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Thread: 21 y/o male interested in 1 cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA

    21 y/o male interested in 1 cycle

    Hey. I guess the title of this basically explains it, but i'm a 21 year old, 150 lb 5'9 male with 7% body fat. I've always had real trouble gaining weight, and have been lifting for about 3 years. Since i started my max bench went from 135 to 225, but i've been plateaued at this for over 4 months. I'm on a 2500 calorie a day diet.. fast metabolism.. take in 175 grams protien a day on average. I hope that's enough background. I have access to basically any gear on the market, and i'm leaning towards doing a cycle to break through my plateaus and gain some weight. I have tremendous willpower, and this will be a one time thing, as my long term goal is 170 lbs and current body fat.

    basically i was wondering what type of gear would give me optimal results with the least side effects. Thanks. I know that i'll probably get some nay sayers, but i realize that you've been involved in this far longer than me and therefore have valuable input.. so i would welcome, nay, would be indebted to your input. thanks in advance.
    Last edited by chrisAdams; 07-07-2003 at 10:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You don't take in enough calories. Try changing your diet and workout a little since 150lbs is pretty light. Then consider a cycle of test and maybe dbol or deca. You never only do one cycle by the way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    so go up to 3000? I'm concerned that i will have an increase in body fat if i go much higher. Your insight is helpful, but not quite specific enough. I'll give a little more info. If i decide to take test and dbol, what anti-e should i run? what sort of dosages should i be using? I understand that these are a lot of questions, but i know that you are some of the most knowledgeable people on the net, and i need to know as much as i can to minimize the risk of damage to my body. Thanks!

    My last weeks workout, typical workouts follow pattern. Every 3rd week i do a speed workout, same exercises, just lighter weight and faster movements.
    On rest days i do cardio, which consists of swimming, usually around 7000 yards. Abs are done every other day at home with lower back exercises.

    day 1 chest/tri
    4 sets bench
    2 warm(155 165) 12 reps 2 work(195 205) 5 reps, 3 reps

    4 sets incline dumbell
    2 warm (60 65) 12, 10 reps work(70 75) 8, 6 reps

    3 sets dips with weight
    20 with 15 lb
    16 with 35 lb
    10 with 45 lb

    clost grip bench
    2 sets
    145 10 reps
    135 10 reps

    day 2 back

    dumbell rows
    85 10 reps
    100 10 reps
    110 8 reps
    120 6 reps



    185 X10
    225 X10

    day 3 rest
    day 4 legs

    185 X 10
    205 X 10
    225 X 8
    255 X 4

    dumbell squat jumps
    ham curls

    day 5 rest
    day 6 arms/shoulders
    military dumbell

    getting lazy to type..

    delt raises front
    preacher curls
    hammer dumbell
    Tricep pushdowns
    overhead tri presses
    cables w/ropes bi/tri supersets

    day 7 rest
    day 8 rest

    And in reference to your post, I'm a little unclear about where you said "no one ever does only one cycle" if that meant it's like pringles (once you pop you don't stop) then you don't know me. If you meant it's not effective with only once cycle, then thanks for the info.
    Last edited by chrisAdams; 07-07-2003 at 10:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Rickson
    You don't take in enough calories. Try changing your diet and workout a little since 150lbs is pretty light. Then consider a cycle of test and maybe dbol or deca. You never only do one cycle by the way.
    Ha. IT'S TRUE: YOU CAN'T DO JUST ONE CYCLE. It makes for a nice thought, though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Bro, I'm sorry, but I don't know you, but If you think your only going to do one cycle, your mistaken. TRUST ME!!!! It's almost impossible. Why? Hmm, tons of reasons, but your first cycle is always a learning experience. You will want to do another one just because you will know so much more. Just about every person just starting says that. I said it. You will of course get results if your diet is good, training is good, sleep pattern are good, etc... but, you will want more. WE ALL DO. Steroids will become your life and it's something that one should research and think long and hard about before jumping over to the dark side. Slow down....hang out on this site. Read tons and tons of threads. Get to know each individual AS and figure which one will be the best for you.

    But I also have to agree with people above. If you have a fast metabolism, then upping your calories won't be a big deal.

    Best of luck.
    Last edited by buylongterm; 07-07-2003 at 11:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Not Enough Cals. Bump Up To 3000-3500 If At All Possible. About The 1 Cycle I Dont Think It Is Possible. I Dont Mean You Will Be Addicted But You Will Love The Results. You Said I Believe 170 Max. Well What If You Get There Or A Little Past That (lets Say 180) Still Around 9-10% B/f. It Will Look Great And All You Have To Do To Go Back To 7% Is Change Your Diet.i Say Go Ahead And Do One Cycle Of T(300-500/week) Along With D-bol (30mg/day) And Get Yourself Up To About 175. Then Cut It Up (maybe 168-170) And Do One More To Get Yourself To (185-190) And Cut That To 180-183 Lean.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    They are right about not doing just one cycle and that you need to eat more. YES YOU WILL GAIN BODY FAT BUT, with your metabolism, you will lose it just as quick and afterwards it will be muscle and you will weigh more. I used to be 150 and I gained 20lbs of muscle just using creatine, weight gainer, and a bigger grocery bill. I didnt worry about the fat because Im sure you burn it off quicker than you will put it on. So here is the advice you are asking for from someone with the same body type as you.
    Start with 20 amps of Sustanon 250 mg per 1ml.
    50mgs ED of Dbol for 4 to 5 weeks. About 400 tabs.
    Syringes 3cc
    22gg needles about 1 1.5 inches long
    Thats about it. That is as simple as I can make your first cycle.
    After about 3 weeks, you will love the results and will come back to the board asking advice on how you can run your cycle longer.
    I cant stress how much you need to eat everything you see. Dont worry about getting fat. There is stuff that will help with that later. I promise.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Sorry. Didnt put in post cycle such as clomid and and nolva. Im sure someone else can help you with that. I dont wanna screw up your results with my own formula. Type in CLOMID for search and that will be a great start.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    "I'm on a 2500 calorie a day diet.. fast metabolism.. take in 175 grams protien a day on average"

    Double that. If you have a fast metabolism, then dont worry about fat.

    I think your training need some work. Dead and squats in the same week is definately overtraining IMO

    Id reduce the volume and increase the weight and intensity myself.

    150 @ 5'8" and 7% bf is a bit soon to start IMO

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    50mgs ED of Dbol for 4 to 5 weeks. About 400 tabs.
    That sounds like a little much for his first time out no? I think it should be in the 30-35mg ed range.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey
    Another thing, if you really want to use aas, a good newbie read is the thread started by johnny b, "I want to use steroids."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Thanks to everyone for all your help. I've decided that i'm going to go another 8 weeks on a higher diet, with more space between squats and deadlifts. I'm also going to do another creatine cycle. I'll see if i can break through like that, hopefully i will. Thanks again to everyone that replied.

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