Age: 25
Weight: 165
Height: 5'8
Good knowledge of training and diet
Previous experiments:
Clomid only 10 months: Fail. Ballonned up to 195 lbs but high E2 and cortisol. Lowered gh output.
Aromasin only 4 months: Meh. Lab numbers looked better but no discernible subjective improvement.
Both Clomid and Aromasin resulted in greater appetite and strength gains. The former being superior at the cost of side effects.
Goal: Cruise at "low-end" supraphysiological levels of Test, IGF-1, etc for as long as health permits. Quarterly watch on bloodwork (BW). Constant monitoring of BP, BG. Frequent blood donation.
Speed up nagging broken wrist injury. Pushups (tackling/guarding) are difficult with left hand now. Correction of mild low T symptoms. This takes precedence over muscle gains. Natural T is 475. Total estrogens high reference range. Serum E2 always flagged high. But sensitive E2 is high reference range. All other hormones are good. I don't want to yo yo in and out of unsustainable cycles. Experience sides and rapid muscle growth only to deflate after pct. No thanks.
Cruise Stack:
300mg Test E EW: 30 gauge 1/2 inch
125 Monday. IM .5ml
50 Wednesday. Sub Q .2ml
125 Friday. IM .5ml
250 iu HCG (MWF)
8 iu HGH (MWF)
50mcg T4 (MWF)
25mg Proviron (Oral DHT) ED
12.5mg Aromasin ED
I have Nolvadex, Clomid, Arimidex, Caber on hand in case I need to add something or decide to PCT.
I am also on Accutane 20mg EOD and Modafinil occasionally. No other current medication but a dozen other general health supplements planned. (DIM, Longvida Curcumin, Garlic, CoQ10, Ginger, Fish Oil, Magnesium, Multivitamins, Hawthorn, Celery). My plan is to lower Accutane dosage hopefully to a calculated maintenance dosage of <5mg/day. End goal is total replacement of Accutane with topical retinoids.
Currently have full head of long hair. No family history of male pattern baldness, except 89 year old grandpa with receded hairline from my moms side. I've adopted a strict cold shower and no shampoo routine along with topical ketoconazole and minoxidil leave in to fight hair loss. Worst case scenario, FUE hair transplant, drop Proviron/lower T dosage, or embrace receding hairline.
I am already in possession of most of these. Waiting on the HGH & T4.
What do ya think? If you think it's stupid, please explain why.