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Hello guys, I am currently planning my second cycle. I need a bit of advice on how to do it properly, not whether to do it at all. The big question is in the bottom part, after my information about body type + gear. I am currently at 71kg ~10% BF 1,74m I have somehow reached a plateau and do not improve in stength or weight. In the following 60 days i have nothing to do so i plan to train every day (maybe 1 off every 3) and gain a lot of muscle. I have ordered the following items: 3*10 Ampules Tren Acetate 100mg 3*10 Ampules Test Prop 100mg 100* Clens a 40mg 50* 10mg Isotretinoin (just in case i get bad acne) Anas, Letros and enough Clomid for PCT. My initial plan was to inject 100mg Test + 100mg Tren EOD. This would make my bulking cycle 60 Days long with 350mg Test + Tren per week. I have just thought about switching 10 ampules of Test Prop out for 10*250mg Test E I’d then go down to 233mg/Week Test P and keep Tren the same. I am a bit afraid of getting strong acne, because i am an acne person and on my last Cycle (Dbol start, Test E, Epiquoise i got bad acne) so lower test might be smart. Also after this cycle i am planning to get very lean, so i can finally see my abs without having to contract them. I do not really know how much BF % i actually have, beacause my caliper says 7 what i do not believe at all, because my abs are only really visible when i contract them, barly when they are not under tension, so i guess i have about 10. I am always at this BF, it’s nearly impossible for me to gain fat, but i also hard to get lower. I could then use the Test E at 250mg/week (?) together with the Clen to cut without loosing muscle. I have the following big questions, ordered by priority: Is it a good idea to switch out the T and use TestE for cutting? If yes, can i begin cutting with 250mg TestE/week + clen right after my bulking cycle? I have heraded cutting right after bulking is bad because A) harsh B) gains are lost. But Test E only at this dose should not be harsh and the test should sustain the gains, or am i wrong? This would have the advantage that i only need 1 PCT after that cycle and i would also be lean in the summer. If this is a bad idea, a short explaination or link why would be nice. Also, what would be the other option? Wait for how long after i finished PCT and then cut only with Clen, no Test? How many calories would you suggest me to eat while on bulk and while cutting? Huge thanks in advance! Fast responses would be great because i could switch the Test then (if not yet shipped)