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Thread: Very concerned aas user

  1. #41
    Just to oil isnt an ancilliary. Fish oil consist of epa and dha,efa's.
    Adding androgens to the brain without even having essentials is gonna screw you up as it seems it already has.
    Plus you dont have nolva on hand or ari?
    Yet you have milk thistle. It's too bad the advice wasnt taken before.
    Last edited by wellshii; 02-28-2017 at 05:18 PM.

  2. #42
    Very interesting read to say the least...

  3. #43
    Very interesting read to say the least...

  4. #44
    Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 05-23-2017 at 04:39 PM.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Everything at the house is over...I am heading back out to sea. I guess I knew what the outcome would be. I am in a really dark place now and I just don't care any more. The loss is just to overbearing for me so I am going withdraw inside myself. Upping the tren to200mg a day to try escape the pain I'm going through but in all reality I know I am only going to find more...fucked up thinking huh..thanks brothers will be in touch... I m just looking for some kind of escape something to drive me harder and this is all I have....cya around

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  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ^^^ see what happens when you fvck with your hormones. Any idea now why we say don't run tren ( or any additional compound) on your first cycle? It's normally the kids that ignore advice but hey, yep up the tren it's bound to help.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    Everything at the house is over...I am heading back out to sea. I guess I knew what the outcome would be. I am in a really dark place now and I just don't care any more. The loss is just to overbearing for me so I am going withdraw inside myself. Upping the tren to200mg a day to try escape the pain I'm going through but in all reality I know I am only going to find more...fucked up thinking huh..thanks brothers will be in touch... I m just looking for some kind of escape something to drive me harder and this is all I have....cya around

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    Your looking for attention if I tell you my story you will feel much better about yours. With that said, why the would fuck would up dose of the shit that's fucking ur mind up anyways ...not even sure what's this is about. I skipped to the last page.. I though t this was hollywoods post of insanity. I don't mean to Be an ass but the self loathing Pitts party depression shit no self esteem shit sucks , I felt like that a few months ago cuz of my situation..I lost everything material literally, Justin have family , God and support and it's all I need for now. You will get nowhere with the attitude besides six feet under

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    I follow you shit getting really bad for me the mood swings from the tren are hitting on all having problems at home. Im on the boat in the shipyard in new york.. my woman is tripping..i went knocked the bottom out of a russian escort last night cuz i couldnt deal with her shit. To say the least im watching it come to an end. Shes not my wife..shes just a woman i loved. When shits starts unraveling the tren intensifies all emotions...if you sad u gonna cry..if you a mean m.f. you gonna fuck a nigga up quick. My co workers juice to so they know what im going through. I will admit i have even thought of killing myself the past couple days..why? Who knows. Its just a thought that enters your mind so quickly its scary. I like to think i have a strong mind. But when u have extenuating circumstances come up on ready cuz yr mind seems to go to mush...just yall

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    Ps : I just read the earlier posts so I appologize for being harsh brother
    With that said..

    Love you too man. I don't know you but I love even those that oppose it. Love, help others and build relationships if nothing else. And never give up fighting for what's right or formthw woman you love u less u know it's over. Everyone goes through fights. It's about working through it and not giving up man. Maybe she has the same wants and feeling you do but doesn't know how to express it. Communication is key. Things change believe that so know this and don't let I think wreck your life dude. Adapt or learn to let go even of the things you cAnt change. But don't let it destroy you . Rise up and move forward

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    I know im self loathing and venting..i did up the dose today but the workout seemed no different. I will go back to mu usual dose being at sea and the ending was so abrupt not even a goodbye so there is no sense of relationship usually dont end like this. I will get over it its just really hard right now where all i have is a 360 degree horizon and my thoughts..i love this place cuz u can always a friend...thanks all

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  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    Everything at the house is over...I am heading back out to sea. I guess I knew what the outcome would be. I am in a really dark place now and I just don't care any more. The loss is just to overbearing for me so I am going withdraw inside myself. Upping the tren to200mg a day to try escape the pain I'm going through but in all reality I know I am only going to find more...fucked up thinking huh..thanks brothers will be in touch... I m just looking for some kind of escape something to drive me harder and this is all I have....cya around

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    Two full time jobs, five kids, a wife that like to blow money never paying bills. Two felony charges hit you from nowhere. One day you come home and your wifes car is gone but she is home. It was reposessed and you didnt know you were behind. Your wife texts you at lunch time one day, "I have rented a house 250 miles away, I am taking the kids with me I need to figure some things out".

    She figured it out with someone else before she left.

    Btw you just found out your house is in forclosure and every bill is at least 60 days behind and apparently your wife had a fetish for credit cards.

    You lay in bed at night wondering what she is doing and what your kids are doing. You have no fear of death and drink yourself to sleep. Anyone who knows you wont even look you in the eye because they see you quivering. You start hearing voices at night, usually one of the kids yelling.

    Its sooo goddamn quiet, you start falling asleep with musoc blairing every night. Every time you try to take a bite of food something pops into your head you regret and you cant eat.

    You search for music to drown out the feelings of anything.

    Rob Bailey Beast is playing for your ears for the first time and you look at your past... that thing I loved I never got to do... nobody is keeping you from it now. No one is there to say you cannot. Fuck them if they were you would do it anyway. You made your goddam mistakes like everyone, time to move the fuck on, you tell yourself.

    And you do.

    You learn to channel all your hate and anger and self loathing into forward motion. You are unstoppable now. God help anyone who gets in your way they will be knocked flat.

    Move forward, dont look back.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    I know im self loathing and venting..i did up the dose today but the workout seemed no different. I will go back to mu usual dose being at sea and the ending was so abrupt not even a goodbye so there is no sense of relationship usually dont end like this. I will get over it its just really hard right now where all i have is a 360 degree horizon and my thoughts..i love this place cuz u can always a friend...thanks all

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    Marsoc just hit you with the advice you need. Forward is the only option.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    I know im self loathing and venting..i did up the dose today but the workout seemed no different. I will go back to mu usual dose being at sea and the ending was so abrupt not even a goodbye so there is no sense of relationship usually dont end like this. I will get over it its just really hard right now where all i have is a 360 degree horizon and my thoughts..i love this place cuz u can always a friend...thanks all

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    So your going to up your tren till you run out and then take a job at sea and no pct.

    You'll be brought back to dock after 3 weeks.

    I know they may not be visible, but grow some nuts and man up boy

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Why i love this forum..people take the time to show they care. In the real world humanity may not exist but in these forums you can always find the help you looking for if youre willing to open your heart to strangers..i love yall..thanks gonna get over it..just gotta keep looking...its alright to look back just dont stare...thanks all

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  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Couchlocked my shit gets delivered at sea..check leo porn. It aint about growing nuts because i make negan on walking dead look like a punk ass m.f with the freak show i got running in my just that i lost something i care about very deeply that i wasnt ready to let go quit talking shit m.f. about growing some nuts

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  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    Couchlocked my shit gets delivered at sea..check leo porn. It aint about growing nuts because i make negan on walking dead look like a punk ass m.f with the freak show i got running in my just that i lost something i care about very deeply that i wasnt ready to let go quit talking shit m.f. about growing some nuts

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    Easy now. Grow some thicker skin while your at it

    And fwiw,I'm soo bad, I make medicine sick. Just last week I hospitalized a brick..
    Last edited by Couchlock; 03-02-2017 at 02:07 PM.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    Why i love this forum..people take the time to show they care. In the real world humanity may not exist but in these forums you can always find the help you looking for if youre willing to open your heart to strangers..i love yall..thanks gonna get over it..just gotta keep looking...its alright to look back just dont stare...thanks all

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    Haven't had the best day today myself,
    but moving forward is the only way.

    I get you wanna up the tren dose, you think it's gonna make you forget and focus more in the gym. It's an illusion. Dial it down instead.
    Just do the mere minimum you need to grow and feel good in the gym, because that's what's gonna help you go forward, training, eating, sleeping, doing your usual shit. To much AAS and you're just gonna get a head spin.

    Yes it suck, but remember what I said;
    "Is any of this gonna matter 1 year from now?"
    If it wasn't meant to be, then you'll be in a much better place in just six months. Quitting a long relationship isn't easy, can in some ways be likened to a death, but 6mo to 1 year forward and things have an amazing way of turning to the better, if you let it.
    Take care!

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Couch it was an impulse rant...internal rage meter must have kicked on...i apologize...friend

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  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    Couch it was an impulse rant...internal rage meter must have kicked on...i apologize...friend

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    Naw man no need its ok.i should also chill a bit myself.

    Brotherly love man. Brotherly love

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    Why i love this forum..people take the time to show they care. In the real world humanity may not exist but in these forums you can always find the help you looking for if youre willing to open your heart to strangers..i love yall..thanks gonna get over it..just gotta keep looking...its alright to look back just dont stare...thanks all

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    This forum has the most mature ,sincere folks man.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    My Grief

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  21. #61
    Stop putting the p on a pedastal.

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    I understand..but that shit was good..maybe this is what i need to forget

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  23. #63
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  24. #64
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Shes here in new back in staten island in a few days

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  25. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    I understand..but that shit was good..maybe this is what i need to forget

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    10 Things I Always Keep In Mind To Become Mentally Stronger:

    1. Try to accept the fact that no one cares.
    2. People come into your life because they need you and they’ll leave you eventually.
    3. Your life totally depends on your activities and your decisions.
    4. Death will come to everyone. Sooner or later.
    5. Failures are necessary. The difference between a master and a novice is that the master has failed more than the novice has even tried.
    6. You don’t love your crush. It is the evolution fooling you for a better gene mix up and better kind of species.
    7. It’s never too late to start, but Always too early to give up.
    8. No one is born great, they groom themselves to become one.
    9. If you don’t love the person you see in the mirror, you are responsible for that.
    10. Life is not like what you see on Instagram.


  26. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    I better getting nothing but good advice all gonna take a different stance..i will be better real soon...about to flip the switch in my the end pussy is pussy. I will miss only natural..but im not gonna dwell on it. Been back and forth all day have gotten nothing but sound advice..feel better already..i love yall.. i really needed yall today...thank yall

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  27. #67
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    Jan 2017
    I should read before i post..but yall get my meaning

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  28. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    You are heartbroke over a god damn hooker?

  29. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    You are heartbroke over a god damn hooker?
    I think he's gonna use the hooker as a stepping stone to make himself feel better about his break up. I hope.

    If that is actually his girl, and why he's upset. I'm gonna be pissed for even listening, then ill take a flight to Staten island and hire her for an hour.

  30. #70
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I think he's gonna use the hooker as a stepping stone to make himself feel better about his break up. I hope.

    If that is actually his girl, and why he's upset. I'm gonna be pissed for even listening, then ill take a flight to Staten island and hire her for an hour.
    Ya, everything but the flight part. I would take the flight to him maybe and break his thumbs. I'm tired of this crybaby shit anyway. I guarantee I had bigger bitches this week than he has seen in his life. Im out.

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    I know im self loathing and venting..i did up the dose today but the workout seemed no different. I will go back to mu usual dose being at sea and the ending was so abrupt not even a goodbye so there is no sense of relationship usually dont end like this. I will get over it its just really hard right now where all i have is a 360 degree horizon and my thoughts..i love this place cuz u can always a friend...thanks all

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    Your working out on the boat...?
    Last edited by Marsoc; 03-02-2017 at 08:56 PM.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    281 limited weight but its working out..3 juicers....dumbells..curlbar..trying to get right

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  33. #73
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    No fool...shes gonna take my mind off the other one..scroll up

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  34. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Page 6 at the x dont look like no think i would pour my heart out over a hooker

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  35. #75
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Couch..obs...i love yall and the sound advice. Would never cry over a hooker or take your advice for granted..been going back to it all day....thanks brothers

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