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Thread: Advice on hair

  1. #1

    Advice on hair

    I started my cycle previous week. So far I have injected test cyp 250mg on thursday (previous week), 250mg on sunday and another 250mg today (thursday). I have also used anadrol on thursday to wednesday (so 6 times). But I am too scared of hair loss and I am thinking of quitting now. Did I already damage my hair or should I quit right now? I have Nolva and Clomid for PCT. Do I use this right now if I decide to quit. I would also like to add that my hair falls out fast naturally, but I have fast hair growth so this has never been a problem.
    Last edited by Rodolol; 05-18-2017 at 05:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Dude if you are going to do gear and you have a receding hair line, you're gonna lose it.

    Shave your head and get freaky. Or keep your hair and stay human.

    There's no way to stop it. Fin and dust are worse for you than anything else you might take.

    Embrace the bald its bad ass anyway.

    My hair thinned out using AAS, DHT related compounds in particular. I cared for about a week once I noticed... In the end losing my hair faster than gains was a no brainer for me. I no longer care at all... But I suppose it's all relative to each person. If you're going to stress over your hair of all things then I don't recommend jumping on.

    But since you did..

    Stop immediately

  3. #3
    I am almost 21 years old and I do not have a receding hair line. But I came to the conclusion that I care too much about my hair; more than muscle. I have made the decision to stop. My question now is if I should use clomid/nolva right now or wait 2 weeks and at what doses.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodolol View Post
    I am almost 21 years old and I do not have a receding hair line. But I came to the conclusion that I care too much about my hair; more than muscle. I have made the decision to stop. My question now is if I should use clomid/nolva right now or wait 2 weeks and at what doses.

    First of all, you are too young to be even using steroids omg Anadrol? your liver is going to take a beating.

    20mg of Nolva has the same effect as 150-200mg of clomid. You should either use nolva on the cycle 20mg/day to keep the testies going or use 200-300iu HCG e3d for 2 weeks at the and of the cycle, stoping 1 week before starting pct.
    The duration of your PCT should be aproximetly as long as the duration of your cycle.

    In your case 1-2 weeks for PCT is plenty. Since you geared for only a week. You have the choice not to use any PCT at all, your HPTA will recover fine without unnecessary breast cancer drugs...

    And please don't ever think about taking AAS again until you mature.

  5. #5
    If you stop now, then you really don't need any pct. You can take Clomid 50mg for a few days but its not needed.

  6. #6
    Can I get input from more people? My friend is telling me to immidiately start take clomid and nolva.

  7. #7
    Hair loss while on a Test cycle is primarily due to the Test conversion to DHT. DHT works on your hair follicles in your scalp and Viola, samurai haircut. One easy step to slow that down is to buy Minoxidil from Costco and slather it into your scalp twice a day. The second is to get some Nizoral (ketoconazole) 2% Shampoo. I've not read any clinical studies that ketoconazole helps prevent hair loss but it is good for your scalp so I use it a couple of times a week. The third is to get a script for Finasteride from your doc. 2mg per day should be good. Now, if you're looking to use DHT based compounds like Mast or Primo, you're out of luck. Also, 19-Nor's will also attack your hairline and there's nothing I've found that helps with that.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodolol View Post
    I started my cycle previous week. So far I have injected test cyp 250mg on thursday (previous week), 250mg on sunday and another 250mg today (thursday). I have also used anadrol on thursday to wednesday (so 6 times). But I am too scared of hair loss and I am thinking of quitting now. Did I already damage my hair or should I quit right now? I have Nolva and Clomid for PCT. Do I use this right now if I decide to quit. I would also like to add that my hair falls out fast naturally, but I have fast hair growth so this has never been a problem.
    Hair doesn't just fall out all at once. If you're prone to MPB then sure you can exacerbate issues. If not prone you'll probably be just fine. Just monitor it as you go and take precautions like Scotch mentioned if you like. It sounds like your first cycle so I'd suggest dropping the anadrol immediately. Also read the Successful First Cycle thread at the top of this forum and follow it exclusively.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    According to my successful first cycle thread I should not be using steroids. I have a high body fat percentage (around 20) and I regret using steroids. It was a dumb and stupid choice. So I think quitting would be the smartest option for me now and save the steroids for later. If you guys can tell me if I should use nolva/clomid and at what dose it would be great.

  10. #10
    My guess is no PCT is needed after only 2-3 injections and 6 days of anadrol

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