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Thread: Cut stack with no effect ; Tren, Masteron and TestE :/

  1. #1

    Cut stack with no effect ; Tren, Masteron and TestE :/

    Good evening

    So I've been on this blend of 50 mg TrenA, 50 mg of TestE and 50 mg of Masteron (EOD) for the past 4 weeks, with no effect what so ever.
    I am a guy at 184 cm height, and my current weight is around 93 kg ( I started at 91,5 kg). BF% is difficult to say, but its around 16 %.
    I have been eating clean food, at around 2400 calories (600 calories below my TDEE), and doing cardio 20 min everyday. Furthermore I do intense weight lifting ( 5-6 excercises, at 3 sets per excercise with 15, 12 and 10 reps with 10 seconds rest in between). I am still benching the same (120 kg), still squatting the same (100 kg) and so forth.
    I am basically doing whatever I can to shed some bodyfat, but all I have gained from this blend has been 2 kg, propably water retention.
    Am I missing something here? What am I doing wrong? Or is it just me, that are being to impatient?
    I've been on various cycles with great effect, but this has turned out to be a big dissapointment so far

    I would appreciate any answer! Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    To be honest I think your problem is calorie intake, plain and simple. Your TDEE is off or your making an error counting cals because if you were truly at a 600cal deficit you would be losing weight. Fix your diet and you will start to lose weight. The AAS you are running will for sure help to preserve your muscle. I agree the weight gain is most likely water retention.

    The same rule applies running AAS or not, if you aren't losing weight then eat less and/or add more cardio. I think a lot of people assume that AAS helps burn calories/fat for some all boils down to diet just like everything else in this game.

    Ive never used it but I hear mast is pretty pointless unless you are reallly lean (10% or less). Also there is no need to run AAS to lose body fat if you are above 15%, don't waste a cycle on cutting, use cycles to put on muscle in my opinion, unless you are trying to compete or something. You aren't going to add any muscle either during a cal deficit even with the AAS you are running.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    I would never buy a mix. More often than not they are found to be either severely underdosed or even lacking a compound listen (usually mast).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Have you ever cut before to know what works and what doesnt?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Got stuck on your bench is 20kg higher than your squat...

    You are doing something wrong, for sure.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    What is your cycle experience?
    Mast only works at sub 10 bf.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    You squat 100kg and bench 120kg? Your legs are supposed to be the strongest muscle group. (Kinda why they are the biggest muscle group) unless you have had knee problems then there is a problem. And agreed with above its diet. Carbs and calories need to be closely watched and I would up the cardio to 30 min

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    AAS isn't a diet aid bro like said above something is off with your diet and 20 min cardio isn't much.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    If no effect means zero, even the tren changes that happen with water placement, then as stated above you most likely have a crap product with something faulty in the diet.

    I would up cardio to an hour a day and see if any change.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    To be honest I think your problem is calorie intake, plain and simple. Your TDEE is off or your making an error counting cals because if you were truly at a 600cal deficit you would be losing weight. Fix your diet and you will start to lose weight. The AAS you are running will for sure help to preserve your muscle. I agree the weight gain is most likely water retention.

    The same rule applies running AAS or not, if you aren't losing weight then eat less and/or add more cardio. I think a lot of people assume that AAS helps burn calories/fat for some all boils down to diet just like everything else in this game.

    Ive never used it but I hear mast is pretty pointless unless you are reallly lean (10% or less). Also there is no need to run AAS to lose body fat if you are above 15%, don't waste a cycle on cutting, use cycles to put on muscle in my opinion, unless you are trying to compete or something. You aren't going to add any muscle either during a cal deficit even with the AAS you are running.
    Thanks for the reply!
    I've calculated my tdee based on
    I am currently using an app, called myfitnesspal to register all of my calories; swear to God, I dont eat anything other than oatmeal, chicken, fish, bananas and almonds. I just dont get what I am doing wrong, unless that app is miscalculating the calories.
    I know that the masteron is pointless, but I've been lurking for many months on this blend, as it had great impact on a friend of mine; I know it sounds ridicilous, but I had to try it man.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I would never buy a mix. More often than not they are found to be either severely underdosed or even lacking a compound listen (usually mast).
    Noted, bro! I've had my me :/

  12. #12
    a couple of times before i did it. Ate the same amount of calories as stated above, with some effect; at least more than now

  13. #13
    hey man!
    I've had some knee injuries due to martial arts training some years ago. I simply cannot do anymore, as my joints are killing me

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    What is your cycle experience?
    Mast only works at sub 10 bf.
    I've been on sustanon 3 times, with great results (bulking and gained in total 10 kg or so). I know with the mast, but I really wanted to try this blend. Man do I regret it

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by joshrutz56 View Post
    You squat 100kg and bench 120kg? Your legs are supposed to be the strongest muscle group. (Kinda why they are the biggest muscle group) unless you have had knee problems then there is a problem. And agreed with above its diet. Carbs and calories need to be closely watched and I would up the cardio to 30 min

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yeah, its due to some severe injuries I've had due to martial arts. That is all that I can. I eat 200 gr of calories, and in total 2400 calories, some days even less

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    AAS isn't a diet aid bro like said above something is off with your diet and 20 min cardio isn't much.
    Thanks for the reply! I am currently having 200 gr of carbs, 250 gr of protein and 66,6 gr of fat. What could be wrong? :S My tdee is 3000 almost!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    If no effect means zero, even the tren changes that happen with water placement, then as stated above you most likely have a crap product with something faulty in the diet.

    I would up cardio to an hour a day and see if any change.
    My product is from prof pharm. It should be good stuff I think

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    nova scotia
    without arguing the fact that your tdee is clearly no longer 3000 calories, the answer is still the same. If your not losing, drop calories again or increase cardio or both.

    your body will get more efficient at doing things as you restrict calories as a survival mechanism. you have to constantly adjust and tweak your diet to keep your body guessing.....right babe.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Strange1 View Post
    Good evening

    So I've been on this blend of 50 mg TrenA, 50 mg of TestE and 50 mg of Masteron (EOD) for the past 4 weeks, with no effect what so ever.
    I am a guy at 184 cm height, and my current weight is around 93 kg ( I started at 91,5 kg). BF% is difficult to say, but its around 16 %.
    I have been eating clean food, at around 2400 calories (600 calories below my TDEE), and doing cardio 20 min everyday. Furthermore I do intense weight lifting ( 5-6 excercises, at 3 sets per excercise with 15, 12 and 10 reps with 10 seconds rest in between). I am still benching the same (120 kg), still squatting the same (100 kg) and so forth.
    I am basically doing whatever I can to shed some bodyfat, but all I have gained from this blend has been 2 kg, propably water retention.
    Am I missing something here? What am I doing wrong? Or is it just me, that are being to impatient?
    I've been on various cycles with great effect, but this has turned out to be a big dissapointment so far

    I would appreciate any answer! Thank you!

    If you're not noticing any change on tren then your product doesn't sound legit. I'm feeling tren ace in 2-3 days easy.

    And how on earth is your bench higher than your squat? That tells me your training and diet is more than likely not on point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    What is your cycle experience?
    Mast only works at sub 10 bf.

    Why do people believe this? Not true at all imo. The effects are certainly more pronounced when lean, but good mast can be felt regardless, and not just in the look but increased libido, lower SHBG, higher free test etc..

    The biggest issue with mast is a lot of it is test prop or something else.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by lntense View Post
    If you're not noticing any change on tren then your product doesn't sound legit. I'm feeling tren ace in 2-3 days easy.

    And how on earth is your bench higher than your squat? That tells me your training and diet is more than likely not on point.

    Why do people believe this? Not true at all imo. The effects are certainly more pronounced when lean, but good mast can be felt regardless, and not just in the look but increased libido, lower SHBG, higher free test etc..

    The biggest issue with mast is a lot of it is test prop or something else.
    Hey man!
    I have had som severe knee issues due to martial arts. My joints just doesnt work like I want them too.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    without arguing the fact that your tdee is clearly no longer 3000 calories, the answer is still the same. If your not losing, drop calories again or increase cardio or both.

    your body will get more efficient at doing things as you restrict calories as a survival mechanism. you have to constantly adjust and tweak your diet to keep your body guessing.....right babe.
    Hey! Not to sound dumb or something, but how on earth should I know what my tdee is then? Should I lower my calories to 2000? 200 gr of protein, 150 gr carbs and 66 gr fat?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    nova scotia
    the short answer is you can only really tell what your tdee is by tracking your diet for a period of time. if you're eating 3000 calories and don't gain or lose weight, well that's your tdee. if you drop to 2500 and start losing weight you are now eating under your tdee. After a period of time the body sees that its fat stores are going away and its consistently not getting enough food so it adjusts by getting more efficient. by becoming more efficient your body is reducing its tdee to a point where you stop losing weight. when this happens, your new tdee is now 2500. to continue losing you now have to eat less then 2500 calories to lose the weight.
    Im sure this is a very simplified version of whats going on, but I just want you to see where im coming from.

  23. #23
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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Strange1 View Post
    Thanks for the reply!
    I've calculated my tdee based on
    I am currently using an app, called myfitnesspal to register all of my calories; swear to God, I dont eat anything other than oatmeal, chicken, fish, bananas and almonds. I just dont get what I am doing wrong, unless that app is miscalculating the calories.
    I know that the masteron is pointless, but I've been lurking for many months on this blend, as it had great impact on a friend of mine; I know it sounds ridicilous, but I had to try it man.
    It's not always a matter of what you eat but how much you eat. Don't take some cell phone app/calorie calculator as the holy grail of losing weight. It's simple... if you aren't losing weight eat less and/or add more cardio. I would trust a working/accurate scale more than a cell phone app any day.

    I agree on the blend part too, you don't know whats in there or what isnt in there, let alone if they are all 3 dosed and mixed perfectly.... but hey you live and you learn. With stuff like this take advice from friends and people who have run cycles before...but also make sure you do your own research and make your own decision at the end of the day.

    Good luck, I am sure you will get it sorted out

  24. #24
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Strange1 View Post
    Hey man!
    I have had som severe knee issues due to martial arts. My joints just doesnt work like I want them too.
    I see, I should have thought of that.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    You are running Test E; u will see nothing at week4 still ....
    Masteron won't do anything if ur body fat is above 10-12%
    but the weird thing is that tren didn't kick in yet although it is Tren A which to me sound like a fake product.
    Also what is the frequency of ur injections since it is a mix of short and long esters ??

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by chab View Post
    You are running Test E; u will see nothing at week4 still ....
    Masteron won't do anything if ur body fat is above 10-12%
    but the weird thing is that tren didn't kick in yet although it is Tren A which to me sound like a fake product.
    Also what is the frequency of ur injections since it is a mix of short and long esters ??
    it is done every other day, 1 ml. The product is from prof pharma; it is well known here in Europe at least. I dont know, man..Just frustrated as hell..

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    This is a training and diet issue gear doesn't magically transform you no matter what. Dial back the calories and start doing 1 hour cardio daily....20 minutes is lazy and not a real effort.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    50mgs of masteron pinned eod isn't going to do much anyways. Especially if you're at 16% bf. In my opinion/experience, masteron should be used at a minimum of 600mgs weekly. I pin 150mgs everyday when I used it. I do think it's overkill, but I know it works well for me, especially if I run my tren and test low.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Not to mention you said you're on a cut with a caloric surplus. Unless I misread, which is possible...

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