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Thread: Oral pulsing question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Oral pulsing question

    So my body doesn't do well with hard orals like adrol or sdrol but I do love taking them. (Let's not get into ethics here)
    When do you think the best time to take ur orals if I were to do it 2 ways and the reasoning on why I think each way could work best

    1: training split 3 on 1 off high dosage ( ex: 30mg sdrol or 50 adrol)
    Timing:45mins before training(once a day)
    Reasoning: makes my body more sensitive to the protein uptake pre/Intro/post
    Great pumps and heavier workout

    2: only on off days 3 on 1 off
    Timing: 1hr before the half life runs out. (Ex: HF of sdrol 8 hr so every 7th hr.)
    Dosages low 10mg
    Reasoning to help with protein break down and nutrition partitioning to help the healing process during my rest day

    I understand that a constant influx of orals is key but I just can't handle the sides for long durations.

    Let's hear some of ur thoughts boys

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would use the pulse method which consists of using your desired oral for a certain amount of days i.e. if you start suffering sides from let's say day 14 you would use the oral till day 10 and come off for 10 days then repeat the process. Pulse the oral on and off just make sure you drop the oral a few day's before you normally experience sides

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    What's the issue your body has when taking orsls?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    I would use the pulse method which consists of using your desired oral for a certain amount of days i.e. if you start suffering sides from let's say day 14 you would use the oral till day 10 and come off for 10 days then repeat the process. Pulse the oral on and off just make sure you drop the oral a few day's before you normally experience sides
    Okay boss that's what's I'll do. Thank you. I'm hitting a off the show rebound today and I want to blast a little oral with my pre-show cycle to take advantage of the rebound.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    What's the issue your body has when taking orsls?
    Most of the time it just makes me feel like complete shit, don't want to eat, aggressive, kinda toxic. But I want to hit this post show rebound a little hard with my existing protocol and a fast acting oral.

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