keeping it simplle to avoid the spam filter, its killing me.
5 ft 11
180 pounds
RM at roughly 1,750kcal
18% BF
(i know i know dont comment until youve read it all)
Im 21 years old, Im a boxer, not looking to get huge as fuck, just looking for lean muscle, strength is important but so is stamina. this will be my 3rd cycle. My first being a very young impressionable 16 year old running with the infamously nefarious adults in my city, and wanting to be apart of the team, i accepted a free bottle of t400, a bag of nolva, and a bag of hcg from my boss. at 600mg/wk This obviously took a toll on me mentally, but i blew up, fucked all the highschool bitches, and snapped necks in my boxing gym. This is where my interest in steroids started. go ahead Give me shit, i was literally a guinea pig.
Anyways, just before i turned 20 i decided to give it another shot. I ran
300mg EQ - 14 weeks
400mg test - 12 weeks
100mg eod mast p - week 2-14
This was a sick cycle, except i was getting into partying, and constantly on "business" trips so i rarely got any time at the gym, and although i would still workout a few days a week, i had no strict routine as far as diet or excersize goes. I still looked GREAT i dropped alot of body fat, and gained a solid 20 pounds and kept most of what i earned after i came off. I even came off with no PCT because i was in jail for around 6 weeks. Anyways, i was superficial and lost my focus on why i started the cycle. Having a useless cokehead girlfriend is a huge setback mentally too (hopeless romantic).
Anyways im 21 now, and i really liked that cycle for me personally. Id like to give it another shot except im bumping the EQ up to 400mg and im not starting the masteron until about week 8. By then im planning to be as close to 10% bf as possible. Theres a reason why im so unhealthy now.
I got diagnosed with colon cancer when i was 20, and there was no fuckin way i was going through chemo so i got my stomach cut open and they cut that bugger out of me. That isnt the reason why I fell back so much though. When they did a followup a few weeks later, they realized the doctor actually fucked up and literally cut the WRONG piece out of me. No joke. It doesnt end there. When i did the second operation, i got an infection in the wound that almost killed me. everything combined, i had a good 6 week period of being bed ridden or being at home eating, and even after it took months to get my athletic mentality back
So yeah the cancer, infection, combined with poor nutrition and not being able to train really took it out of my test levels. I never weighed myself but id say i was at least 20 pounds heavier in fat. Now after half a year of stable work, living with a good girl whos in school, im ready to do this responsibly. 100% cancer free by the way
Congrats on being cancer free
wk 1-16: 400mg EQ / once a week
wk 1-14: 400mg test E / split into 2 shots a week
wk 8-16: 300mg masteron (note: this is only once i get my bf down)
Im not suggesting you run a cycle at your age... but you have the test and EQ wks backwards... EQ clears in 21days and is a testosterone derivative... read this
So my questions are:
-What would a good PCT look like for a cycle like this?
-What are your thoughts on this cycle?
Test only first time as you won't know what compound is causing the side effects
-Can anyone give me some guidance regarding how i should go about losing 10-12 pounds of body fat by week 8? What is a good balance between burning fat through cardio, and running a deficit? Is it too much to ask for a simple meal plan, or maybe its the wrong section for that?
Hit the diet section up - carb cycling is a great way to prime the body for growth and cut body fat/& glycogen stores
- Also, im 7 days into my cycle, and i just got bloods done today, will they already be elevated, or will it accurately represent where i was at naturally? Keep in mind EQ and Test E are both hella long esters.
Watch HCT on EQ it's known to drive it up as well as your hunger!
-I LOVED masteron because it kept down the bloating, and i had mild gyno from my first cycle, but with mast it was literally zero. I have a bottle of masteron prop, is it worth running to combat gyno and water retention, while boosting the test E? If not, what is a good AI i can run during, that isnt going to diminish the effects of my cycle? When i ran my PCT before it really made me depressed and lazy after i took my pills, so id much rather run masteron if you guys think its worth running at 18% BF. I hear its super synergistic with test and can improve aggression/energy
-Also, has anyone actually noticed REAL help in the endurance/cardio department from EQ, and if so will 400mg do that? What will 400mg do for me?