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Thread: True info on site inject......

  1. #1
    antrb1 is offline New Member
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    True info on site inject......

    Does someone know the true info on site injections. What I mean is this if you were to say inject Test in your bicep per say will it make your biceps bigger and stronger ? If you inject Test in your chest will it make your chest bigger and stronger ? And so on and so on..........
    Sorry bruh's I'm new and wet behind the ears as fuck , but trying to learn you know, so please be patient with me if you have already answered this question before, if so my bad.....
    Last edited by antrb1; 03-21-2017 at 09:20 PM. Reason: spelling mistake

  2. #2
    -Nac- is offline New Member
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    Some guys swear it matters, but by and large whatever you inject will end up systemic so Im not convinced myself.

  3. #3
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
    Richard Cabeza is offline Associate Member
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    If that were the case most of us would have the juciest muscle bootys ever haha
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  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
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    It's a myth, there is nothing to even argue.
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  5. #5
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It's not about the AAS you inject, but about the oil.
    And this only works for small body parts like biceps/triceps, so on,
    (Or you would need a hell of a lot of oil)

    The injected body part doesn't necessarily get stronger either,
    but bigger, I think so.

    I haven't done this much myself, as this is basically the same as using synthol,
    but just with oil from AAS instead.
    And it requires quite a lot of oil, causing dangers about scar tissue and infections.
    songdog, Jonbana and NACH3 like this.

  6. #6
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    It's a myth, there is nothing to even argue.
    Let's start a poll - I know it works well for some but to say it's a myth at least back it up w/something saying it's a myth - I'm not saying everyone will benefit but it's mostly people who've never tried it!

    That's not true - the oil stretches the fascia which in return can bring gains especially at a sticking point - obey I put an " on my bis in 5wks of injecting both heads of my bicep... it works it's a matter of how much oil one can stand to inject in each head - it's rounded and thickened. My bicep heads and they've never been this big cold(18 1/4)

    Iya a lot less painful than one would think but I wouldn't start with more than.75-1cc in each and that maybe pushing it and work bis and tris right after pinning them... i do that with each BP I inj
    DocToxin8 and ghettoboyd like this.

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Let's start a poll - I know it works well for some but to say it's a myth at least back it up w/something saying it's a myth - I'm not saying everyone will benefit but it's mostly people who've never tried it!

    That's not true - the oil stretches the fascia which in return can bring gains especially at a sticking point - obey I put an " on my bis in 5wks of injecting both heads of my bicep... it works it's a matter of how much oil one can stand to inject in each head - it's rounded and thickened. My bicep heads and they've never been this big cold(18 1/4)

    Iya a lot less painful than one would think but I wouldn't start with more than.75-1cc in each and that maybe pushing it and work bis and tris right after pinning them... i do that with each BP I inj
    I agree on your stretching the fascia theory...and you proved it as well with your recent experience.... how else can one gain 2" on there arms in 6 weeks or however long it was?...
    NACH3 likes this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    I agree on your stretching the fascia theory...and you proved it as well with your recent experience.... how else can one gain 2" on there arms in 6 weeks or however long it was?...
    Thx GB! Yeah I was always a bit worried about injecting bis - it's nothing like synthol(SEOs) but it's the same concept the more oil one can stand to inject in them the more the oil stretches the fascia... I'll admit MM(muscle memory) would have brought me back to maybe 17 but they exploded and even took better shape than previously and they've been the biggest they have ever been when I measured cold... now on the road to 19"ers

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  10. #10
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    Another good read....

    A common practice among steroid users is to inject steroids on the site where is wanted a noticeable increase in muscle mass. This may be determined by unbalanced development of different group of muscles or it may be the case that you just want your leg or arms bigger in short time. Regardless of your reasons for going with local injection of steroid, you are more concerned about the efficacy of this method for increasing muscle mass and its safeness.

    Site injection works. This is a statement that nobody can neglect.

    How long the effects induced by steroid site injection last?

    This is one of the primary questions every steroid user who is thinking about this method of usage asks about. Improvements in muscle growth would last for next months, with the advantage that results are seen much faster. So, months after last administration increase in muscle mass will be seen, especially if proper diet and training support is provided.

    It is believed that the amount of injected steroid is the one who cause the growth of muscle mass. Despite at the first glance it can seem this way; in truth the volume of injected oil makes the difference. It not only has the role to make the injection less painful, but also greatly improve the effects of steroids on muscle tissue. That’s why when it comes to site injection of steroids opts for low concentration substance, while a bit higher is also allowed.

    How do you have your local injection done?

    Due to low dosage needed, site injection is performed using an insulin syringe with short needle. You can choose to inject dosage daily or any other day but not rarely than this. There are individual who use to divide the daily dosage into two splits: not that this is better or worse, it has the same effects on muscle. Site injection twice a day is less appealing because of pain you have to support, and honestly speaking, not many are those who can do it.

    Make sure the injection area is clean and free on any skin problems. The best is to inject solution right on the center of the muscle, avoiding edges. Also, not recommended at all for is to inject steroids on areas which bind different group of muscles or interior side of muscles. Injecting steroid directly in the chest muscle is not a good idea, while calves injection can be very painful. Biceps, deltoids, glutes, lats, quads, traps and triceps are zones to inject steroid which are not only safe, but also deliver a high response to loaded steroid.

    Don’t inject the solution on the same spot second time. Move the needle a little in a right, left, up or down direction as the injection to be done very close to the previous one, but not in the same place.

    What are the side effects associated with site injection of steroids

    In most, if there are any steroid side effects then they will be the same you experience when inject steroids regularly. In the regard of site where steroid was injected, than sometimes happen that skin in these zones changes color. Very rarely may happen to get an infection of joints on the injection site. The recommendation is to visit you doctor any time alarming signs occur.

    What else you have to know about site injection

    Usually injectable steroids are pinned in sites of largest muscle group. Such injections are less painful and ensure a larger widespread of steroids. You can go with smaller group of muscles too, but have to be very careful. Spot injection has to be administered in small dosage and not more than two injections per day in the same spot.

    Steroids site injection works. You can manage to add some inches to smaller muscles group by injecting steroids locally. But following such a path of administration is more painful, and if you are a person who fear needles than this is certainly not for you. In all other cases, you can give a try and see the difference.
    NACH3, ghettoboyd and DocToxin8 like this.

  11. #11
    PT1982's Avatar
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    This is always an interesting topic. I tend to lean in the direction is not worth doing to specifically catch up lagging parts, or my tris would be footballs. Lol. I do think there is some merit to it. I think irritation can cause some swelling, but common oils we use like GSO or CSO seem to disperse fairly quickly when injected directly into the muscle. If a deep injection is done, more or less under the muscle (how seo is usually and painfully administered) with mct oil, I would suspect you would get a nice stretch in the fascia of the muscle. I'm intrigued by this topic everytime I hast about it. I really couldn't verify the use of oils outside of mct, but I do tend to think the oils we use don't do very much for stretching of the fascia (unless we use loads of oil per day).

  12. #12
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
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    The fascia logic makes sense to me, so i can see this with smaller muscles and the right amount and types of oils but long term would these gains be more significant and as long lasting than just working that muscle group, at some point the oils would disperse and i would think the the stretch in the fascia is only as temporary as the oil sitting in that area is. I'm asking because I'm intrigued by this concept but want to know exactly what the limitations are, the parameters of growth and if an injection in a smaller muscle would effect the effectiveness of the compound as well.

    Nach is seeing significant growth doing this and you can't argue with results but I'm wondering if there are any adeverse effects to using this method that may effect overall gains, could slower dispersment of the gear result in lower levels, or would it make any difference? Looks like i have some research to do lol

  13. #13
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Good reads Dragon thx for bringing some 'science' to this
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  14. #14
    -Nac- is offline New Member
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    Just go natty and run Rambod's FST-7 for a few months. Better than all the roidz...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Good reads Dragon thx for bringing some 'science' to this

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