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Okay so spring break is coming up, and I need to look shredded at the beach. I just turned 16 and thought I'd treat myself to some steroids. I'm currently sitting at 170 LBs/5 feet 8.5 inches, look fine with a shirt on but I look like a fat f*** whenever I go swimming. I gained a lot of weight because I thought I could eat anything. I'm trying to drop 10-15 pounds and gain 10-15 pounds of muscle. I broke my ankle at a concert running from this undercover cop a couple months ago and it never healed properly, making it extremely painful to run on. I have lacrosse practice every day but it's nowhere near the structure that I need to lose weight. I am completely new to this whole steroid game and I need to get started as soon as possible. I can get basically whatever I want off the dark web. I have 50 days. I don't know what steroids are good/bad. I've heard DNP is incredible but it's life threatening. Also very sorry if this has already been asked. Thanks in advance!
- MW -
EDIT: willing to pay someone (if allowed by forum) to work with me to set up a safe but effective way to do this. Thanks again.