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Thread: Terms nicknames and lingo...

  1. #1

    Terms nicknames and lingo...

    I am trying to learn all that I can. I see several terms like blast, cruise, etc.. Is there a place that I can find definitions for all of the various terminology? It would make it easier for us new guys and gals as well as save on replies from you old hands on what is basic knowledge.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bowhunter1775 View Post
    I am trying to learn all that I can. I see several terms like blast, cruise, etc.. Is there a place that I can find definitions for all of the various terminology? It would make it easier for us new guys and gals as well as save on replies from you old hands on what is basic knowledge.
    Without sounding rude just Google them terms and you'll get what your looking for..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

  4. #4
    Good point. I don't see a search button here in the forums. All I see is the one under the add at the top of the page. Am I just not seeing it?

  5. #5
    Thank you! It's tough when you know so little that you don't even realize how little you know.... if that makes sense....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bowhunter1775 View Post
    Thank you! It's tough when you know so little that you don't even realize how little you know.... if that makes sense....
    Its a quick read, read all the pages and it doesn't take long.
    It doesnt have every abbr. but its a good start.

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