Originally Posted by
Yes you can, I did as well as many other lifters I've met, it's all diet, I continue to add weight to the scale and visible size in the mirror while maintaining a steady BF‰ because I'm not visibly getting fatter. I've narrowed my diet down to a science through trial and error over these 2 years and let me tell you if you're dedicated and count your calories and your macros it can be done.
The only time where you will struggle to maintain size and strength is on a cut, if it's too fast, too soon, it can impact your gains because you're not eating as much. This spring will be my first cut without AA'S, and let me say I did look fucking great! So we'll see just now much I'll lose, but I doubt it will be much because it's going to be a slow controlled cut, I may not reach the lower bf% I'm trying to achieve but at least I'll know how far I can go without losing what I put on during my bulk.
Don't know if there's any stickies on the subject that I raised but maybe there should be one for noobs thinking about starting a cycle, that after proper dieting and training for a few years if you're stalling and feel that AAS is the last resort and feel that this is what they want to get that much bigger than go for it. Otherwise don't, you can build naturally before you have to turn to AAS. I myself was mislead, told it's the greatest thing when I should have educated myself first by coming here and talking to experienced guys like yourselves, you guys shared a lot and made some great points.
Thankyou all for the valuable information.