Hello have never done a cycle but planning on doing so anyway. I know what you all will say. Too young i'm only 21 etc. but nothing is gonig to stop me from taking them but thanks for concern i aprreciate it i really do.
Just want to do as much research as possible before doing it
this will be a 12 week cycle
250mg test e per week. Now i know what everyone will say but i want to start small, and see how that works and see how much i gain i'm not expecting to gain 30lbs but to say i won't gain anythign ong 250mg test e per week is a little ridoclous
Diet is nothing to worry about my nutrition is in place
i sleep about 7-8 hours a day, and training is consistent i love training
been training for 3.5 years i know not long enough but idc
now for pct
2000iu hcg every 5 days
time on=time off so 3 months on and ATLEAST 3 months off, i have question about pct though.
Do i only take clomid for 4 hours and the hcg for 3 months?
Also stats are 5'9 160lbs, 11% bf, bench 270, squat 325, deadlift 465
sorry for long post