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Thread: Testesterone and going sterile

  1. #1
    Scottishjuicer18 is offline Junior Member
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    Testesterone and going sterile

    Hi guys

    I was wondering if having low testesterone naturally (prior to AAS use) could reduce my sperm count? Or make me sterile?

    When I am on cycle, will I go sterile and have no normal sperm?

    Nervous about asking this questions, so please don't rip on me!

    Thanks bros

  2. #2
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yes low testosterone usually goes hand in hand with low sperm count. When on testosterone you will greatly lower your sperm count and could very well make you sterile. However there are many people on this board alone who have conceived children while on cycle.

  3. #3
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Yup i got a bird pregnant years ago while on test with out hcg .

  4. #4
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Low T, low sperm.

    Exogenous T = low to zero sperm. So yeah, you could go sterile.
    (I am for sure, or I'd have lots of children by now)

    One way to try to keep sperm production intact while on cycle is to use HMG (not just hcg , although hcg have in some studies preserved sperm production for one year, I wouldn't count on it)
    HMG contains both LH and FSH which will signal the testicles not only to make testosterone (like hcg does), but to mature sperm.

    Another theoretical way of keeping sperm production is to make sure you have it intact when you start the cycle, and the use a megadose of testosterone.
    While this might be better for sperm production (in theory),it's not a viable option IMO. The reasoning behind it is that testosterone alone seems to be able to keep up sperm production, but testicles normally have a 100x higher concentration than the rest of the body. So even using 500mg T a week will actually "starve" your testicles of T. But that's a bit off topic, as it's not really an option IMO.

    Best thing to do, if possible, is to freeze down sperm (or be done with children) before one begins to cycle. That's fool proof.

    Second way is to utilize hcg and be able to recover after cycle.
    HMG is more expensive than hcg, but using that instead of hcg will almost guarantee sperm production.
    NACH3 likes this.

  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, every steroid will lower your sperm count. 19nors will lower it further than just testosterone , but there will always be some swimmers...

    Still, my FSH came out at 2.6 while on nebido, so don't count on being completely sterile...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    As it's been said, Low Test = Low Sperm Count. But it only takes one little energetic swimmer to make a baby.

  7. #7
    MToption2's Avatar
    MToption2 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Low T, low sperm.

    Exogenous T = low to zero sperm. So yeah, you could go sterile.
    (I am for sure, or I'd have lots of children by now)

    One way to try to keep sperm production intact while on cycle is to use HMG (not just hcg , although hcg have in some studies preserved sperm production for one year, I wouldn't count on it)
    HMG contains both LH and FSH which will signal the testicles not only to make testosterone (like hcg does), but to mature sperm.

    Another theoretical way of keeping sperm production is to make sure you have it intact when you start the cycle, and the use a megadose of testosterone.
    While this might be better for sperm production (in theory),it's not a viable option IMO. The reasoning behind it is that testosterone alone seems to be able to keep up sperm production, but testicles normally have a 100x higher concentration than the rest of the body. So even using 500mg T a week will actually "starve" your testicles of T. But that's a bit off topic, as it's not really an option IMO.

    Best thing to do, if possible, is to freeze down sperm (or be done with children) before one begins to cycle. That's fool proof.

    Second way is to utilize hcg and be able to recover after cycle.
    HMG is more expensive than hcg, but using that instead of hcg will almost guarantee sperm production.
    Do you think hMG coupled with hCG can prevent any shutdown from AAS use while on cycle?

  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    It lowered my sperm count and deformed them. Some had two heads some had two tails. They weren't very active either. It took about 9 months to get back to normal and make a baby.

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