Thread: cycle thoughts??
03-29-2017, 08:46 AM #1
cycle thoughts??
Hey guys. Looking for some basic input here on next cycle so please read and offer input!! I am new to the forum, not so new to the "jesus juice". Currently 28 years old, 5' 11'' 210 lbs. Goal is to add clean lean weight and harden up.i have attached a current picture of (off cycle) status
Previous cycles are;
1. Anadrol 25 MG per day/Test E 400 MG per week
2. Test E 400 MG per week/Tren E 400 MG per week
3. Test E 400 MG per week/Tren E 400 MG/Equipoise 400 MG
4. Test P 300 MG/Tren A 300 MG
5. Test C250 MG/Tren E 600 MG/Anavar 25 MG per day
6. DBol 20 MG per day/Test E 300 MG week/Tren E 600 mg week
I'll spare you the PCT/on cycle support details but i have ran them right with the AI's HcG , Clomid, Nolva Cabergoline (for tren) in the past
Since i have ran Tren a few times it is hard to imagine a cycle without it, BUT it is starting to take its toll on my hair as you all know. As mentioned above,goal is clean lean weight so Deca is not an option for me even thought i know it tends to be hair freindly.
My current thought for a cycle is a bit more mild than i am accustomed to so i am not sure if i am being skeptical, or if it could yield some decent results but let me know;
Week 1-4 75 MG Anavar ED
Week 1-2 800 MG Equipoise (kick start)
Week 1-2 400 MG Test Cyp
Week 2-14 600 MG Equipoise
Week 2-14 250 MG test cyp (want to keep the test lower)
Week 10-14 75 MG Anavar ED
again ill spare you with the PCT detail but i have clomid, Nolva, HcG and the usual Ai's on deck for this one too.
Could this give some solid gains? I want to run the test at a TRT dose to avoid bloat, hair loss, estrogen ect. I have ran EQ in the past but it was with tren so it is hard to determine what gains were from EQ alone. Or do you think EQ as the main compound is a waste?
03-29-2017, 09:21 AM #2
Dont see why you not exchange deca with EQ. Deca doesnt convert. Maybe just a little but it will be more from the test. Deca can be used in cutting or bulking. Its a great drug at 3-400 mgs.
And mostly the anabolics is not the main factor when your gains are not clean. Diett and cardio play a bigger role. First when u run dianabol etc and a lot of test it can be hard avoiding the water.
Masteron is also far better than EQ, but not so anabolic as deca of course.
03-29-2017, 11:49 AM #3
I do agree that Deca could be used for both, but i always viewed deca as the bulking agent of the 19-Nor compounds. I know both tren and deca are versatile enough and could be used for either case, but with Deca if i would put on (for example) 15 pounds, 95% of that weight could be water and i would lose it once i stop? Thats why i like tren, im not an overly huge guy all year round, but it keeps my muscles hardened and full for the most part all year even when off. If i am taking Var as well with the deca as suggested, will that dry out some of the "wet" gains from the Deca? How is NPP in comparison? Lastly, caber really kept my tren sides in check...i assume this will provide the same support in the libido department with deca right?
Mast is a def no, as i have seen too many negative results (in the hairloss aspect) from that
Lastly, im assuming by your recommendations that it means you think the EQ sample cycle listed above would be a waste of time?
03-29-2017, 03:36 PM #4
I don't see why anyone would tell you to use EQ over deca , if you're set on doing one or the other. EQ sucks. I'm one who will tell you til I'm blue in the face that everyone will respond differently to certain compounds. This is a true statement. Some can easily bulk with anavar , while others cut like crazy with it. People respond differently, it is odd. BUT.... in all of my years in training myself and others, planning cycles for many people, and being in and behind the scenes for many shows and preps, one thing is universal. EQ isn't worth the vial it's stored in. All you're going to experience is a boost in endurance because of a dangerously high RBC. It's not worth the risk for so little a reward. And anytime I've ever seen "decent" results was from 20+ weeks of it. I've ran it for 16 weeks and my blood was so thick that I had to use a blood thinner just to get it drawn with a freaking 14 or 16g harpoon!
03-29-2017, 06:58 PM #5
I also don't like EQ and found it worthless even at 600mg for 16 weeks. Deca is better in every way.
03-29-2017, 08:07 PM #6
Jesus I don't know what the hell I was thinking with that cycle idea haha. The more I look at it the more I realize it looks like shame and disappointment. Thanks for clearing my head boys....decided on switching it up to NPP/Test Prop/Var. Should be a fun summer!
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