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Thread: Timing a Cycle Correctly

  1. #1

    Timing a Cycle Correctly

    Hey everybody, This is my first post, I'm pretty sure I'm in the right section? I would like some advice on how to go about timing a cycle. Im currently on week 8 of a Test E only cycle. 350mg/wk. So far put on 21
    lbs and haven't gained much fat if any at all. Im competing beginning of July, and am trying to figure out how to time my cycle pre show. My current cycle will end march 22nd and from there i was planning on taking 6 weeks off. My dilemma is what i should do in those 6 weeks. I know its not ideal to take just 6 weeks off but due to the date of the show and when i was able to start, its what i have to work with. should i just start tapering my dose down until i get to a trt dose of 200mg, or go clean off for those 6 weeks before starting again? Mind you after my show i will get off and do a full proper pct. The cycle leading into the show will only be able to last 8 weeks. sorry for the long winded post, any input is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The longer you are on the harder it is to recover. The longer you are on at your age the more the likelihood that your HTPA will be permanently damaged.

    Come off, run your PCT and think about cycling again in a few years.

    What is your ai, Hcg and Pct protocol?

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