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Thread: Questions on cycling

  1. #1

    Question Questions on cycling

    I've never cycled before so I'm trying to find the best and safest way to do it. I've done a decent amount of research so far but there's still a decent amount I don't know since most of the info I've seen is specific to bodybuilding. I'm a college baseball pitcher and I very well understand the risks and possible effects of taking steroids at my age and I appreciate any concern but I'm set on doing it. I wouldn't be considering steroids if not for the fact that I'm a potential pro-prospect. Which is why I've come to ask for help so I can minimize damages and maximize gains while trying to avoid some potential future problems I've seen like "I no longer have a sex drive and can't get hard". But I'm hoping this shouldn't be a major concern because I'm looking for a boost, not a heavy cycle that's overly taxing on my body.

    I've been training hard for the past 2 years and have gained a lot of strength and weight. However, I've hit an ability barrier. What I mean is as a baseball player, I've been slowly but constantly been gaining strength and mass. Yet any increases I make in the weight room now have little to no effect in throwing speed which is why I want to get a boost in mass and strength. Other factors like diet and training are not an issue, I practice 4 days a week with 3-4 days of weight training and I have a high daily calorie intake with about 120-150g of protein just with shakes and supplements. I'm probably around 250g of protein with meals.

    Personal Stats:
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 205

    For my questions:

    1. I don't want to get big like a body builder, what I want is stronger, dense, fast-twitch muscles. I was recommended to take testosterone cypionate and HGH. Is this good for building fast-twitch muscles? If not what is?

    2. I plan to cycle for about 4-8 weeks, what would be a good dosage/rate and how long does it usually last in your system?

    3. A guy I've met said he gets his injections from a doctor. While his doctor is too far for me to meet, what are your thoughts on seeing a doctor for a cycle? And is there a way to search for these doctors besides asking every bodybuilder at my gym? Personally if it's possible it seems like the best option in my opinion. A doctor knows what he's doing more than me and can monitor for problems. Plus is seems a bit easier and (more legal?) than buying and doing it myself.

    4. If you think it's best to do it on my own. Where's a good place to buy them, how should I pay and where should I send them (since I've seen people advise against sending directly to your house)? From what I can tell, it seems buying on the dark net is the way to go. Have you had any issues buying online or has your experience been pretty good?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'd be happy to give any additional info if needed or just talk about anything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    At your age your body and sex organs are still developing.

    If you cycle now it will drastically increase the chances of life long side effects.

    Not only does this leave you vulnerable to election problems but you're natural test production likely won't be as high when you come off.

    What good will new muscle tissue be in your situation if your natural test production is non existent?

    If you screw up your natural test production you will likely have to go to TRT.

    This means injecting test twice a week for the next 50+ years of your life.

    You should hold off on using any performance enhancing compounds until you're at least in your late 20s.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Post up your diet in the diet section and let's get some real food inside of you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    At your age you risk more at hurting your body and no matter wat you do it can't be avoided.And you risk getting popped by the NCAA not worth it bro.

  5. #5
    I'm well aware of all the risks associated with cycling at my age but the reward is worth the risk. I don't want to get big, I just want a boost/enhancement which is why I thought I could get away with taking lower doses. The reason why I'm considering it is I only have about 4 months of unrestricted training time to make gains during a year. The rest of the 8 months is focused on maintenance when I'm in school. Plus I'm not a D1 athlete so NCAA doesn't care about me, wasn't good enough coming out of high school so I've just been constantly training until I achieved D1 ability. Now it's just a final push to be drafted but I only have a year left, hence the desire to cycle.

  6. #6
    It could be much worse though, I'm at least trying to become as knowledgeable as possible and understand cycling with my body before I do anything. I've already seen a few similar posts of guys my age who are committed to overdosing even after being told they're missing things like exercise and diet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Stark_Knight17 View Post
    It could be much worse though, I'm at least trying to become as knowledgeable as possible and understand cycling with my body before I do anything. I've already seen a few similar posts of guys my age who are committed to overdosing even after being told they're missing things like exercise and diet.
    There is no safe way to cycle, you can only mitigate some risks.

    The problem is at 21 years old you can't mitigate any of the major risks.

    If you go through with this you will likely screw your natural hormone production up for the rest of your life.

    I highly doubt any team will want to draft a guy in their early 20s who has low test.

    The juice is not worth the squeeze.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    There is no safe way to cycle, you can only mitigate some risks.

    The problem is at 21 years old you can't mitigate any of the major risks.

    If you go through with this you will likely screw your natural hormone production up for the rest of your life.

    I highly doubt any team will want to draft a guy in their early 20s who has low test.

    The juice is not worth the squeeze.
    Yes, I'm well aware that cycling isn't safe. As I said originally I want to "minimize damages and maximize gains".

    I appreciate your concern and trying to convince me otherwise but I've seen first hand the results of some guys cycling. I don't know specifically what they use and I'm always hearing that they use HGH which is what I'm trying to figure out. And you would be surprised about getting drafted, you get looked at in college and when you get drafted you play in triple A for a while before you get called up. Which is why most rookies are in their mid to late 20's. Plus I think teams care more about results than Test. amounts.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You're missing the whole point I was trying to convey.

    At 21 years old you cannot minimize the damages.

    You're not the only one on here who has played baseball and has had friends who played professionally and have taken steroids.

    A team will not touch someone in their early 20s with low test because they are broken goods.

    You should wait until your at least 25 like everyone else.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Stark_Knight17 View Post
    I'm well aware of all the risks associated with cycling at my age but the reward is worth the risk. I don't want to get big, I just want a boost/enhancement which is why I thought I could get away with taking lower doses. The reason why I'm considering it is I only have about 4 months of unrestricted training time to make gains during a year. The rest of the 8 months is focused on maintenance when I'm in school. Plus I'm not a D1 athlete so NCAA doesn't care about me, wasn't good enough coming out of high school so I've just been constantly training until I achieved D1 ability. Now it's just a final push to be drafted but I only have a year left, hence the desire to cycle.
    Here's the problem with your logic of just taking a little AAS. The moment you inject exogenous Test into your system, your body knows there's more Test in your system than it's produced. Your body is totally smart so it will reduce or eliminate the natural production of Test to bring your body into homeostasis. Basically, when you take a "little" AAS, you'll shut down your natural production of Test but you haven't taken enough exogenous Test to regulate the other functions that dependent on Test. Your body is producing about 70mg/wk of natural Test. If you inject 100mg/wk of Test, you will effectively shut down natural production and replace it with just the exact amount that you were naturally producing. There's no net benefit. You've just introduced risk into your training. Your body is still maturing and is susceptible to external chemicals like AAS. Why would you want to put your health at risk for no additional benefits?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    You came asking for advice, guys are giving you the safest most sound advice and you're rejecting it so whats the point? Just go do what your buddy does since its tried and true and works... I'm not trying to be a dick but just because your not getting the answers you want doesn't mean you're not getting the right answers bro

    If you play college baseball and feel as though you need steroids to get you looked at then you might just not be cut out to be an elite player, plenty of guys are natural with natural talents who get in the minors or play division 1 ball not every ncaa or major league player is juiced up. I know a bunch, if you want or need that edge then do what you already have set in your mind but no one here is going to encourage you to do something thats not safe in the long term and unnecessary. You pitch? Train your arm harder eat right and get rest, a 4-8 week low dose cycle isn't going to do shit for you anyway and definitely wouldn't be worth any risks involved physically and with the ncaa especially in baseball where players are under a microscope. You said you weren't good enough out of high school to make D1 and are trying to develop yourself to work up to that level... steroids isn't going to be that magic formula sorry to say man and I'm not trying to be malicious here just honest you're already behind the curve and steroids is a temporary thing unless you commit to them for the long haul, hire a pitching coach, go to a sports clinic and get training to develop your arm. Pro athletes do these things in the off season, you wanna be better then you need to invest in yourself and your craft not shortcuts
    Last edited by Richard Cabeza; 02-26-2017 at 05:11 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    Here's the problem with your logic of just taking a little AAS. The moment you inject exogenous Test into your system, your body knows there's more Test in your system than it's produced. Your body is totally smart so it will reduce or eliminate the natural production of Test to bring your body into homeostasis. Basically, when you take a "little" AAS, you'll shut down your natural production of Test but you haven't taken enough exogenous Test to regulate the other functions that dependent on Test. Your body is producing about 70mg/wk of natural Test. If you inject 100mg/wk of Test, you will effectively shut down natural production and replace it with just the exact amount that you were naturally producing. There's no net benefit. You've just introduced risk into your training. Your body is still maturing and is susceptible to external chemicals like AAS. Why would you want to put your health at risk for no additional benefits?
    This is spot on!

  13. #13
    Alright, I'll consider backing off for now. If you want to know why I've been heavily considering it is because I'm so close to the dream but I've been stuck in limbo for the past 1.5 years with my throwing speed. I've put so much blood, sweat and money into getting where I am now that I'm not going to accept failing right at the finish line. I'm naturally talented at everything except throwing speed and unfortunately, speed seems to be the only thing that matters. So if you think I'm trying to take short cuts then you're dead wrong. I'm just willing to do whatever it takes to help me achieve my dream, even if it means cheating. Because cheating doesn't always mean taking short-cuts; I'm still going to work my ass off, but now my hard work can produce greater results.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I can see where you are coming from I really do.But the thing is when you make a deal with the Devil will have his do nothing is free.You just got too make up your mind wat you want to do.Oh and you may not feel nothing for like 10yrs then it may hit.Good luck bro!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Stark_Knight17 View Post
    Alright, I'll consider backing off for now. If you want to know why I've been heavily considering it is because I'm so close to the dream but I've been stuck in limbo for the past 1.5 years with my throwing speed. I've put so much blood, sweat and money into getting where I am now that I'm not going to accept failing right at the finish line. I'm naturally talented at everything except throwing speed and unfortunately, speed seems to be the only thing that matters. So if you think I'm trying to take short cuts then you're dead wrong. I'm just willing to do whatever it takes to help me achieve my dream, even if it means cheating. Because cheating doesn't always mean taking short-cuts; I'm still going to work my ass off, but now my hard work can produce greater results.
    Have you looked into getting a top tier pitching coach? That might be worth looking into man honestly, small tweaks and adjustments can make a world of difference, pros still make adjustments and change thungs through their entire careers. The issue with roids is it isn't a short term solution, one cycle won't do what i think you think its going to do. Exhaust all ypur options with training and conditioning first man, look into some coaches like real big name coaches and invest in your future that way, its gonna cost money but if it were me it'd be worth it

  16. #16
    Yeah, I've been training with a guy who pitched for the pirates and works with current pro's. I've been training with him for the past year and so far nothing has really worked other than keeping my arm healthy. I hate to say it but I've pretty much exhausted all of my options right now. I can't stand seeing something I've spent my whole life working for start slipping away, especially when I'm so close. It's made me desperate which is why I started looking for a way to help me.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Stark_Knight17 View Post
    Yeah, I've been training with a guy who pitched for the pirates and works with current pro's. I've been training with him for the past year and so far nothing has really worked other than keeping my arm healthy. I hate to say it but I've pretty much exhausted all of my options right now. I can't stand seeing something I've spent my whole life working for start slipping away, especially when I'm so close. It's made me desperate which is why I started looking for a way to help me.
    Maybe try a new coach, look into other methods of developing your arm idk man i just know steroids honestly unless you plan on doing them long term aren't the answer

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Cabeza View Post
    Maybe try a new coach, look into other methods of developing your arm idk man i just know steroids honestly unless you plan on doing them long term aren't the answer
    Steroids really are a last resort for me, but with only one more year left I've just been having this constant thought of "it's now or never". I appreciate you trying to give me other options out of my best interest, but I'm slowly becoming backed into a wall with no way out. I don't want it to come to this but if the chances are too good for me to let them slip away it may have to come down to it.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Stark_Knight17 View Post

    Steroids really are a last resort for me, but with only one more year left I've just been having this constant thought of "it's now or never". I appreciate you trying to give me other options out of my best interest, but I'm slowly becoming backed into a wall with no way out. I don't want it to come to this but if the chances are too good for me to let them slip away it may have to come down to it.
    This is the thing, if you don't have it, you don't have it. Simple as that.

    If steroids take you to "having it" then you will always need them to "have it".

    Get drafted go pro and sit in a minor league position for a year or more and stop, you will have it less than you had it before you had it with roids

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