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Thread: Dianabol addition to test cyp cycle questions and more

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Dianabol addition to test cyp cycle questions and more

    Hello everyone.

    I'm on my 5th week now on test cyp (1st cycle)500mg/week.
    I also use aromasin 12.5mg eod
    Hcg 500iu once a week.
    My workout is 6times per week on a hypertrophy plan (6weeker) with de-load of 1 week and switch to texas method(should I deload on cycle or just keep pumping?)and my diet is ~3-4k cals(I don't have specific meals as I am really busy and I am trying to eat everything that I can with lots of dried fruits fruits and chicken)
    I gained about 7kg in these 5 weeks(went up from 75kg to 82kg) with my muscles being really hard so I guess not much water retention to count...

    So I decided to run a lil bit of dianabol as I had it in hand and I am running it at 20mg ed before workout or at the morning and later the same day.think I will keep that for 3-4weeks maybe.
    What I was wondering and wanted to ask is how will it affect my pct later on.what are your experiences? So far my body reacts REALLY pip no anger no flushes no acne no hairloss.just pure strenght and mass gain!I have nolva and clomid over the countrr quality on hand also and have no issues getting it..

    My supps are:
    Maltodextrine used pre and post workout at 100gr each serv
    Whey protein 1 scoop with bcaa and 2 scoops later
    Bcaa with taurine and glutamine
    Leucine powder
    Omega 3
    Milk thistle(but I think I will get liv52)

    So..what is your opinions so far? Should I change improve.something? Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Stats Ht Wt age # of cycles yrs training!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    1.82m ,
    75kg before cycle
    82kg now(5weeks in)
    1st cycle ever
    Been training since 13yo but did more solid workouts since my I am 25

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    you are probably gaining water and strength will come and go with dbol.

    you should get any sides with dbol early one. You are taking a low dose which is better. I wish you would of finished your first cycle with the test only.

    your natty test is shut down from your cycle. adding/deleting dbol will not shut you down more, if thats what you were asking above.

    most beginners love dbol or drol. you get good strength and immediate wight increases (thinking its muscle)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I wouldn't recommend it. For what you decribe you don't need it anyway. Dbol is only barely worth it to kickstart a cycle or when you're running long hardcore cycles and need to keep switching compounds. Chances of secondary effects vs retainable gains are always high with dbol.
    On the other hand. Wtf? 7kg of lean mass in 5 weeks? Unbelievable.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Aromasin should be taken every day.

    Dbol converts to estrogen at a high rate.

    Imo you should increase your aromasin dose to 12.5mg twice a day and take it with dietary fats to aid in absorption.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Thank you for the info . I am sticking aromasin in some peanut butter and down it goes! Last week on my current 6/d per week program and I'll switch for texas method *-* . As for gains I don't really think it's 7kg of just muscle but still It's lean so I guess it's a good start...roght now I am kinda stuck so I'll increase my cals.if you have any others tips I should follow please inform me.reading all the stickies but always on the lookout for what a vet would say.I will keep 1 more week of dbol cause I started it so I can at least see how it goes just out of curiosity of this compound (if really 2 weeks show anything) and I will for hcg. As said I am taking 500iu/w. Should I increase now for every 5 days or blast it the last week and right before pct(counting its half life)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well on your 1st cycle you should grow like a weed if your diet is good.There was no need for Dbol beacuse you are only going too grow so much on each cycle.But then a lot of guys don't listen.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Dropped it actually.I know myself and I am getting kinda hotheaded so especially with this stuff better listen to the vets..also felt really tired after popping for 2 3 days..I still am and noticed some testies shrinkage and pain even on hcg which really made me think

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