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Thread: Is there any chance for steroids to increase height or clavicle width at 22?

  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by aestheticsfirst View Post
    I know I started off this post talking about girls but honestly it's not really about that.

    The main problem with being short or small is that men don't respect you. But I can't control that and I am just going to focus on winning my power-lifting competition and studying as hard as I can in college right now. That's all there is to it.

    I don't know about the steroids honestly. I need to research more because I can't fuck up my health as that will interfere with the other goals that I am pursuing at the moment.
    You want a mans respect.?

    Is focus on getting them hands trained. No puss MMA type, but real deal boxing.

    You think a man 6'2 225 lbs would look side ways at Roberto Duran, paqio, DeLahoya? Hell to the no they wouldn't.

    The amount of confidence that comes with just knowing you'd outgun guys that comes with knowing how to box, is amazing.

    2x a week my cardio is speed bag, 5 3min sessions , then 15 on heavy bag.

    My daddy taught me the boxing basics, was a amateur fighter a lost whent pro, but then I happened.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    There's so much more to gaining respect from other men than just being big.

    I'd much rather have good posture and masculine body language over mass.

    You can have the most aesthetic body in the world but if you don't look people in the eyes when speaking or sit slouched over you'll lose people's respect.

    It sounds like you have a lot of room to mature before experimenting with AAS.
    I don't really slouch honestly nor do I not look people in the eyes. I think I need to be more successful as a short person.

    Also there is the dreaded "little man syndrome" phrase that is ascribed to any short guy who wants to be masculine and works hard. But who cares honestly there are worse things in life and I am just going to stop worrying about it and focus on the goals that I am pursuing at the moment.

    I am going to save up some money and run hgh for the next 3 years or so at a low dosage. I think the body frame does grow until 25 so surely the hgh will speed up that growth for me.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    You want a mans respect.?

    Is focus on getting them hands trained. No puss MMA type, but real deal boxing.

    You think a man 6'2 225 lbs would look side ways at Roberto Duran, paqio, DeLahoya? Hell to the no they wouldn't.

    The amount of confidence that comes with just knowing you'd outgun guys that comes with knowing how to box, is amazing.

    2x a week my cardio is speed bag, 5 3min sessions , then 15 on heavy bag.

    My daddy taught me the boxing basics, was a amateur fighter a lost whent pro, but then I happened.
    Yeah i agree with that for sure. I am going to see if I can register for a boxing gym. I can already hit the speed bag quite well but I need to learn to work the heavy bag as well.

    Also sparring people and actually learning how to take a punch is going to be important. Also wrestling is going to help as well.

    Now this is where the steroids come into play because I will need them for recovery to maintain my physique with all of the cardio and other demands that boxing places on the body.
    Last edited by aestheticsfirst; 02-26-2017 at 09:46 PM.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by aestheticsfirst View Post
    Now this is where the steroids come into play because I will need them for recovery to maintain my physique with all of the cardio and other demands that boxing places on the body.
    Dude, come on.

    You're 23 not 83.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Man the fuck up bro simple as that, you're short ok so what so are a lot of guys that shit doesn't determine who you are as a man your actions, demeanor, confidence, morals and ethics are a great place to start. Plenty of successful loved short people in this world, short fat guys, short skinny guys, short buff guys who gives a fuck honestly man. Take some time to really find out who you are and what in life makes you truly happy not superficial bullshit like looks. You're gonna be all too disappointed if you srat down this path because honestly it takes a hell of a lot more than just putting a needle in your ass and from the way it sounds you don't have those characteristics yet.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Man the fuck up bro simple as that, you're short ok so what so are a lot of guys that shit doesn't determine who you are as a man your actions, demeanor, confidence, morals and ethics are a great place to start. Plenty of successful loved short people in this world, short fat guys, short skinny guys, short buff guys who gives a fuck honestly man. Take some time to really find out who you are and what in life makes you truly happy not superficial bullshit like looks. You're gonna be all too disappointed if you srat down this path because honestly it takes a hell of a lot more than just putting a needle in your ass and from the way it sounds you don't have those characteristics yet.
    I already work hard bro but what's the point of discussing this height stuff. There is truly nothing that I can do about it. So I am just going to focus on bodybuilding and school from here on out. I have been making a lot of progress with lifting but I certainly have a long way to go on that frontier as well.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hgh won't help.

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