Hello everyone! I'm new to this. Never thought this would ever be something I'd do haha but here I am!
Little back story: I got into fitness a little over 3 years ago after being sick and tired of hating how I looked and felt (5'2" almost 200lbs) lost over 60lbs in 6 months with counting calories and doing at home workouts. Hit a plateau and decided to try strength training and became obsessed! Learned a ton from my bf at the time and am now currently doing my own thing which is a 3 day split back to back (one rest day a week, 3 for strength, 3 for endurance)
Anyways, since I've been a regular gym goer the last couple years I've made a few friends. One of which helped me get Anavar and Clenbuterol. I'm only a little over two weeks in but I've noticed changes. Mild sides except for today. The var has really helped my mood but also makes me suuuuuper irritable and oily lol I'm only doing a little more than 10mg/day but I've noticed that my muscles are so much harder and the pump is crazy during workouts. I'm more sore after workouts also which is surprising since I thought I'd recover faster than when I wasn't on gear lol I started the clen after 2 weeks of var and have increased 20mcg every day. Today was day 4 and right after taking my 80mcg dose I got a splitting headache. The pain was so terrible it made me nauseous and I threw up multiple times during the day. My head hurt from about 6:30am til 4pm. Anyone else experience anything like this? It was the craziest thing. 60mcg was completely fine. I sweat a shit ton but no headache or anything like I experienced today. I'm going to go back to 60mcg tomorrow but am a little concerned since I was hoping to get up to 120mcg...