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Thread: Gyno

  1. #1

    Question Gyno

    About a year and a half ago I took a 10 week cycle of 500mg of Test E/Deca blend and got great results. My PCT consisted of only Nolvadex and didn't work too well. I developed gyno and lost most of my gains. So my question is, a year and a half later, will any PCT substance such as Nolvadex or HCG or Clomid reduce the size of my nipples which are a little larger, more oval in shape, and protrude out a bit more. The painful lump behind them is completely gone but will taking any PCT substance cause them to shrink or return to pre-cycle size. Again, this is a year and a half post cycle, Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by chiefap1414 View Post
    About a year and a half ago I took a 10 week cycle of 500mg of Test E/Deca blend and got great results. My PCT consisted of only Nolvadex and didn't work too well. I developed gyno and lost most of my gains. So my question is, a year and a half later, will any PCT substance such as Nolvadex or HCG or Clomid reduce the size of my nipples which are a little larger, more oval in shape, and protrude out a bit more. The painful lump behind them is completely gone but will taking any PCT substance cause them to shrink or return to pre-cycle size. Again, this is a year and a half post cycle, Thanks
    How long and what dose did you take Nolvadex for?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Some tell of successful treatment of mild gyno long after it starts happened with SERMS.
    Either just try it, or you'll have the surgical route.
    But blocking the ER receptors over time should in theory help.
    Try to lower BF a bit at the same time, (just slightlyg),
    and see how it goes.

    Some others should chime in.
    But I believe this has been done successfully before.

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