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Thread: Is this overkill, need some help?

  1. #1
    Dontworryaboutit is offline New Member
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    Is this overkill, need some help?

    25, 140 lbs, 16% BF
    Diet: 3000-4000 calories everyday
    Since this is my first cycle I wanna kill it!

    Weeks 1-14
    Testosterone Ethanate 250mg , twice a week, Monday and Mid Thursday
    18G x 1.5" to draw
    25G x 1" to pin in the glute, will change weekly, one week in the quad

    Aromasin 12.5mg EOD or Armidex EOD
    ( not waiting for gyno b4 using )

    Traditional PCT Program (from study done where 19 healthy men had HPTA returned to base function after 45 days) 2 weeks after last pin:
    HCG - 2000 IU every other day for 20 days
    Clomid - 50mg twice a day for 30 days
    Nolvadex - 20mg twice a day for 45 days

    Training Split:
    Monday - Triceps/Chest , 30 mins cardio, 15% incline with 3.5-4.0 speed
    Tuesday - Back/Bicep, some ab work
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Leg Days, Monday cardio
    Friday - Shoulders, ab work

  2. #2
    militaru is offline New Member
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    Just my opinion. Leave the roids and starts eat alot more. It is something wrong with your diet. At 140 lbs you are too skinny for the juice.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    How tall are you?

  4. #4
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontworryaboutit View Post
    25, 140 lbs, 16% BF
    Diet: 3000-4000 calories everyday
    Since this is my first cycle I wanna kill it!

    Weeks 1-14
    Testosterone Ethanate 250mg , twice a week, Monday and Mid Thursday
    18G x 1.5" to draw
    25G x 1" to pin in the glute, will change weekly, one week in the quad

    Aromasin 12.5mg EOD or Armidex EOD
    ( not waiting for gyno b4 using )

    Traditional PCT Program (from study done where 19 healthy men had HPTA returned to base function after 45 days) 2 weeks after last pin:
    HCG - 2000 IU every other day for 20 days
    Clomid - 50mg twice a day for 30 days
    Nolvadex - 20mg twice a day for 45 days

    Training Split:
    Monday - Triceps/Chest , 30 mins cardio, 15% incline with 3.5-4.0 speed
    Tuesday - Back/Bicep, some ab work
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Leg Days, Monday cardio
    Friday - Shoulders, ab work
    Welcome to the forum.
    I would rethink jumping on a cycle right now. Not sure how tall you are and how long you have been training but at 140lbs it sounds to me like you need to get your diet dialed in and spend some more time eating & training. Steroids will only temporarily provide gains that will be short lived without proper prior training accompanied with proper eating habits to support growth and sustain new muscle.
    On a side note you do not want to use HCG in your PCT as this will inhibit your bodies attempt to re-start your own testosterone production. It should be used during cycle @ 250iu twice a week.
    Do not think you need to run both Aromasin & Armidex. Kinda overkill and will more than likely crash your E2.
    I don't like your doses and durations of Clomid and Nolva either.
    Clomid and Nolva only need be run for 4 weeks each.
    Clomid - 75/75/50/50
    Nolva - 40/40/20/20

    If you decide to do this cycle. Please do a lot more research about the affects and dangers before jumping in.
    PT1982 likes this.

  5. #5
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Songdog is right we need to know your height to advise you further.

  6. #6
    Dontworryaboutit is offline New Member
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    I'm 5'7

  7. #7
    Nephets's Avatar
    Nephets is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontworryaboutit View Post
    I'm 5'7
    At 5,7 and 140 you are very lean. Can I ask you why you think you need steroids to put on muscle. Something is clearly wrong with your training and or diet if you are struggling to gain weight. Drugs will not make up for those shortcomings. Don't think we are trying to beat you up here. They have the experience to know that you are taking a big risk for a body you will more then likely not be happy with 6 months from now.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You are too small you need too build a foundation hit our diet section and learn how to eat.
    Last edited by songdog; 05-26-2017 at 04:16 PM.

  9. #9
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontworryaboutit View Post
    25, 140 lbs, 16% BF
    Diet: 3000-4000 calories everyday
    Since this is my first cycle I wanna kill it!

    Weeks 1-14
    Testosterone Ethanate 250mg , twice a week, Monday and Mid Thursday
    18G x 1.5" to draw
    25G x 1" to pin in the glute, will change weekly, one week in the quad

    Aromasin 12.5mg EOD or Armidex EOD
    ( not waiting for gyno b4 using )

    Traditional PCT Program (from study done where 19 healthy men had HPTA returned to base function after 45 days) 2 weeks after last pin:
    HCG - 2000 IU every other day for 20 days
    Clomid - 50mg twice a day for 30 days
    Nolvadex - 20mg twice a day for 45 days

    Training Split:
    Monday - Triceps/Chest , 30 mins cardio, 15% incline with 3.5-4.0 speed
    Tuesday - Back/Bicep, some ab work
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Leg Days, Monday cardio
    Friday - Shoulders, ab work
    At 140 lbs, please tell me you're 4'8" tall. Unless that's a typo, you're running a serious risk of hurting yourself. There is no way you've been training long enough to have the experience to even think about anabolics. You're asking if your training is ok, so that's enough to tell me that you've only been in the gym seriously very short time, if at all. Don't think of me as being a jerk buddy. But at your size, your muscle tissue isn't strong, so you KNOW your ligaments and tendons aren't. When you start using steroids , your muscles get stronger and you can lift a lot of weight. However, putting the stress of heavy weights on your ligaments can cause permanent damage that you must never recover from. This isn't a scare tactic, nor is it a rare thing to happen. We see it all the time. There is no way that you've been training very long at all, if you ever have. Be smart about this because you can prevent a life of pain and suffering now. You don't want to be on pain management from now on. That's no quality of life. Stick around pal and let us get you ready for steroid use . We'll be more than happy to get you on the right track! It won't take long.

  10. #10
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Since you are going to do the cycle.....

    Make sure all you need is in hand before the first exceptions.
    Make sure to pull bloodwork before first exceptions.

    and I see one issue to start. 140 lbs and eating 3-4K calories a day.....only if you are eating crap. I can barely force down 4500 calories of clean food (Chicken rice and broccoli) at 160 kilo. So this is what is going to happen. You will cycle..You will gain 10-15 lbs of muscle. You will feel great. Every month or so after cycle you will lose 1-2 lbs of the muscle you gained due to diet. I will quote you 6 months after cycle ends as "WTF".

    I promise you your diet is not where it needs to be. Fix that and do your cycle and you will be happy. It is a lifetime investment. When you let your diet fade so does all your hard work. If you cannot or will not afford a good diet steroids are not for you.

  11. #11
    PT1982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Since you are going to do the cycle.....

    Make sure all you need is in hand before the first exceptions.
    Make sure to pull bloodwork before first exceptions.

    and I see one issue to start. 140 lbs and eating 3-4K calories a day.....only if you are eating crap. I can barely force down 4500 calories of clean food (Chicken rice and broccoli) at 160 kilo. So this is what is going to happen. You will cycle..You will gain 10-15 lbs of muscle. You will feel great. Every month or so after cycle you will lose 1-2 lbs of the muscle you gained due to diet. I will quote you 6 months after cycle ends as "WTF".

    I promise you your diet is not where it needs to be. Fix that and do your cycle and you will be happy. It is a lifetime investment. When you let your diet fade so does all your hard work. If you cannot or will not afford a good diet steroids are not for you.
    Probably should have let him respond before assuming he would run it. He might be one of the few who listens to sound advice, and sees he's not ready because he's not. If he responds and says he's going to do it regardless, sure. I'd be in board. We have to remember that there still is a few people left with common sense.

  12. #12
    Dontworryaboutit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    At 140 lbs, please tell me you're 4'8" tall. Unless that's a typo, you're running a serious risk of hurting yourself. There is no way you've been training long enough to have the experience to even think about anabolics. You're asking if your training is ok, so that's enough to tell me that you've only been in the gym seriously very short time, if at all. Don't think of me as being a jerk buddy. But at your size, your muscle tissue isn't strong, so you KNOW your ligaments and tendons aren't. When you start using steroids, your muscles get stronger and you can lift a lot of weight. However, putting the stress of heavy weights on your ligaments can cause permanent damage that you must never recover from. This isn't a scare tactic, nor is it a rare thing to happen. We see it all the time. There is no way that you've been training very long at all, if you ever have. Be smart about this because you can prevent a life of pain and suffering now. You don't want to be on pain management from now on. That's no quality of life. Stick around pal and let us get you ready for steroid use. We'll be more than happy to get you on the right track! It won't take long.
    Alright man, can we just both not assume stuff out of others. Just because I'm asking if my split is okay, does not mean I've only been in the gym seriously for a short time, I know how to workout, I was just asking about my split. I also know that I probally sound very arrogant but I am here to learn and I can take advice so thank you for not saying I was just going to run the cycle. My lifts are very nice for my weight, I can deadlift 305 and squat 3 plates, I can clean 115, dummbell press 70 on each side, I can straight bench 185, incline around there, decline more. I think my tendons are very strong and so are my ligaments, I know not to go crazy on the weight, I will only improve weights around 5-10 lbs each 1-2 weeks. I think I am ready. I eat 3000 calories everyday and the growth is too slow for me, I know that my reason for steroids is not sound proof but it's way better than most and I'm doing mad research before I start. I understand that my baseline testosterone WILL 100% not be the same as what it is right now. I eat clean food not crap I don't want to spike my insulin . I won't lose any muscle after my cycle because I am very dedicated to this. I just have not the patience. My diet is 1000 calories of where I want to be and the growth that I'll have when I'm at 4000 calories is going to be good I understand but I wanna use AAS to gain lean muscle from it not some muscle and a lot of fat.

  13. #13
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    The thing is this if you can't put on weight now aas isn't going too help so keep dreaming bro do you think you are the 1st guy to try this? There is a price to pay for for getting big and it isn't a shot in the arsh it's HARD WORK and DIET! Wat ever you are doing it isn't right and aas isn't the answer.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    People never understand the easiest principle...

    If you want to be bigger you need to eat bigger.

    Taking steroids without eating more WILL NOT cause drastic muscle growth. You cannot create something from nothing.

    do not cycle now.
    Up you calories by 500-100 calories a day and then reevaluate in 6 months.
    Also you will need to constantly increase your calories as your weight increases.
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  15. #15
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontworryaboutit View Post
    Alright man, can we just both not assume stuff out of others. Just because I'm asking if my split is okay, does not mean I've only been in the gym seriously for a short time, I know how to workout, I was just asking about my split. I also know that I probally sound very arrogant but I am here to learn and I can take advice so thank you for not saying I was just going to run the cycle. My lifts are very nice for my weight, I can deadlift 305 and squat 3 plates, I can clean 115, dummbell press 70 on each side, I can straight bench 185, incline around there, decline more. I think my tendons are very strong and so are my ligaments, I know not to go crazy on the weight, I will only improve weights around 5-10 lbs each 1-2 weeks. I think I am ready. I eat 3000 calories everyday and the growth is too slow for me, I know that my reason for steroids is not sound proof but it's way better than most and I'm doing mad research before I start. I understand that my baseline testosterone WILL 100% not be the same as what it is right now. I eat clean food not crap I don't want to spike my insulin. I won't lose any muscle after my cycle because I am very dedicated to this. I just have not the patience. My diet is 1000 calories of where I want to be and the growth that I'll have when I'm at 4000 calories is going to be good I understand but I wanna use AAS to gain lean muscle from it not some muscle and a lot of fat.
    So you're saying you're experienced in the gym, yet only weigh 140lbs. Can you not see whay I'm saying in that if you use gear, you'll inevitably get stronger, hence weights will go up. Steroids don't strengthen your tendons and ligaments, so you risk major damage. Without assuming, you're a little guy that wants to be big. So you think steroids will do that for you. That's fair of me to say isn't it? If you are experienced in the gym as you say, then you aren't experienced in the kitchen. Dial everything in our anything you gain on cycle will wither away as fast as it came, and your health will be worse off than before. Fair enough?

  16. #16
    Dontworryaboutit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    So you're saying you're experienced in the gym, yet only weigh 140lbs. Can you not see whay I'm saying in that if you use gear, you'll inevitably get stronger, hence weights will go up. Steroids don't strengthen your tendons and ligaments, so you risk major damage. Without assuming, you're a little guy that wants to be big. So you think steroids will do that for you. That's fair of me to say isn't it? If you are experienced in the gym as you say, then you aren't experienced in the kitchen. Dial everything in our anything you gain on cycle will wither away as fast as it came, and your health will be worse off than before. Fair enough?
    Okay I've decided not to use AAS yet, for the summer I will gain minimum 12-25 lbs. I have already gained 8 lbs in the past month I didnt check my scale in a while so I'm 148, prolly 80% water weight/fat but weight is weight. I'm seeing gains I'm liking but the second it starts going to my stomach I will probally think otherwise, I lied I'm only 5'5, not 5'7. I'm 16.5% bodyfat. I didn't not go on this cycle bc of the ligament and tendon damage, I didn't go on it because I realized the newbie gains will be much harder to get so I wanna get up to 160 12% bf before starting so I can get more gains = profit. If I gain 10-15 lbs of muscle on a cycle rn I'll reach my genetic potential AND it'll be way harder to maintain/keep/not get addicted to gear off cycle. So I've decided to bulk at 3500 calories a day.

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