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Thread: Bad pain days after jabbing

  1. #1
    azbox is offline New Member
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    Bad pain days after jabbing

    Hey guys new to the forums, did a quick search on this but thought I'd post my specifics
    I've done anadrol and dbols a few times before but wanted to do liquids properly now
    Started last Sunday by doing 1ml sust, 1ml deca in same syringe 1.1/2 23g syringe. No air bubbles
    First jab in right thigh, no blood, no swelling, no bruising but my leg locked up for two days with really bad pain
    Guys at the gym said it's common to get a corkie in the thigh, told me to switch to glute and massage well
    So did that last night, woke up in the morning ass cheek is killing me, got sorer and stiffer over the day.
    Took some panadeine fortes and it's settled down (no bruising or swelling) just pain And tightness
    I'm running an AI and dbols to kick start
    Any ideas what's going on?

  2. #2
    elgriff's Avatar
    elgriff is offline New Member
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    Did u jab the same side of your as you did thigh, also could be the mix with pip that sus gives

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  3. #3
    azbox is offline New Member
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    Yeah same side of body as first jab (4 days apart)
    What's pip?

  4. #4
    azbox is offline New Member
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    Okay looked up PIP understand it. Could it just be my jabbing technique? Would injecting a lot slower help? Shower before etc?
    Don't want to stop the cycle, but I can barely sit down for a day after it

  5. #5
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by azbox View Post
    Hey guys new to the forums, did a quick search on this but thought I'd post my specifics
    I've done anadrol and dbols a few times before but wanted to do liquids properly now
    Started last Sunday by doing 1ml sust, 1ml deca in same syringe 1.1/2 23g syringe. No air bubbles
    First jab in right thigh, no blood, no swelling, no bruising but my leg locked up for two days with really bad pain
    Guys at the gym said it's common to get a corkie in the thigh, told me to switch to glute and massage well
    So did that last night, woke up in the morning ass cheek is killing me, got sorer and stiffer over the day.
    Took some panadeine fortes and it's settled down (no bruising or swelling) just pain And tightness
    I'm running an AI and dbols to kick start
    Any ideas what's going on?
    It's most likely uncomfortable because your injecting virgin muscles (never been used for im injections) so don't worry about it. It could also be your technique, make sure you push the oil in slowly and the needle goes in straight. Pip means post injection pain (pain after injecting) and im is an abbreviation for intramuscular injection (injecting into a muscle). It'll get better after a day or 2 and after you've done it a few times it shouldn't hurt as much. Just keep an eye on injection site if it's really unbeatable then you can take a over the counter anti-inflamatory
    Last edited by Marcus G; 04-27-2017 at 06:11 AM.
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  6. #6
    azbox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    It's most likely uncomfortable because your injecting virgin muscles (never been used for im injections) so don't worry about it. It could also be your technique, make sure you push the oil in slowly and the needle goes in straight. Pip means post injection pain (pain after injecting) and im is an abbreviation for intramuscular injection (injecting into a muscle). It'll get butter after a day or 2 and after you've done it a few times it shouldn't hurt as much. Just keep an eye on injection site if it's really unbeatable then you can take a over the counter anti-inflamatory
    Cheers for reply, will try slower pushing as I just have been forcing it in (about 15 seconds)

  7. #7
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Once you fill the syringe with your dose, put the barrel under hot water for about 1m, get the oil warmed up. I find this really helps when I've got gear with "bite". Yours is most likely virgin muscle PIP as stated above but heating your oils will help that too.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by azbox View Post
    Hey guys new to the forums, did a quick search on this but thought I'd post my specifics
    I've done anadrol and dbols a few times before but wanted to do liquids properly now
    Started last Sunday by doing 1ml sust, 1ml deca in same syringe 1.1/2 23g syringe. No air bubbles
    First jab in right thigh, no blood, no swelling, no bruising but my leg locked up for two days with really bad pain
    Guys at the gym said it's common to get a corkie in the thigh, told me to switch to glute and massage well
    So did that last night, woke up in the morning ass cheek is killing me, got sorer and stiffer over the day.
    Took some panadeine fortes and it's settled down (no bruising or swelling) just pain And tightness
    I'm running an AI and dbols to kick start
    Any ideas what's going on?
    If this is your first injection AAS cycle and you're running sus250, you're gonna hurt. The 23ga pin is pretty hefty. I use 26ga. Sus250 is a muther when it comes to PIP. I can't sit for a day when I first shot sus250 in my glute. With the combination of gear you got and this being your first cycle, you're gonna hurt on this one. Hang in there. Put a warm damp cloth on the affected area and let time pass. Your muscles will eventually get used to the PIP. It just takes some time.

  9. #9
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Put a bag of Ice on it. That will help with the swellinng
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  10. #10
    azbox is offline New Member
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    Cheers thanks guys appreciate the replies. Will try the above suggestions see what helps best
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  11. #11
    yesidont's Avatar
    yesidont is offline Associate Member
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    change gear, to much BB and BA inside good luck

  12. #12
    azbox is offline New Member
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    Had a hot shower and warmed up first, pain nowhere near as bad and only lasted a day.
    Thanks for the advice

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