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Thread: Low-T, 1st Cycle, T1 Diabetic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Exclamation Low-T, 1st Cycle, T1 Diabetic

    New to the forum and I've searched tons of threads. My situation is a bit unique and not covered. Also, I just realized my username appears as "TINY", my intention was for it to read "Type-1 New York".

    Age: 38
    Height: 5' 7"
    Weight: 190
    BF: It's high, near 30% according to my scale. Not sure how accurate they are.
    Diabetes: T-1 Very well controlled, 6.1% A1C. No issues with strict diet and all that.
    Testosterone: 250 in early 2016 and 170 as of March 2017. It's just getting worse-and-worse.

    My doctor wanted to prescribe me some testosterone. She mentioned a few things, Pregnyl, HGH, and Novarel. Either way, I decided to go through my brother-in-law that has been doing this for years. I don't know why, but I just did it my way.

    He gave me Testosterone Cypionate and Anavar. I did not start the Anavar yet. I took my first shot of Testosterone Cypionate last Tuesday, 500MG. All went well, I feel no different yet. I think it takes a few weeks? The Anavar I have is OxanPrime and it's got the verification label on it. No idea if that means anything.

    Because of my diabetic condition, I am VERY low carbohydrate. Generally about 60G daily, unless I feel I'm going to go low at night, then I eat an additional 30/40G at night to keep myself stable. But, 90% of the time it's 60G.

    I'm only consuming about 1,600 calories daily as I'm still trying to lose a bit of weight. I'm at 60P/30F/10C, give or take.

    I read that with Anavar your calories should be high? Is that true? Wouldn't the higher calories defeat the purpose of my trying to shed some pounds still? Or, should I not focus on that? I wouldn't mind staying at the 190 assuming I could get rid of my fat, but, at my height that might be a bit to big. Not sure if I want to walk around that way. I'd rather be around 175 or so.

    Should I hold off on the Anavar until I reach my desired weight and get my calories back up to maintenance?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Any other T-1 diabetes out there that have used Testosterone Cypionate and Anavar? Are you still alive?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by T1NY View Post
    New to the forum and I've searched tons of threads. My situation is a bit unique and not covered. Also, I just realized my username appears as "TINY", my intention was for it to read "Type-1 New York".

    Age: 38
    Height: 5' 7"
    Weight: 190
    BF: It's high, near 30% according to my scale. Not sure how accurate they are.
    Diabetes: T-1 Very well controlled, 6.1% A1C. No issues with strict diet and all that.
    Testosterone: 250 in early 2016 and 170 as of March 2017. It's just getting worse-and-worse.

    My doctor wanted to prescribe me some testosterone. She mentioned a few things, Pregnyl, HGH, and Novarel. Either way, I decided to go through my brother-in-law that has been doing this for years. I don't know why, but I just did it my way.

    He gave me Testosterone Cypionate and Anavar. I did not start the Anavar yet. I took my first shot of Testosterone Cypionate last Tuesday, 500MG. All went well, I feel no different yet. I think it takes a few weeks? The Anavar I have is OxanPrime and it's got the verification label on it. No idea if that means anything.

    Because of my diabetic condition, I am VERY low carbohydrate. Generally about 60G daily, unless I feel I'm going to go low at night, then I eat an additional 30/40G at night to keep myself stable. But, 90% of the time it's 60G.

    I'm only consuming about 1,600 calories daily as I'm still trying to lose a bit of weight. I'm at 60P/30F/10C, give or take.

    I read that with Anavar your calories should be high? Is that true? Wouldn't the higher calories defeat the purpose of my trying to shed some pounds still? Or, should I not focus on that? I wouldn't mind staying at the 190 assuming I could get rid of my fat, but, at my height that might be a bit to big. Not sure if I want to walk around that way. I'd rather be around 175 or so.

    Should I hold off on the Anavar until I reach my desired weight and get my calories back up to maintenance?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Any other T-1 diabetes out there that have used Testosterone Cypionate and Anavar? Are you still alive?
    You should have gone through your doctor. Your brother in law has given you a dose twice what your doctor would have prescribed. When you finish talking the testosterone (which your brother in law will tell you to do) because he hadn't a clue your natural testosterone levels will be even lower than what there were before you stared. You should be on hcg and an AI (which your doctor would have given you).
    Last edited by Marcus G; 04-29-2017 at 10:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Dont really understand why you refused medical help and went to your brother in law?!? Sorry dont get it.

    Also, whats the reason for such low carbs, certainly you should know that being type 1 diabetic doesnt mean you need to eat low carbs. And low carbs have absolutely nothing to do with controlling diabetes.

    Eating 1600 cals a day, with low carbs, will completely mess up your metabolism if you do it for a long time. Even when cutting I would not advise such low values for a male...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    If the doctor is willing to give you a script tell them what you want..they can tell you how to use it. It is a major hassle to get past the gels and stuff to the shots. The fact you are a Type 1 screams you need to be under medical care to do this path. 120 or so Test a week split into 2 shots is the general place to start. If your bro gave you test and took a 500 mg shot and you do not notice anything...sounds like the test might not be legit.

    Get rid of the Anavar. Get your medical stuff figured out first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Do you know anything at all about diabetes? How can you say that carbohydrates has nothing to do with controlling diabetes? Diabetes is ALL about counting carbohydrates.

    The more carbohydrates you consume, the more insulin you need. The more insulin you need, the more weight you gain. It's a never-ending vicious cycle.

    Low-carbohydrate is extremely important for all diabetics.

    I went with my BIL because he has been doing this for years. My doctor's only concern is to work on my testosterone. It is not a priority for him though because I feel fine. Plus I have to go to the office weekly for the injection. Fuck that. I hardly have time to do other shit, never mind weekly visits to the doctor.

    I am low calorie only until I reach my desired weight. Another month or two.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Dont really understand why you refused medical help and went to your brother in law?!? Sorry dont get it.

    Also, whats the reason for such low carbs, certainly you should know that being type 1 diabetic doesnt mean you need to eat low carbs. And low carbs have absolutely nothing to do with controlling diabetes.

    Eating 1600 cals a day, with low carbs, will completely mess up your metabolism if you do it for a long time. Even when cutting I would not advise such low values for a male...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    TRT from my doctor is also for life. Once you start it, you start producing less. Whether my BIL or doctor, this is a life-long issue, which requires life-long therapy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    You should have gone through your doctor. Your brother in law has given you a dose twice what your doctor would have prescribed. When you finish talking the testosterone (which your brother in law will tell you to do) because he hadn't a clue your natural testosterone levels will be even lower than what there were before you stared. You should be on hcg and an AI (which your doctor would have given you).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by T1NY View Post
    TRT from my doctor is also for life. Once you start it, you start producing less. Whether my BIL or doctor, this is a life-long issue, which requires life-long therapy.
    If he was going to prescribe it to you it's because he took that into consideration. So you think taking the advice off your brother in law on using steroids means that you don't need life longer trt? You'll produce less being on 500mg of test that you would on 150-200mg with hcg..
    Last edited by Marcus G; 04-29-2017 at 12:52 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Isn't this a forum to come and seek advice for those wanting to use this stuff?

    I am not looking for medical advice.

    I am taking what I originally posted and going to stick with it. I asked some questions regarding diet with Anavar.

    I also listed what my doctor wanted to prescribe me, but she did not know to much about it. She wanted me on the stuff that does not make you infertile. Doctors worry about that for liability reasons. They wanted me to bank my sperm. I have kids and we're done, no need for banking. Doctors don't care.

    When you go to an endocrinologist, you often see the NP and not the doctor themselves.

    So I understand your point, but there are reasons I want to bypass my doctor.

    So please help me out if you're willing. Forget I said anything about a doctor and diabetes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    If he was going to prescribe it to you it's because he took that into consideration. So you think taking the advice off your brother in law on using steroids means that you don't need life longer trt? You'll produce less being on 500mg of test that you would on 150-200mg with hcg..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by T1NY View Post
    Isn't this a forum to come and seek advice for those wanting to use this stuff?

    I am not looking for medical advice.

    I am taking what I originally posted and going to stick with it. I asked some questions regarding diet with Anavar.

    I also listed what my doctor wanted to prescribe me, but she did not know to much about it. She wanted me on the stuff that does not make you infertile. Doctors worry about that for liability reasons. They wanted me to bank my sperm. I have kids and we're done, no need for banking. Doctors don't care.

    When you go to an endocrinologist, you often see the NP and not the doctor themselves.

    So I understand your point, but there are reasons I want to bypass my doctor.

    So please help me out if you're willing. Forget I said anything about a doctor and diabetes.
    If you want to do a cycle that's fine and I can help you with that. But I need to clear a few things up first. 1. You have low t and you will have even lower t when you stop the cycle your on now. 2. Because of the your body fat percentage your body is going to Aromatise that testosterone into estrogen faster than normal and by the looks of things you're not using an AI. 3. If you went on trt from your doctor, once you leveled out you then could have done a cycle then when finished gone to trt.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    How is this any different than TRT? Not sure if I am staying on cyponiate for life, but I will be on something. So if TRT is going to "level" me out, won't this do the same?

    I don't think the cypionate is my cycle, the Anavar is?

    I am not on an AI, you are right.

    Sounds like you're sugggesting TRT to stabilize myself, then cycle with cyponiate and Anavar, then back to TRT?

    Isn't cyponiate TRT though? Didn't I inject straight up testosterone into myself?

    Just so you know, I am going to get blood work done during this cycle. I am not doing this blindfolded.

    Can't I do this cycle and then go on TRT through doctor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    If you want to do a cycle that's fine and I can help you with that. But I need to clear a few things up first. 1. You have low t and you will have even lower t when you stop the cycle your on now. 2. Because of the your body fat percentage your body is going to Aromatise that testosterone into estrogen faster than normal and by the looks of things you're not using an AI. 3. If you went on trt from your doctor, once you leveled out you then could have done a cycle then when finished gone to trt.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by T1NY View Post
    How is this any different than TRT? Not sure if I am staying on cyponiate for life, but I will be on something. So if TRT is going to "level" me out, won't this do the same?

    I don't think the cypionate is my cycle, the Anavar is?

    I am not on an AI, you are right.

    Sounds like you're sugggesting TRT to stabilize myself, then cycle with cyponiate and Anavar, then back to TRT?

    Isn't cyponiate TRT though? Didn't I inject straight up testosterone into myself?

    Just so you know, I am going to get blood work done during this cycle. I am not doing this blindfolded.

    Can't I do this cycle and then go on TRT through doctor?
    So testosterone is trt yes but it's ran at a low dose with hcg an an AI (under the doctor supervision). When you use more then trt dose for your example 500mg that becomes a cycle dose which causes more shut down an Estrogen conversion and this isnt something you can do for the rest of your life. But getting on an established trt first and then upping the cypinate or changing ester to 500mg would be a good cycle. Then after you've finished returning to trt so your not shut down and have low t

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