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hi everyone, im 6 foot, 83kg, around 10% bf. been training for about 6 years doing circuit training and boxing but been bodybuilding for about 1 year now, this will be my 4th cycle im currently 1 week into my test 400 tren 200 and anadrol and gained 6lbs, thinking of doing the anadrol for 3 weeks then swap it with dbol for another 3 weeks, i will be taking .5 armidex every 2 days and taking milk thistle and nac for liver support. my diet is perfect have always eaten clean, will be eating roughly 4-5000 calories per day, this is my training routine for the next 6 weeks before i change it.
Bench press 3 sets 12 reps
Decline press 3 sets 12 reps
Dumbbell press 3 sets 12 reps
Decline dumbbell 3 sets 12 reps
High cable cross 3 sets 12 reps
Low cable cross 3 sets 12 reps
Wide pull ups 3 sets to failure
Lat pull downs 3 sets 12 reps
Machine rows 3 sets 20 reps
Dead lifts 3 sets 12 reps
Dumbbell shrugs 3 sets 12 reps
Hanging Leg raises 50reps
Tuesday/Friday shoulder and arms
Bar shoulder press 3 sets 12 reps
Front cable uraise 3 sets 12 reps
Dumbbell press 3 sets 12 reps
Side dumbbell raise 3 sets 12reps
Standing around the worlds 3 sets 12 reps
Barbell curls 3 sets max reps
Triceps pull down 3 sets max reps
Resistance Band hold curl 1min each arm 3set each arm
Reverse tricep pull down 3sets 12r
Single Dumbbell curls
Skull crushers 3 sets 12 reps
25 dragonflys
Wednesday/Saturday legs
Leg press 3 sets 12 reps
Hack Squats 3 sets 12 reps
Dumbbell lunges 3 sets 12 reps
Straight leg deadlifts 3 sets 12 reps
Calf raises 4 sets 50 reps
Roman chair sit ups 100 reps
what do you all think of my routine and cycle thanks.