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Thread: 5 weeks in Test E only first cycle - no results

  1. #1

    5 weeks in Test E only first cycle - no results

    I am now at my 5th week - 11th injection will be Friday. I had gotten a nasty stomach bug 2 weeks in and kicked it now. however, the entire duration I have noticed DECREASED energy and only a weight gain of 2 lbs. I am 29 years old 165 pounds. I started at 300mg per week and upped to the reccommended 500 2 weeks ago. I am constantly tired and sleeping more and more. Came in a glass vial by PP "precision pharm" 300mg per ml. I am taking .8 ml twice a week to hit the 500. Is it possible I got bunk test or severely underdosed and I'm just taking enough to shut my natural test down and actually hindering me? I run adex .25mg EOD and have also picked up severe bloat last 3 weeks. Almost immediatly after drinking a protein shake - ON whey with water - I am bloated for hours in the belly. I am considering stopping early because it's doing nothing for me. Do i still need nolva and clomid PCT? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    I am now at my 5th week - 11th injection will be Friday. I had gotten a nasty stomach bug 2 weeks in and kicked it now. however, the entire duration I have noticed DECREASED energy and only a weight gain of 2 lbs. I am 29 years old 165 pounds. I started at 300mg per week and upped to the reccommended 500 2 weeks ago. I am constantly tired and sleeping more and more. Came in a glass vial by PP "precision pharm" 300mg per ml. I am taking .8 ml twice a week to hit the 500. Is it possible I got bunk test or severely underdosed and I'm just taking enough to shut my natural test down and actually hindering me? I run adex .25mg EOD and have also picked up severe bloat last 3 weeks. Almost immediatly after drinking a protein shake - ON whey with water - I am bloated for hours in the belly. I am considering stopping early because it's doing nothing for me. Do i still need nolva and clomid PCT? Thanks!
    Your probably tired because of elevated Estrogen levels, you might need to up your dose of adex
    Last edited by Marcus G; 04-12-2017 at 01:22 PM.

  3. #3
    .25mg EOD liquidex

    Would you suggest .5 every 3rd day? or go to .5 EOD?
    Last edited by greaseywrench1; 04-12-2017 at 01:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    .25mg EOD liquidex
    If you've got bloat as well its pointing towards high e2. Test e gains really peak 6-7 weeks but diet and training plays a key role in results

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Land of the screwed
    He's running 0,25 adex EOD.
    When you said bloated you meant stomach discomfort after a protein shake?
    What about water retention?
    You've gained very little, could be explained by poor diet,
    (Or just not eating enough).
    I wouldn't think you've crashed your E2 either,
    Do all your joints ache?

    You should have gained more than 1kg of water IMO.
    But you're not the heaviest fellow to begin with.

    You need a blood test to actually see what's gong on.
    Since you've been sick and all too.

    But yes, underdosed gear might be a factor here.

    Sleepy and tired is a common side effect of test though,
    but that should usually just be outside the gym,
    and be kinda positive in terms of sleeping more, eating more, training hard and gaining fast.

  6. #6
    My diet was great, went downhill in the fact that everthing I ate, I shit out within 30 minutes for over 2 weeks. Made it very hard to eat. Got over that last week and am trying to get back on eating my 4k calories a day of mainly chicken rice and veggies. However, now I am getting just the stomach bloat after every shake. prior to starting my cycle i was drinking 2-3 shakes a day and my morning had 3 eggs in it. So it's very odd that it is making me so bloated and full feeling non stop

  7. #7
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    Jun 2009
    How tall are you?

  8. #8

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    My diet was great, went downhill in the fact that everthing I ate, I shit out within 30 minutes for over 2 weeks. Made it very hard to eat. Got over that last week and am trying to get back on eating my 4k calories a day of mainly chicken rice and veggies. However, now I am getting just the stomach bloat after every shake. prior to starting my cycle i was drinking 2-3 shakes a day and my morning had 3 eggs in it. So it's very odd that it is making me so bloated and full feeling non stop
    Protein shakes can contain a lot of lactose so that's probably the reason for the bloat

  10. #10
    So possibly up my Liquidex to .5mg EOD, eliminate shakes and eat cleaner and more then I have been... I'm also going to try another source of doc prescribed Test E that I've been waiting on... If in 2 weeks I still see no difference and I'ma full 6 weeks in adn that other source of test hasn't made it to me, I will discontinue my cycle. At that point would I still run a full PCT?

  11. #11
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    So possibly up my Liquidex to .5mg EOD, eliminate shakes and eat cleaner and more then I have been... I'm also going to try another source of doc prescribed Test E that I've been waiting on... If in 2 weeks I still see no difference and I'ma full 6 weeks in adn that other source of test hasn't made it to me, I will discontinue my cycle. At that point would I still run a full PCT?
    Yes pct will have to run haye you berm running hcg?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    So possibly up my Liquidex to .5mg EOD, eliminate shakes and eat cleaner and more then I have been... I'm also going to try another source of doc prescribed Test E that I've been waiting on... If in 2 weeks I still see no difference and I'ma full 6 weeks in adn that other source of test hasn't made it to me, I will discontinue my cycle. At that point would I still run a full PCT?
    Can you get BW for sensitive E2 assay as well as total test and free test(tT)!
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-12-2017 at 03:00 PM. Reason: Didnt mean to right FT.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    My diet was great, went downhill in the fact that everthing I ate, I shit out within 30 minutes for over 2 weeks. Made it very hard to eat. Got over that last week and am trying to get back on eating my 4k calories a day of mainly chicken rice and veggies. However, now I am getting just the stomach bloat after every shake. prior to starting my cycle i was drinking 2-3 shakes a day and my morning had 3 eggs in it. So it's very odd that it is making me so bloated and full feeling non stop
    Are you drinking them at the same time? What type of protein? I'd go with an isolate faster absorbing than whey.

    Edit / I'd defo get BW to see if the gear is gtg if yes I'd do a PCT(4wks) clomid & nolva! Do you have water retention like in your face? The Rounded 'moon face' along with abdominal region(besides the shks) what shks do you drink?
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-12-2017 at 02:29 PM.

  14. #14
    I haven't been doing hcg... And I can get bloodwork, was originally planning on doing at 6-8 weeks. Didn't want to waste money on BW if the gear is bunk! And the shake is just Optimum nutrition gold standard whey with water immediatly after workout. If i workout in AM then I have second shake around 2pm... If i workout in PM then i do a morning and then one after working out. I had bloodwork done up front - free was 65 and total 500. No "moon face" or noticable water retention.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    I haven't been doing hcg... And I can get bloodwork, was originally planning on doing at 6-8 weeks. Didn't want to waste money on BW if the gear is bunk! And the shake is just Optimum nutrition gold standard whey with water immediatly after workout. If i workout in AM then I have second shake around 2pm... If i workout in PM then i do a morning and then one after working out. I had bloodwork done up front - free was 65 and total 500. No "moon face" or noticable water retention.
    Just test your total T then if it's sky high your gear is good..

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    Just test your total T then if it's sky high your gear is good..
    Thx Marcus - I meant just tT

    Gotta edit now

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    I haven't been doing hcg... And I can get bloodwork, was originally planning on doing at 6-8 weeks. Didn't want to waste money on BW if the gear is bunk! And the shake is just Optimum nutrition gold standard whey with water immediatly after workout. If i workout in AM then I have second shake around 2pm... If i workout in PM then i do a morning and then one after working out. I had bloodwork done up front - free was 65 and total 500. No "moon face" or noticable water retention.
    I was thinking if your gear is gear I'd gtg check E2 as well so you can know where your at see if adjusting your dose is necessary - doesn't sound like anything bad - just grab some BW and see save yourself some worry

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Quote Originally Posted by greaseywrench1 View Post
    .25mg EOD liquidex

    Would you suggest .5 every 3rd day? or go to .5 EOD?
    I got some liquidex one time that was total bunk. You'll find out with BW. I've been leery of the liquid version ever since. Only pharma grade AI from now on.

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