Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 06-09-2017 at 03:26 PM.
Clomid kills me too t_t
I actually felt really good when i started PCT. I had a rough wk 11 and 12 where I was feeling like shit. Once I started PCT everything switched for the better. I'm starting to come down a bit now on week 3 of PCT but anything is better than those last few weeks of the cycle
I felt great during pct and washout leadung up to pct.
As it turns out though, I had a bunk bunch of ugl Arimidex, and a batch of legit pharma arimidex. I would alternate my EOD .25 mg with ugl one dose, and pharma next, so every other dose was legit.
So I had not a good handle on e2 control whole cycle, maybe why I felt better during pct.
I will never ever ever trust ugl AI's or pct drugs ever. Lucky I had pharma Nolva and Clomid.
I don't care how fire the ugl's orals and oils are. Pharma ancililaries no question.
Just my two cents
My body just feels weird, idk how to explain it. Weird muscle spasms in my back and chest that make me think im having a heartattack sometimes. Lethargic as fuck, hungry as fuck, its just weird, If im being honest next cycle im blasting and cruising, then seeing the doc for trt, i see no point in cycling like this 2 times a year because i cant even be excited about finishing my cycle lol i just want to be back on cycle honestly
Also my face is breaking out a little which never happens, as a teen never, on cycle never now on pct wtf?!?! Lol i guess my hormones are just all fucked right now, i can handle everything but the lethargy is what bothers me. Ive been to the gym once in 2 weeks and i tried to go balls to the wall and just jump back in it but for whatever reason i had no endurance, the strength was there but i would be cardio fatigued if that makes any sense . Anyway im going to hit the gym in a few mins and really push myself to keep it consistent until shit levels out
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