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  1. #1
    50kRunner is offline New Member
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    Does this newbie mistake need to be fixed?

    I'm 40 years old, 5'8" tall, 155lbs, 15%bf and getting ready to start my first cycle. I have been working out religiously for the last 10 years, but since I run ultra marathons and burn a ton of calories, I don't get any real gains.

    So this year i want to incorporate steroids to get some gains. The mistake I made was ordering the gear before spending hours on this site doing my research. I ordered a mix injetable that is Test, Tren and Mast. The gear will be here this week and I'm anxious to get started. But do I hold off for another few weeks and order Test only? I've already spent the money and it is almost here. I plan on doing a light dose since I'm new and small. The numbers will be 200mg Test, 200mg Tren and 275mg Mast. I was also going to take a little Dbol for the first few weeks and an AI the whole time.

    Do I kill my plan and start over or proceed with caution? And if I proceed as planned, but if I'm not liking the side effects, should I have some Test ready to go and switch to Test only 2 weeks into the cycle?


  2. #2
    fit_deskjocky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50kRunner View Post
    I'm 40 years old, 5'8" tall, 155lbs, 15%bf and getting ready to start my first cycle. I have been working out religiously for the last 10 years, but since I run ultra marathons and burn a ton of calories, I don't get any real gains.

    So this year i want to incorporate steroids to get some gains. The mistake I made was ordering the gear before spending hours on this site doing my research. I ordered a mix injetable that is Test, Tren and Mast. The gear will be here this week and I'm anxious to get started. But do I hold off for another few weeks and order Test only? I've already spent the money and it is almost here. I plan on doing a light dose since I'm new and small. The numbers will be 200mg Test, 200mg Tren and 275mg Mast. I was also going to take a little Dbol for the first few weeks and an AI the whole time.

    Do I kill my plan and start over or proceed with caution? And if I proceed as planned, but if I'm not liking the side effects, should I have some Test ready to go and switch to Test only 2 weeks into the cycle?

    Check the My First Cycle sticky. It won't steer you wrong. It's recommended that your first 2 cycles are Testosterone only. This will let you know how well you do with just the basics before you start adding in compounds.

    I think you need to answer some questions about your own goals. Do you want to add size or do you want to run marathons? I think both of those goals are working against each other. I've never really heard of any marathon runners on AAS, especially Tren

  3. #3
    50kRunner is offline New Member
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    I read the post last night. That's how I figured out that I screwed up. Now I'm trying to figure out if I throw several hundred dollars into the toilet, or if I should try it.

    I'm not concerned about the Tren affecting my cardio. I'm not trying to get faster with running. I've got an Achilles injury right now anyways, so my mileage is way down. My goal this summer is to add size. 5 pounds would be awesome for me. I also want to do this now before I get any older and making gains isn't possible anymore.

  4. #4
    Nephets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50kRunner View Post
    I read the post last night. That's how I figured out that I screwed up. Now I'm trying to figure out if I throw several hundred dollars into the toilet, or if I should try it.

    I'm not concerned about the Tren affecting my cardio. I'm not trying to get faster with running. I've got an Achilles injury right now anyways, so my mileage is way down. My goal this summer is to add size. 5 pounds would be awesome for me. I also want to do this now before I get any older and making gains isn't possible anymore.
    hold on to it for later and order the test. Its only money, not worth risking your health over.

  5. #5
    50kRunner is offline New Member
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    Damn. That's what I figured you guys say. I did some searches on here and read that most injectibles will last for several years so I'll save it. Thanks.

  6. #6
    michael30's Avatar
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    Op I would highly advise you get some test and try that first. Much easier to manage on a first cycle then trying to manage test, tren and mast sides as an inexperienced user. I will add this but I really hope you don't go this route. (If you do just run the cycle you planned. Test,tren,mast. Then I recommend you stick to the doses you stated. 250,250,250. Also if you do that cycle I personally would NOT use an AI. Tren and mast do not aromatize(turn into estrogen) and 250mg of test for most will not raise your estrogen enough to be a concern. Especially at your bf level. Just keep an ai on hand) now with that said. Just use test.
    Last edited by michael30; 05-23-2017 at 12:35 PM.

  7. #7
    50kRunner is offline New Member
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    Thank you Michael! I decided to not use the mix and order some Test E 250. I'll run 500mg per week of the Test E with an AI. This ended up being an expensive mistake, but in the end I think it is the right choice.

    I got the baseline blood work done yesterday. Looking forward to getting this going. Hopefully the supplier I used is legit.

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