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Thread: Advice on my second Tren cycle.

  1. #1

    Advice on my second Tren cycle.

    Currently runnning:
    500mg Test E 250 Tren E 12.5mg aromisin eod.
    I am 3 weeks in now and will be adding 40-50 Anavar daily next week. I am at the size that I want now (198-15% bodyfat.)
    My goal at this point is to maintain around 190 with half about half the bodyfat (Naturally a very small frame and I usually spend winters bulking up.) I am hearing so much information about taking my test down to trt dose (200mg) and upping my tren to 3-400mg.

    I am starting to notice mild side effects from the tren (increased depression mostly) but my cardio is still pretty damn solid. I do not plan on being a monster and I like having good cardio, so I have come for recommendations from the community.

    Either a) stay where I am at: 500test, 250 tren e
    b) 300 tren e (bumping to 400 depending on sides), 200 test e or
    c) Ditching the tren all together in favor of 5-600mg test per week along with Anavar. All options will include 40-50 Anavar per day.

    This has been my first cycle on tren in about 10 years and I ran option a) the first time with some great results. My only concern with bumping up the Tren would be the need for a dopamine agonist like Caber. I would be able to get it in a few days if needed, however I want to stick to the higher dosed B-6 route for the meantime. Reason being is I am on a dopamine reuptake inhibitor and can not find much information on potential dangerous reactions of combining the 2. From my knowledge, terrible reactions occur from combining a Dopamine reuptake inhibor with a dopamine releaser. I can find no research on the potential harm of dopamine agonists being in the mixture.

    TL;DR - Looking to cut without getting too skinny or weak. Either a) stay where I am at: 500test, 250 tren e b) 300 tren e (bumping to 400 depending on sides), 200 test e or c) Ditching the tren all together in favor of 5-600mg test per week along with Anavar. All options will include 40-50 Anavar per day. I also take aromasin (12.5 eod) as well as letrozole and tamoxifen (after tren since these do not bode well) if needed. I am prone to gyno on occasion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You don't need to bump it up you will due fine and always have Caber on hand no matter the dose.But when you choose a cycle stick with it no ramping or changing thing all this does is get your blood levels out of wack.So pick a cycle and run it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Your aromasin dosage appears low, maybe that is the reason for feeling the blues.

    Have you had bloodwork on previous cycle to know that is where you need to be?

    Test high or low is personal choice but if you keep going up and down in one cycle you will never know what works best.

    I'll start my cycle in a couple of week to go to 7% and will look like this

    Tren a 150mg pw
    Anavar 40mg pw
    Test p 250mg pw

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