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Thread: Bunk gear?

  1. #1

    Bunk gear?

    Hey guys I'm on a sust 350, 700 EW cycle. Took my fourth one yesterday so I'm still in my second week. I'm positive my gear isn't bunk because it's from my friends uncle who is also taking the same one and he's an all year around guy who never cycles off. And so far I've been feeling a little fuller. I know the long esters should be kicking in around the third week and I've read other people saying it hits hard and out of nowhere. But besides BW are there any physical signs or even immediate signs when u pin that would indicate bunk gear? I have SU-350 from thaiger pharm. Bottle was put together nicely, legit cap that breaks off. But the only thing is the label is blurry and can barely read the words. Other than that anyone else have personal experiences with sustanon or even thaiger pharm? I came across some other threads and people saying thaiger pharm is the real deal. Thanks guys, would appreciate some cycle experiences as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_jess View Post
    Hey guys I'm on a sust 350, 700 EW cycle. Took my fourth one yesterday so I'm still in my second week. I'm positive my gear isn't bunk because it's from my friends uncle who is also taking the same one and he's an all year around guy who never cycles off. And so far I've been feeling a little fuller. I know the long esters should be kicking in around the third week and I've read other people saying it hits hard and out of nowhere. But besides BW are there any physical signs or even immediate signs when u pin that would indicate bunk gear? I have SU-350 from thaiger pharm. Bottle was put together nicely, legit cap that breaks off. But the only thing is the label is blurry and can barely read the words. Other than that anyone else have personal experiences with sustanon or even thaiger pharm? I came across some other threads and people saying thaiger pharm is the real deal. Thanks guys, would appreciate some cycle experiences as well.
    Not there is no real way to know if it's good unless your get a blood test to check total T

  3. #3
    Thanks Marcus your always on top of it bro. Appreciate the help. Anybody else can give me some of there personal experiences with sustanon? Maybe some things I can expect?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    I've heard a lot of good things about Thaiger. What really concerns me about what you have is the blurred label. That's a good sign that your gear may be of another ugl. That's not to say that what you have is bunk. There are people that brew gear and copy well know pharmaceuticals labels to help them sell. Buts it's not a good sign. You can get a Labmax test kit online that will tell you if what you have is actually what's on the label. But Labmax doesn't measure purity, just content of the hormone. Good luck bro.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_jess View Post
    Thanks Marcus your always on top of it bro. Appreciate the help. Anybody else can give me some of there personal experiences with sustanon? Maybe some things I can expect?
    The reason why I say this is because the placebo effect can give you effects of testosterone with no testosterone present.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    The reason why I say this is because the placebo effect can give you effects of testosterone with no testosterone present.
    Even if my gear was bunk or not would it be alright to stack some type of anadrol or dbol at wk 4-8 since it's a faster acting compound?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_jess View Post

    Even if my gear was bunk or not would it be alright to stack some type of anadrol or dbol at wk 4-8 since it's a faster acting compound?
    How would you know then if your test was bunk? You would also experience painful low t if it was...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_jess View Post
    Even if my gear was bunk or not would it be alright to stack some type of anadrol or dbol at wk 4-8 since it's a faster acting compound?
    There's no harm but if you do add one of those then you'll never no if your test is bunk

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    How would you know then if your test was bunk? You would also experience painful low t if it was...
    Hollowed, thanks for your input. If that's the case then I feel a little better because I know my test level has been stable since my first pin. I would know because although I did not have BW done I know my test levels were low before cycle. And now I can tell my levels are a lot more stable. Yes I understand MarcusG about the placebo effect but listening to my body I'm sure that's not the case. I jus have to be patient I guess.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_jess View Post

    Hollowed, thanks for your input. If that's the case then I feel a little better because I know my test level has been stable since my first pin. I would know because although I did not have BW done I know my test levels were low before cycle. And now I can tell my levels are a lot more stable. Yes I understand MarcusG about the placebo effect but listening to my body I'm sure that's not the case. I jus have to be patient I guess.
    No worries. I've never cycled but that's the stance I would kind of have on it. What I keep reading is that it's a marathon not a sprint good luck man. Hope the test is good and you have a great cycle

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