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Thread: Worried I might get too big...

  1. #1
    jjsevens's Avatar
    jjsevens is offline Associate Member
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    Worried I might get too big...

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm starting a cut cycle next week 500mg of test per week for 12 weeks, and 60mg of anavar for 8 weeks.

    I'm worried about getting noticeably bigger, as it is I'm a pretty tall guy, 6'3 with broad shoulders, with some decent lean size.

    If I feel I'm getting too big, what can I change to stop the size and work on a more cut look? I know diets a factor, have that locked down to get lean.

    I work in an office space and don't want people talking, and knowing I use aas, could be bad.

  2. #2
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you get worried your getting too big just eat less but your cutting anyway so that shouldn't be a problem..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Make sure your are using an AI. This will reduce water weight.
    If this is your first cycle drop the Anavar . Why use multiple compounds if you are worried of growing too much? I find people use way too much AAS when they are cutting.
    Eat less then your TDEE. Impossible to grow bigger if you are under maintenance. (excluding water weight)
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 04-12-2017 at 10:36 AM.

  4. #4
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    But apart from water weight, yes you'll grow as a weed on your first cycle,
    and I'm kinda thinking you're almost throwing it away worrying about "getting to big", which is only an issue during your first cycle as in "getting bigger faster", and without water retention that is within limits of what you could explain away if you wear some clothes.

    Because it's not the end result that's the issue here,
    it's the time you use to get there.
    But I would be that worried if keeping water weight to a minimum,
    as when people see you every day, they don't notice the gains as well.

    And someone you haven't seen in a long time should be:
    "Wow! You've put on some serious muscle!"
    Otherwise you're doing it wrong.
    But when someone haven't seen you in a long time you can always say you've been bulking up for a long time, and it's really difficult to say 100% certain that someone has done AAS, if you don't know they've been training for years and THEN suddenly put on some serous weight.

    The first year I did serious training natural people thought I was juicing,
    that's because I did good. But nobody could say for certain,
    and I was clean.

    Later when I did use many knew, but that was because of water.
    (Didn't use AIs back then)
    And I was quite open about it.
    (Wasn't illegal either)

    Point is, keep water down and don't let the pump make you act different and straddle along like you got balloons under your arms and you should be fine.

  5. #5
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    And being tall works in your favor here IMO.

  6. #6
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would drop the test dose down to a trt dose and let the anavar shine. I do this often and then there is no need for an AI most times. Just a grainy and hard look.

  7. #7
    Nixter's Avatar
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    100% diet. It will determine whether you lose 20lbs or gain 20lbs.

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  8. #8
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    I would drop the test dose down to a trt dose and let the anavar shine. I do this often and then there is no need for an AI most times. Just a grainy and hard look.
    Why not?
    This is perhaps the most guaranteed way of not getting water weight.

    But why use anabolics at all if one doesn't wish to gain?

    I'm thinking the only issue that others would react on is water weight,
    not actual lean body mass gains.

    Water retention is influenced heavily by;
    1) estrogen (+ progesterone, and androgens)
    2) the individuals predisposition to hold water
    3) diet

    Eliminate estrogen and progestin effects and you're left with the androgens own water retention effect. Anavar being mild in that regard. (Test in itself too probably, but you always get some conversion)

    Think I've mentioned before that I set up a cycle for a real estate seller friend of mine that needed to recover from his cocaine habit,
    And also didn't want neither too rapid growth or much more than becoming healthy again.
    Simply used 20mg stanozolol (oral winny) for 4 weeks.
    For what we aimed for it went very well. No crash afterwards either.
    Managed to give enough drive to stay in the gym and away from coke also.

    It's almost blasphemy from a bodybuilder standpoint,
    but it can be done.

  9. #9
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Just tell everyone you are going to try this brand new Power Zumba as exercise and see if it helps your health.

    Most Westerners will buy it hook line and sinker. You arent going to get that much bigger if you use your AI properly.

  10. #10
    AKD_FitChick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post

    But apart from water weight, yes you'll grow as a weed on your first cycle,
    and I'm kinda thinking you're almost throwing it away worrying about "getting to big", which is only an issue during your first cycle as in "getting bigger faster", and without water retention that is within limits of what you could explain away if you wear some clothes.

    Because it's not the end result that's the issue here,
    it's the time you use to get there.
    But I would be that worried if keeping water weight to a minimum,
    as when people see you every day, they don't notice the gains as well.

    And someone you haven't seen in a long time should be:
    "Wow! You've put on some serious muscle!"
    Otherwise you're doing it wrong.
    But when someone haven't seen you in a long time you can always say you've been bulking up for a long time, and it's really difficult to say 100% certain that someone has done AAS, if you don't know they've been training for years and THEN suddenly put on some serous weight.

    The first year I did serious training natural people thought I was juicing,
    that's because I did good. But nobody could say for certain,
    and I was clean.

    Later when I did use many knew, but that was because of water.
    (Didn't use AIs back then)
    And I was quite open about it.
    (Wasn't illegal either)

    Point is, keep water down and don't let the pump make you act different and straddle along like you got balloons under your arms and you should be fine.
    Doc what is Al?

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  11. #11
    kallmenelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AKD_FitChick View Post

    Doc what is Al?

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    Adex as knowin as Arimidex . It's what you run during cycle to help with side effects.

  12. #12
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AKD_FitChick View Post
    Doc what is Al?

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    Aromatase Inhibitors/AI:
    Any agent that will either temporarily (competitive) or permanently (suicide inhibitors) deactivate the aromatase enzyme.

    Aromatase is the enzyme that converts testosterone to estradiol in both men and women. (It also converts some other androgens to estrogens)

    When men take testosterone we need to prevent an excessive buildup of estrogens or we get estrogenic side effects.

  13. #13
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    AI meds were intially developed to combat breast cancer in women,
    as they will prevent estrogen from being formed.

    But males can use it to prevent high doses of testosterone turning into high levels of estrogens.
    This needs to be done correctly,
    as men need some estrogen to function.
    So either too much (causing estrogen/E2 to plummet or crash), or to little (causing estrogen to stay at too high levels)
    can influence libido and a host of other stuff.

  14. #14
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjsevens View Post
    Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm starting a cut cycle next week 500mg of test per week for 12 weeks, and 60mg of anavar for 8 weeks.

    I'm worried about getting noticeably bigger, as it is I'm a pretty tall guy, 6'3 with broad shoulders, with some decent lean size.

    If I feel I'm getting too big, what can I change to stop the size and work on a more cut look? I know diets a factor, have that locked down to get lean.

    I work in an office space and don't want people talking, and knowing I use aas, could be bad.
    You can put 20lbs and you will look the same. There isnt such a thing as getting too big from one cycle.

    Can your clothes get tighter? For sure. Will it be very evident? No way.
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  15. #15
    Dj Screw is offline Associate Member
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    I agree, you aren't going to put on enough weight/muscle during a 12 week period for people to think you are using gear.....especially if they see you everyday (co-workers) which makes it even harder to notice. Steroids aren't the miracle workers cartoons make them out to arent going to be adding an inch to your arms every week

    Not to be a jerk, but I am just curious......why on earth would you even consider taking steroids if you are worried about putting on too much muscle? doesnt make sense to me.

    Also what are your plans for this cycle? bulk ? cut? sounds like you have been trying to cut all along...if you are in a calorie deficit (losing weight) then even with the steroids you are running you still wont put on any muscle. I hope that puts the "worried i might get too big" to bed

    Good luck

  16. #16
    NACH3's Avatar
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    What's the point in cycling if you don't want it to be noticed or people don't 'suspect'?!?! If people don't notice your doing it wrong imho!
    DocToxin8 and Mr.BB like this.

  17. #17
    jjsevens's Avatar
    jjsevens is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the input boys!

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