him. I'm not thinking about doing it myself, if i ever want to take anything it will be sarms. But the question is really what will happen to my friend which is 18. The 16 year old guy doesn't seem to have any problems.
    Impossible to say. He may ruin his hpta for life, thats for sure. But i dont see why using tren at 18 gives a greater risk for stroke/heartattcack in the 50s.
    But the odds are against him. Im pretty sure he has a picture of tren and the risk but he doesnt care. Well, what will be the next. Driving in 200 km/t while texting on the cellphone?

  12. #12
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    At the age of 18 the brain is still maturing, tren will reap through it like a meat grinder.

  13. #13
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    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    Im 18 and my friend is 18, we also got a friend who is 16 and is taking tren and test. I've told my friend that he can go sterile, but he don't care, he is also taking a winstrol only cycle right now.
    Im really good friend with this guy, but not so much with the 16 year old. I'm just curios on what is going to happen to him. I'm not thinking about doing it myself, if i ever want to take anything it will be sarms. But the question is really what will happen to my friend which is 18. The 16 year old guy doesn't seem to have any problems.
    When young people take steroids its a whole different ball game. Your not supposed to touch the stuff until 25 supposedly. Horror story after horror story. He will never be the same after his tren cycle or for that matter even a test cycle. Ive seen a thread where a 21 year old had like 874 test pre cycle (very high for natural). Ended up settling back in at only 500.

    And trust me he will feel the difference in his day to day life off cycle. More tired.. gain fat easier.. lose muscle easier. Total nightmare. These issues arent really there with full grown adults 25+ but they sure are for late teens early 20s.

  15. #15
    Johndave is offline New Member
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    It is good if doesn't hamper your both of friends. Good luck!

  16. #16
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johndave View Post
    It is good if doesn't hamper your both of friends. Good luck!
    Good in the moment

    Regretful afterwards
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  17. #17
    gangen is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the replies, i can't stop him from taking this I've already tried, but i think i can make him take something differnt. Something that isn't so bad. He want to get tren shredded like our 16 year old friend, so i introduced sarms to him and this would be much better than taking tren atleast. What i told him is that something called YK-11 is almost the same as tren.
    I really don't want him to take tren, he already got depression and another really good friend told me that he talked to him about doing a drug overdose.

  18. #18
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    Don't believe the hype.
    SARMS are just as bad for you.

  19. #19
    Quester's Avatar
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    Sarms are shutdown without the growth.

    Tren is a nightmare, really bad for the psyche. Fuck your mental status up even worse than the hpta.

    He shouldn't do any aas! But, if the idea is to curb him toward something less harsh... There are many options (I can't bring myself to lead you to them but I find it ethical to steer you away from the worst choices).

  20. #20
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    I'm 32 and about to start my first cycle, I waited because when i was younger i was making the gains i wanted, whether it was from playing football in HS or being in the military and having a bunch of bodies who lifted with me to keep me motivated.

    Only recently have i noticed small changes with my body as a result of getting older, stamina is down a little, lethargy and all the typical shit that starts happening when you get older, for this reason I've decided to start a cycle

    As for your friend and you and any of the younger guys reading this, its not worth fucking yourself up when you can make natural gains at that age, like substantial gains!! You're young, your metabolism and hormones should be sky high right now, eat like crazy and lift like a fucking animal do a cut and repeat, trust me when i say if you shut your shit down now or fuck your hormones up its going to be sooooo much harder as you get older, you may get to the point where you're reliant on this shit because you fucked yourself so early in life.

    I mean to each their own and chances are your friend is gonna do what he wants to do because thats what 18 year olds do lol but seriously show him these posts and tell him there's no fucking rush, do it naturally and it'll be all that much better later when its time for a cycle

  21. #21
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    I guess I'm saying all that to say, tell your friend that if he can't do it naturally first then he hasn't earned the right to do it this way. At 18 years old there's no reason why he can't put on a shit ton of lbm naturally with diet and hard work alone, and if he can't then its definitely not right for him to take any drugs. This shit isn't a miracle that you just shoot in your ass and boom you're massive lol it takes more work and discipline to see the maximum gains and if he can't get there naturally its not going to be worth it to take anything.

    Just my two cents, there's ni need in getting scientific about it because its already been broken down by people much smarter than me

  22. #22
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Ever hear of Taylor Hooten, Kris McKenzie, or Efrain Marrero?

    I didn't think,so, because the mental side effects of steroid use at ages 16 17 and 18 caused every single one to commit suicide.

    The problem is with you high school kids is, steroids are cheap, the ancillary drugs to keep your mind and body safe while on cycle and post cycle are COMPLETELY OVERLOOKED AND DISREGARDED! Let a 16 year old who's temper is already swinging with developing hormones, take tren , and then stop cycle. Its a recipe for severe mental psychosis.

    Back to the cost.steroids are cheap and everywhere.

    The ANASTROZOLE. CABERGOLINE,EXEMESTANE, CLOMID, AND NOLVA are 5 fold as expensive and do nothing for "muscle". So there fore they ate not thought about in the kids mind

    "Sheeit, why am I gonna spend 400$ on pills that don't even get me big, if rather buy more D-Bol tabs"

    When in reality, the ancillary drugs are more important than the steroids in the grand scheme of things.

    You,your friend, and the minor (who you will be contributing to the delinquency of, if ever caught, or worse, a suicide is investigated) are in for a lot of quick misery in a few weeks, and a lifetime of non functioning penis.

    I'm blunt Nd to the point. Sorry
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  23. #23
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Ever hear of Taylor Hooten, Kris McKenzie, or Efrain Marrero?

    I didn't think,so, because the mental side effects of steroid use at ages 16 17 and 18 caused every single one to commit suicide.

    The problem is with you high school kids is, steroids are cheap, the ancillary drugs to keep your mind and body safe while on cycle and post cycle are COMPLETELY OVERLOOKED AND DISREGARDED! Let a 16 year old who's temper is already swinging with developing hormones, take tren , and then stop cycle. Its a recipe for severe mental psychosis.

    Back to the cost.steroids are cheap and everywhere.

    The ANASTROZOLE. CABERGOLINE,EXEMESTANE, CLOMID, AND NOLVA are 5 fold as expensive and do nothing for "muscle". So there fore they ate not thought about in the kids mind

    "Sheeit, why am I gonna spend 400$ on pills that don't even get me big, if rather buy more D-Bol tabs"

    When in reality, the ancillary drugs are more important than the steroids in the grand scheme of things.

    You,your friend, and the minor (who you will be contributing to the delinquency of, if ever caught, or worse, a suicide is investigated) are in for a lot of quick misery in a few weeks, and a lifetime of non functioning penis.

    I'm blunt Nd to the point. Sorry

    pretty much the only thing i would need to see at that age to make me wait .... but i mean thats just me lol

  24. #24
    Johndave is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Good in the moment

    Regretful afterwards
    Do you think it will hamper later?

  25. #25
    gangen is offline Junior Member
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    Then what do you recommend me to do? He will take something, and right now it's tren , im not even sure if he is going to use a PCT, he doesn't have too much money on his hands and want to get big and shredded. Like i said before the only thing he seemed to like was when i told him about SARMS , wouldn't it be better to make him take SARMS instead of tren if that was the only option??

  26. #26
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    Then what do you recommend me to do? He will take something, and right now it's tren, im not even sure if he is going to use a PCT, he doesn't have too much money on his hands and want to get big and shredded. Like i said before the only thing he seemed to like was when i told him about SARMS, wouldn't it be better to make him take SARMS instead of tren if that was the only option??
    Your not understanding

    The shut down is the problem

  27. #27
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    If he's gonna use no matter what then use test for fucks sake.
    That's you "natural" hormone, even if it's gonna be 100x higher than normal.

    But it's gonna be bad.
    You said he's allready considered to do an OD?
    How about bringing in some professional help?
    There's ratting on someone and there's informing (something you can say straight to his face u did afterwards)
    And I'm thinking you should simply tell him he needs help,
    you know about the OD thing, and now you're gonna see to it he gets help,
    And it's up to him if he wants to cooperate or not.
    (you should time this to when his at his most depressed,
    not when he's at the top of world, but you might bring it up and give some warning to let it stir for a while.)

  28. #28
    LeeSin1 is offline Junior Member
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    it could go bad, it could go "fine..." that's still way too young, it's like he hasn't given his body a chance to do its own work yet.

  29. #29
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    I used hormones way too young, as did a lot of my friends.
    It did always go bad, but to varying degrees.

    Let's just say I'm probably not gonna sire any offspring.
    (Not that I ever wanted to, but I've looked into it,
    and there's a reasonable chance I could if I dig up 11.000EUR for a six month treatment, or 12.000USD)

  30. #30
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    Iike i always not one to give advice. But we all need to learn from our mistakes. Good advice goes in one ear and out the other. Rarely do we entertain the thoughts of what the downsides may be. Then when we turn say 40-45 we get wisdom we see every wrong turn we made plain as day. When we should of went right we went left. Its like an awakening. All you have is your story to tell then in hopes of helping somebody else. You earned your gotta live with them now.

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  31. #31
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    YK-11.... please no. That stuff is toxic and untested..

  32. #32
    Red Bastard's Avatar
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    He's gonna be an emotional loose cannon. Handle with care...

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