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Thread: swollen ankles

  1. #1

    swollen ankles

    forgot to ask im holding a lot of water in my ankles for some reason been cruising at 200mg a week of test e , blood pressure last time I check was high... 135 over 80

    not sure whats causing me to hold all this water in my ankles and have high blood pressure

    currently battling with my doctor trying to get full panel done in the next couple of weeks hopefully trying to cut but seems im holding a lot of water for some unknown reason , I know high blood pressure and swollen ankles can be from blasting but im cruising for a while now

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    forgot to ask im holding a lot of water in my ankles for some reason been cruising at 200mg a week of test e , blood pressure last time I check was high... 135 over 80

    not sure whats causing me to hold all this water in my ankles and have high blood pressure

    currently battling with my doctor trying to get full panel done in the next couple of weeks hopefully trying to cut but seems im holding a lot of water for some unknown reason , I know high blood pressure and swollen ankles can be from blasting but im cruising for a while now
    Didnt mean to like that, hit wrong button.
    Bp is not causing that at that reading.
    Where do you dose hcg?
    What is your sodium intake?
    Do you think you might have worked your legs a little too hard recently?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    forgot to ask im holding a lot of water in my ankles for some reason been cruising at 200mg a week of test e , blood pressure last time I check was high... 135 over 80

    not sure whats causing me to hold all this water in my ankles and have high blood pressure

    currently battling with my doctor trying to get full panel done in the next couple of weeks hopefully trying to cut but seems im holding a lot of water for some unknown reason , I know high blood pressure and swollen ankles can be from blasting but im cruising for a while now
    E2 level is good?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Check kidneys and obviously E2.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Your BP is fine. I guess u measured it at the docs. Then its often a bit higher caused by stress.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    As mentioned e2 needs to be checked...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    As mentioned...E2

    200 mg is not a TrT dose so I guess you are self dosing.

    Lowering to a TrT dose (120+ or - 20) will help reduce this side in the future.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    As mentioned get blood and make sure they include e2.

  9. #9
    finally got my doctor to see me next week the 25th hopefully checking everything in the bloods cause I need a new prescription for test from him ,

    only thing that's really changed is I'm on my feet all day , 9+ hours working a retail job (supplement store)

    E2 levels wont know until he checks and hopfully he does

    HCG I do not use ,

    200mg Test E once a week UGL no AI

    sodium intake is pretty low considering I'm ketogenic and it should be high

    going to ask my doctor for a full panel for LDL HDL thyroid hormones everything and hopfully this time he actually does it as I pay for my health care and theres no provide labs here

    I check my blood pressure at the local drug store usually I will check again tonight and chime in , its been a while since I checked but doesn't hurt to stay on top of this , also im gaining weight lately.. not sure if that helps I can eat advergage 1200-1500 calories a day at 225 pounds and me weight stays the same or goes up I can eat 5k on a day and nothing changes something just doesn't seem right or feel right ,

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    upper midwest
    You are pregnant

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    What is your sodium intake like? I've had it happen coming of a cut and eating bad again. They swelled up like balloons for a couple of days.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    finally got my doctor to see me next week the 25th hopefully checking everything in the bloods cause I need a new prescription for test from him ,

    only thing that's really changed is I'm on my feet all day , 9+ hours working a retail job (supplement store)

    E2 levels wont know until he checks and hopfully he does

    HCG I do not use ,

    200mg Test E once a week UGL no AI

    sodium intake is pretty low considering I'm ketogenic and it should be high

    going to ask my doctor for a full panel for LDL HDL thyroid hormones everything and hopfully this time he actually does it as I pay for my health care and theres no provide labs here

    I check my blood pressure at the local drug store usually I will check again tonight and chime in , its been a while since I checked but doesn't hurt to stay on top of this , also im gaining weight lately.. not sure if that helps I can eat advergage 1200-1500 calories a day at 225 pounds and me weight stays the same or goes up I can eat 5k on a day and nothing changes something just doesn't seem right or feel right ,
    WTF check kidneys!

  13. #13
    got a doctors appointment on the 25th till than im left guessing , I think it could be from working a new job on my feet 10 hours a day ,

    sodium intake is normal im ketogenic

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    As mentioned...E2

    200 mg is not a TrT dose so I guess you are self dosing.

    Lowering to a TrT dose (120+ or - 20) will help reduce this side in the future.

    200mg a week isn't a TRT dose? LOL!

    That's most people's starting dose. My doctor has me on 300/week.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    200mg a week isn't a TRT dose? LOL!

    That's most people's starting dose. My doctor has me on 300/week.
    my doctor has me on 150 every two weeks not nearly enough so I went 200mg a week ,

    300mg is a mini cycle..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    my doctor has me on 150 every two weeks not nearly enough so I went 200mg a week ,

    300mg is a mini cycle..
    Dosages for trt go anywhere from 50-500mg.
    Usual dosage are between 100-200, my brother is prescribed 200.
    300, I agree, is a mini cycle.
    I know so.eone on here that was prescribed 500 but his doctor pretty much understood it was a cycle he was prescribing.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Dosages for trt go anywhere from 50-500mg.
    Usual dosage are between 100-200, my brother is prescribed 200.
    300, I agree, is a mini cycle.
    I know so.eone on here that was prescribed 500 but his doctor pretty much understood it was a cycle he was prescribing.
    that's insane my doctors seems stupid though doesn't have me on any AI or HCG no bloods done nothing , im pushing him next week but dam.. Canada should not have these problems

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    that's insane my doctors seems stupid though doesn't have me on any AI or HCG no bloods done nothing , im pushing him next week but dam.. Canada should not have these problems
    Doctors are just like anyone, their opinions on horomones and knowledge of them vary a lot. They put my brother on 200mg a week and they wanted to dose him once a month on Cypionate!!!
    I immediately told him to get the syringes and tell the doc he could do it himself and I put him on 100mg every 3.5 days.
    I told him to get hcg and ai but no dice...

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Doctors are just like anyone, their opinions on horomones and knowledge of them vary a lot. They put my brother on 200mg a week and they wanted to dose him once a month on Cypionate!!!
    I immediately told him to get the syringes and tell the doc he could do it himself and I put him on 100mg every 3.5 days.
    I told him to get hcg and ai but no dice...

    just donated blood what can I expect from this ? felt good actually gonna do this every 3 months for now on I think

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    just donated blood what can I expect from this ? felt good actually gonna do this every 3 months for now on I think
    I aint the right giy to answer that, I only did it once but it left me feeling drained as hell. I felt lig a big sissy. As hardcore as you are I bet you need to do it regularly to keep hematocrit levels in check.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    just donated blood what can I expect from this ? felt good actually gonna do this every 3 months for now on I think
    I donate every two months and found I feel better afterwards on or off cycle.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I donate every two months and found I feel better afterwards on or off cycle.
    yeah I felt great not even 12 hours later smashed back at the gym , but im also keto so I react differently I think

    I know donating blood is good for thinning it out and also lower red blood cell count and iron , but what else

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