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Thread: Is Clen the best solution to reduce body fat

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Thats crazy. Then you need downers like cigarettes, benzos and others. Up, down, up, down....vicious circle leading to adrenal fatigue.
    I dont use any other uppers or downers, and I dont use the caffeine tabs anymore. I used to use Ephadrine before it became a class-A over here. I just like coffee...

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    Thats crazy. Then you need downers like cigarettes, benzos and others. Up, down, up, down....vicious circle leading to adrenal fatigue.
    I quit smoking and take no benzos.(they make me violent).

    I,just have very vivid and horrifying dreams

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvishk View Post
    I'm running Clen 80mcg ED, and will be off next week. Next week after, I will running 120mcg 3 weeks. Is it the best solution to reduce body fat? I am currently 13% body fat.
    I run clen to cut for shows. I no longer do large dose like 100mcg or 120mcg. I get cramps and shake so bad I look like a recovering alcoholic. I take 20mcg/ed to 40mcg/ed and do cardio along with eating a cutting diet. Works really well even in low doses. I don't get cramps and shakes but it does take longer to see the effects.

  4. #44
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Take clen alone with no strength training. Just cardio and healthy diet. I bet you loose muscle faster than fat
    its ok to disagree but why do you feel you have to be right here?...wasn't the original question dose clen burn muscle and cause weakness...the factors you just brought up where not part of the original question...if I don't lift weights at all even without the cardio then yes you will start to loose muscle mass and strength over time just ask any old man...but again that wasn't a part of the question...

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    its ok to disagree but why do you feel you have to be right here?...wasn't the original question dose clen burn muscle and cause weakness...the factors you just brought up where not part of the original question...if I don't lift weights at all even without the cardio then yes you will start to loose muscle mass and strength over time just ask any old man...but again that wasn't a part of the question...
    Show me human studies that says it doesn't...

  6. #46
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Show me human studies that says it doesn't...
    can you show me one that dose?...

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    can you show me one that dose?...
    No I can't.

    What I'm getting at is its purely going to be opinion, and personal experience.

    I've always been under the impression that when your body looks for an energy source to burn, it chooses muscle over fat.

    So I would assume, again my opinion, that when metabolism is ramped up, that the priority of burning muscle and sparing fat is even more pronounced.?. All things being equal

    Now flip side to that, is is a good muscle and strength building exersise regimine is in place, as well as a diet promoting such, the muscle "wasting" can be minimised to a degree that is negligible compared to to amount of fat being burned.

    I just hypothesize that clen by its self, is not a muscle preservative or burner, nor a fat burner or preservative substance. It just amplifies you metabolism, you dictate how and what it burns

  8. #48
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    No I can't.

    What I'm getting at is its purely going to be opinion, and personal experience.

    I've always been under the impression that when your body looks for an energy source to burn, it chooses muscle over fat.

    So I would assume, again my opinion, that when metabolism is ramped up, that the priority of burning muscle and sparing fat is even more pronounced.?. All things being equal

    Now flip side to that, is is a good muscle and strength building exersise regimine is in place, as well as a diet promoting such, the muscle "wasting" can be minimised to a degree that is negligible compared to to amount of fat being burned.

    I just hypothesize that clen by its self, is not a muscle preservative or burner, nor a fat burner or preservative substance. It just amplifies you metabolism, you dictate how and what it burns
    I agree with your hypothesis but it has changed slightly from your original statement that I disagreed with but regardless we can agree, we can disagree but it has made for a decent debate...maybe someone whom knows better than us can set the record straight but at this point who cares I don't use clen much anymore because I deemed it pretty useless years ago for weight loss...I use 40mg when I'm going mountain biking because I ride up all mountains I ride down so it helps with dilating the lungs so I get max air capacity but that's it...anyways good debate couch...

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    I agree with your hypothesis but it has changed slightly from your original statement that I disagreed with but regardless we can agree, we can disagree but it has made for a decent debate...maybe someone whom knows better than us can set the record straight but at this point who cares I don't use clen much anymore because I deemed it pretty useless years ago for weight loss...I use 40mg when I'm going mountain biking because I ride up all mountains I ride down so it helps with dilating the lungs so I get max air capacity but that's it...anyways good debate couch...

    I honestly want to know more about it, I have a bit and am considering using it (just quit cigarettes 16 days ago, and want to fight the metabolism slow down with it) but want to know more about it.

    What are heart related issues that can arise from use?

    It will improve my breathing?

    I don't plan on going more than 60 or 70mcg a day. I plan on using it continuously till gone? Have 50 40mcg tabs.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I hate it. Partly the shakes partly the seeming lack of body temperature control. It works best with a low carb diet which would work on its own anyway for most.

    It is wholly incomparable to HGH.
    This is new to me BiB. Why would low-carb work better in conjunction with Clenbuterol? Super curious now.

  11. #51
    Clen is my favourite cutting drug but you should taper up your doses for a 2 week cycle. Start at 40mcg taper up 20mcg ed or e2d depending on how you feel. If you have real legit clen you'll get a tightened feeling in your chest if you go to high. Clen gets a bad rap but if used right is a brilliant drug.

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