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Thread: DANABOL cycle help

  1. #1

    DANABOL cycle help

    hi guying just about to start my first cycle of dbol am 168lbs 14%body fat

    week 1-6 40mgs dbol
    week 3 20mgs nolvadex
    week 5-7 10mgs nolvadex
    week 8 50mgs clomid

    i will also take Milk Thistle and Alpha Lipoic acid supplements along with this to help

    is this a good cycle layout any advice will be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Eye of Terror
    No, orals only cycle suck. You will get shutdown for nothing.
    Testosterone is needed as a base.

    But first:
    How long have you been training?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You got some good advice be smart and follow it.

  5. #5
    6 foot 1

    training for 3 years

    i dont mind taking test but what ester i was thinking of doing test E 250mgs a week for 10 weeks

  6. #6
    thanks i'll look into it looks like great info

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The whole point is you are too young and you will mess up your body.Plus even if you were of age you are too small weight wise.You need too build a foundation that you can build on.

  8. #8
    thats what hcg's for

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister View Post
    6 foot 1

    training for 3 years

    i dont mind taking test but what ester i was thinking of doing test E 250mgs a week for 10 weeks
    Dang bro your 6'1" 165lbs...
    I'm 6' 210 (cut 6lbs of fat in the past week from keto)
    Either way what I'm getting at that height you should naturallly be around 185 without much effort. Just saying that beyond your age being to young and risking messing up your bodys natural testosterone production up at a young age and fucking your erections and ability to gain muscle and lose fat...ok..let's say that you decide to make that unwise decision and use steroids. I'm guessing from your stats that it don't matter. ..your going to risk your health for gains that will be lost as soon as you stop your cycle. I assume this becuase your 6'1" and 150 lbs so naturally your body isn't meant to retain that type of mass you want.
    And being so young just like i was..actually have no clue what real training and intensity is simply because of lack of wisdom/lack of experience alone. So if your diet is not sufficient and you lack intensity. All the steroids in the world will not help .
    Eat a lot and properly diet accordingly ,sleep, hydrate, supplement proper , and gain experience in the field to learn how to properly train and at your age the last thing you need are steroids..

    Then again I speak for myself. Not everyone is as gifted with Hercules genetics like myself.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister View Post
    thats what hcg's for

    HCG is to preserve the function of your balls while on cycle..

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister View Post
    thats what hcg's for
    See this is why I get sarcastic.

    Make em think about something, they might say

    "wtf, I don't know what to do, complete polar opposite advice. One says dont, the gym buddy says thus, and this asshole says take everything plus the kitchen sink."

    Yes OP,the hcg makes 50 years of science and user experience null and void.

    Hcg ain't no guarantee for MEN with fully developed endocrine systems that have known normal for years, and have a benchmark to try and return to normal.

    You on the other case, your endocrine system has nothing to gauge as normal, and no reference point were it was functioning for a long time at.

    What if your endocrine system, decides at mid cycle that "ok this is normal, exogenous testosterone, cool, we don't got to bust ass making it now. Hey guys down below, we're all good, sorry for calling you in on your day off"

    Hopefully this does make sense.

    I'm using colorful layman analogies to drive point home.

    We need to exactly spell it out for young guys. We love you, your our future. We are not hating, we are helping.

  12. #12
    good advice but i honesty i care little for my health i know that might sound pretty fucked and know it's not the best decision to hop on roids and i know it may sound stupid but i am going to! i just want to know how to do it correctly

  13. #13
    but if im on cycle and take hcg with it my nuts wont shut down will they ??

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister View Post
    good advice but i honesty i care little for my health i know that might sound pretty fucked and know it's not the best decision to hop on roids and i know it may sound stupid but i am going to! i just want to know how to do it correctly
    Lmao. So,you don't care about health ..but you want to do roids...becuase why? Doesn't roids go in the super health category in general I.e getting a better body. But dude. What r u not understanding. The roids won't do shit for your arrogant nieve ass other then make a high change of shutting your body and dick down for good lol. Then what will u have to show for it..a limp dick and no muscle and can't keep the fat off at that age will suck not to mention the side effects years down the road I hear .

    Hey man it's your life , your body do as you will. I never took roids in my life but I'm thinking about it cuz I met a connect in class and got me thinking but I'm 32 ..and still haven't done it yet .

    So you don't care about your health but you want roids to get a better looking body lol..I'm so confused about that one dude.
    So you don't care about the price it will take...? U think it will be fast gains to a perfect body...wrong. It's a lifestyle and your body can't support roids and you will prob lose everything once you stop lol
    Last edited by Marsoc; 02-19-2017 at 07:05 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister View Post
    but if im on cycle and take hcg with it my nuts wont shut down will they ??
    Nothing in life is guarenteed dude. That's what couchlocked said. Especially at your age it's higher chance of fucking up permanetly since your not fully developed

  16. #16
    hey if my dick goes limp a couple grams of Viagra will sort that right out

  17. #17
    am just going off what louiee simmons said on joe rogans pod cast HCG will fix everything

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister View Post
    am just going off what louiee simmons said on joe rogans pod cast HCG will fix everything
    Your balls still shut down on hcg, it just keeps them visible and possibly ready for pct.

    Like hcg makes your balls the equivalent of army reserves, they look the part, but probably won't ever see action.

    Its easier for balls that are full and plump to start receiving pulses from serms during pct, as opposed to just trying to restart them from scratch.

    Think of hcg like this.

    You are restoring a classic car, you do the body work and primer yourself, then take it to a top notch painter to finish.

    Of course the paint man could do the body work and primer, but its cheaper and quicker turn around by sending it there primer.

    Sending your nuts into pct primed is the action of hcg.

    Once you stop test and roids and hcg, you will not produce any male hormones until pct starts and is finished. If hcg kept your balls functioning there would be no need for pct, you're boys would pick up were hcg left off.

    This is not the case.

    Joe Rogan......smh....he's a pot head comedian.

    These vets here that are advising you are in some cases doctors, and in most cases, have been juicing for more years than you've been alive.

  19. #19
    so HCG on cycle then pct noladex with a serm for best results

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister View Post
    so HCG on cycle then pct noladex with a serm for best results
    No it's best to have all them items for preventive measures ..and not just Nolvadex u need clomid as well for pct. and an AI and HCG for on cycle.. (and I'm not condoning it in any way by telling you but it's not like you can't find this out by looking on here).
    and no for best rep,te you need proper diet and know how to train wht I wrote above ..still stands its reality..there isn't no steroid tht will act like magic. It just helps what you already have if you know how to use it.

    Ps: couchlocked..I like your parables lol

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Did you read the link I posted?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by tren mister
    hey if my dick goes limp a couple grams of Viagra will sort that right out
    The bigger issue is lack of sex drive and that can't be fixed by popping a pill

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Plus why would you want to use viagra instead of naturally being ready to go. It's a Different story if you can't help it with age etc but your asking for it. Lol. Immaturity and arrogance at it best. No offense

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Eye of Terror
    Went full retard mode in matter of minutes..

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Rule # 1 - You never go full retard! lol
    Rule #2 - learn the basics of dieting and training before you take what you believe is "magic juice"

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I missed this place and these wildly entertaining threads. Couple grams of viagara, makes me think that might be a fatal dose brings a new meaning to dying to have sex.

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