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Thread: How Long For Sex Drive to Increase?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    As for the topic, it seems that the "kick-in" time before test increase libido is longer if T has been low for a while.
    (Or maybe it's because of the lower dosages in TRT)

    But my feeling is that friends, etc that needed TRT and have went some time with low T, noticing reduced libido, takes some weeks to reverse this, (often a gradual increase over time), while when you are normal or on TRT and dose up with more T, the effect seems much more immediate. As soon as the circulating T is high, libido goes up too

    For myself I notice it doesn't take long at all.
    It's usually always high though, but I never let T fall very low either.

    I've tried some androgens as prosexual/aphrodisiacs (don't ask me why when I didn't need it, but I had a (or have at times) period where I kinda go even further than what I can handle, anyways..
    I noticed that halotestin will impact it some within hours, but that it also seemed to have a lag effect of one day.
    I wonder if that Is because of 5alpha reduction taking place and needing some time, or it might just be I was just still very amped up the next day.
    Test suspension also seems to work right away, but I would also take that both the same day and the day before.
    (During those periods I did have sex the day before as well, but more "normal")

    Not too sure what those experiences have told me really,
    except that this seems to be, at least also, a neurotransmitter like effect,
    and not dependent on gene transcription taking place, as it seems to fast for that. But I also think there is a gene regulatory side to it as well.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    Same here. When I started TRT 5 years ago at the 2nd week mark for about a solid month to 6 weeks I couldn't even do my job because I was so fired up.
    I was late for work too often when on cycle. Had to rub one out before I head into the office daily, plus another before bed, 7 days a week. Dick got a workout too when on cycle.

  3. #43
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    But my feeling is that friends, etc that needed TRT and have went some time with low T, noticing reduced libido, takes some weeks to reverse this, (often a gradual increase over time), while when you are normal or on TRT and dose up with more T, the effect seems much more immediate. As soon as the circulating T is high, libido goes up too
    This is certainly true. The longer the androgen deprivation the more time TRT is going to take to make an effect.

  4. #44
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    I was late for work too often when on cycle. Had to rub one out before I head into the office daily, plus another before bed, 7 days a week. Dick got a workout too when on cycle.
    Only twice a day? Something must be wrong with me [emoji23][emoji23][emoji85][emoji85]

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  5. #45
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    I was late for work too often when on cycle. Had to rub one out before I head into the office daily, plus another before bed, 7 days a week. Dick got a workout too when on cycle.
    Girlfriend wonders why we are only doing it three days a week now. She had me for six months straight cycling so we did it three times a day. Poor girl, I will start another cycle soon enough.

  6. #46
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    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    Only twice a day? Something must be wrong with me [emoji23][emoji23][emoji85][emoji85]
    Oh no, definitely nothing wrong with you

  7. #47
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    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Girlfriend wonders why we are only doing it three days a week now. She had me for six months straight cycling so we did it three times a day. Poor girl, I will start another cycle soon enough.
    Bwahahaha, PCT and after is as rough on them as it is us

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    Hahahahahahahaha!!! I was a total fan girl even though I don't know very much about him. He was like a gorilla!! I was surprised at how short he looked though since his stats say he over 6'. Looked more like 5'9" in person [emoji51] I'll have to post a pic haha I'm only 5'2" (actually 5'1 1/4" but I round up lmao)
    Not to bring Rich back up but I also met him and he was a few inches taller than me and I'm 5'8". Something weird that struck me about him, I patted him on the shoulder and felt like he was puffy. Looks wise everything was vascular and solid but couldn't believe how much he squished. Im not sure how much is actual muscle and how much is collagen. I believe synthol eventually breaks down in the muscle so that is my basis for collagen.

  9. #49
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    Not to bring Rich back up but I also met him and he was a few inches taller than me and I'm 5'8". Something weird that struck me about him, I patted him on the shoulder and felt like he was puffy. Looks wise everything was vascular and solid but couldn't believe how much he squished. Im not sure how much is actual muscle and how much is collagen. I believe synthol eventually breaks down in the muscle so that is my basis for collagen.
    I sooo wanted to grab his bicep and do a funny pic like I was gonna bite it Hahahaha but I was too excited and nervous to think at all lol I heard him taking with all the people in front of me and he seemed like a pretty nice guy. I was surprised at how many questions he answered and how long he talked to people!

    It def has to be something that he's got in there if it's squishy haha makes me think of Carrot Top and how he has muscle implants [emoji849]

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  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    I sooo wanted to grab his bicep and do a funny pic like I was gonna bite it Hahahaha but I was too excited and nervous to think at all lol I heard him taking with all the people in front of me and he seemed like a pretty nice guy. I was surprised at how many questions he answered and how long he talked to people!

    It def has to be something that he's got in there if it's squishy haha makes me think of Carrot Top and how he has muscle implants
    He keeps his booths open until he talks to every person in his line. They started turning the lights out on him at the Arnold and he just kept talking to people. I think it's in his best interest to take care of his fans. They are the ones that watch his youtube channel and buy his products. A couple of pissed off fans and he's demoted to changing oil in cars for a living.

    I like his minimalist views on supplements though.

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