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Thread: Whats the best for fat burning

  1. #1
    qikgq is offline New Member
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    Whats the best for fat burning

    I'm looking to burn fat, currently im on my diet, not eating any sugar, bread, but I'm looking to make it faster. I'm doing weekly 3 hour "exercise bike" and workout weekly 3 times.
    The stuff I could get currently:
    -Winstrol /stanozolol 10mg
    -Ephedrine HCL 30mg
    -Orlistat 120mg
    -2,4-Dinitrophenol DNP 200mg
    Which one could you recommend?

  2. #2
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    T3 or ephedrine/caffeine/asprin
    Don't be looking at steroids to burn fat. Thermogenics and diet are the only way to burn the fat. Diet being the most important.
    qikgq, BG and songdog like this.

  3. #3
    qikgq is offline New Member
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    Do you mean aspirin? The painkiller for headache?

  4. #4
    BostonBro89 is offline New Member
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    I've used ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin in the past, and found it very effective. 25mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine as a pre-workout gave me some of the best pumps I've ever had. Would recommend you start off with a lower dosage of ephedrine to assess your tolerance.

  5. #5
    qikgq is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BostonBro89 View Post
    I've used ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin in the past, and found it very effective. 25mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine as a pre-workout gave me some of the best pumps I've ever had. Would recommend you start off with a lower dosage of ephedrine to assess your tolerance.
    Could you help me out a bit? It would be my first cycle ever, how did you start (dosage) and so on? I'm looking to buy the 30mg ones, and not sure if 100 tablet would be enough for a cycle. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by qikgq; 05-30-2017 at 01:01 PM.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well at 19 you shouldn't be thinking of aas at all just building a solid foundation.
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  7. #7
    qikgq is offline New Member
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    I hardly lose any weight, neither gain muscle, so thats why im thinking about it.

  8. #8
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Honestly, cardio and diet. And it had to be consistent. I start my cutting diet 16 weeks before a show. At 6 weeks it has to be perfect. One cookie can mean the difference of having legs cut to your groin or lower abs or not.
    PT1982 and Capebuffalo like this.

  9. #9
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    Op to be honest I'm very skeptical about giving you advice. Because its obvious you are very inexperienced. I don't mean that in a rude way. I just don't want to see you hurt yourself. One of the drugs you mentioned is by far much better at burning fat. There is no comparison. But its also the one that can KILL you the easiest. In your post you stated you have dropped barely any weight. Please understand that if you are not dropping weight something is wrong. You should be able to drop 1-2lbs a week fairly easily with just a few diet changes and not even working out. So if your struggling while lifting weights, doing cardio, and "dieting" then that means your doing something wrong. So my advice is to go do a ton of research on diet and training. Watch YouTube videos( but of people like Dr Serrano, Dr Layne Norton) then start implementing the things you've learned. As you become more experienced then you can start looking into the drugs. I will tell you right now if you use aas you will mess yourself up. The last thing you want to do is start taking drugs then when problems arise, trying to educate yourself after the fact to fix them. Learn the basics first. Then the advanced stuff. If you still don't know where to start after a month of solid research. Then pick someone on the forum or at your gym who you think is knowledgeable and might help. See if they will give you pointers or help from time to time. But please don't start ass backwards and dive straight into drug use to reach your goals. Because the sad fact will be, you will end up right back where you started once you come off the drugs. Because you didn't learn good habits, and the basics in the beginning. I hope you listen to what I'm saying so you won't be back her in 3-6 months posting a thread about how your all messed up!
    DocToxin8, songdog, PT1982 and 2 others like this.

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qikgq View Post
    I hardly lose any weight, neither gain muscle, so thats why im thinking about it.
    That's beacuse you don't know how to eat! Hit our diet section and post your diet they will help.Do it right our face Ed no libido depression this is wat can happen if you cycle too young.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by qikgq View Post
    I'm looking to burn fat, currently im on my diet, not eating any sugar, bread, but I'm looking to make it faster. I'm doing weekly 3 hour "exercise bike" and workout weekly 3 times.
    The stuff I could get currently:
    -Winstrol /stanozolol 10mg
    -Ephedrine HCL 30mg
    -Orlistat 120mg
    -2,4-Dinitrophenol DNP 200mg
    Which one could you recommend?
    Ephedrine would work well if diet and training are on point. DNP is something MOST people shouldn't mess with,,for the EXTREMELY experienced only!
    Capebuffalo, Jphunter and PT1982 like this.

  12. #12
    BostonBro89 is offline New Member
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    Dosing would depend on your weight and body fat percentage. I personally started off with 18mg ephedrine with 200mg caffeine and worked up to 25 my ephedrine with 200mg caffeine using 12.5mg ephedrine tablets. Normally you'd take it two times per day, so take that into account when deciding how many tablets to buy. Its usually run between 6-8 weeks. HOWEVER, I do strongly agree with what Michael30 said below. By the sounds of it you are inexperienced with the proper way to diet. If you have Twitter or InstaGram, I'd highly recommend giving Dr.Layne Norton a follow and learning from him, he posts great content all the time. His username for both is BioLayne.

  13. #13
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BostonBro89 View Post
    Dosing would depend on your weight and body fat percentage. I personally started off with 18mg ephedrine with 200mg caffeine and worked up to 25 my ephedrine with 200mg caffeine using 12.5mg ephedrine tablets. Normally you'd take it two times per day, so take that into account when deciding how many tablets to buy. Its usually run between 6-8 weeks. HOWEVER, I do strongly agree with what Michael30 said below. By the sounds of it you are inexperienced with the proper way to diet. If you have Twitter or InstaGram, I'd highly recommend giving Dr.Layne Norton a follow and learning from him, he posts great content all the time. His username for both is BioLayne.
    U don't take any time off in 6-8 weeks?
    PT1982 likes this.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by qikgq View Post
    Do you mean aspirin? The painkiller for headache?
    Yes sir. While it doesn't aid in the lypolysis, it is a blood thinner. Both ephedrine and caffeine will increase the heart rate, therefore slightly raise blood pressure. When the 2 are combined there is a noted synergism between the 2 and it makes both the ephedrine and caffeine stronger than on their own. The aspirin, being the blood thinner, is used to prevent clots and keep blood pressure down by allowing the blood to more freely flow. While aspirin isn't necessary for the stack to work, it is a safety measure worth taking. You don't need the big 325mg disses at a time. A baby aspirin will suffice. 81mgs is what I take when using the ECA stack.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    Op to be honest I'm very skeptical about giving you advice. Because its obvious you are very inexperienced. I don't mean that in a rude way. I just don't want to see you hurt yourself. One of the drugs you mentioned is by far much better at burning fat. There is no comparison. But its also the one that can KILL you the easiest. In your post you stated you have dropped barely any weight. Please understand that if you are not dropping weight something is wrong. You should be able to drop 1-2lbs a week fairly easily with just a few diet changes and not even working out. So if your struggling while lifting weights, doing cardio, and "dieting" then that means your doing something wrong. So my advice is to go do a ton of research on diet and training. Watch YouTube videos( but of people like Dr Serrano, Dr Layne Norton) then start implementing the things you've learned. As you become more experienced then you can start looking into the drugs. I will tell you right now if you use aas you will mess yourself up. The last thing you want to do is start taking drugs then when problems arise, trying to educate yourself after the fact to fix them. Learn the basics first. Then the advanced stuff. If you still don't know where to start after a month of solid research. Then pick someone on the forum or at your gym who you think is knowledgeable and might help. See if they will give you pointers or help from time to time. But please don't start ass backwards and dive straight into drug use to reach your goals. Because the sad fact will be, you will end up right back where you started once you come off the drugs. Because you didn't learn good habits, and the basics in the beginning. I hope you listen to what I'm saying so you won't be back her in 3-6 months posting a thread about how your all messed up!
    I liked this post and agree with most all of it. But DNP isn't the best in my experience. Possibly the best on his list, but I'm to the point now that I believe anyone using dnp is a fool, or at least foolish. Maybe you've had good experiences with it, but it is nothing more than hell for me, and I think the only reason people thinks it works so well is because your body is fighting a literal poison to stay alive! Lol. Maybe a slight exaggeration, but maybe not. Anything that raises your biddy temp to over 101 degrees 24/7 is in my opinion extremely dangerous. Sure, you're going yo lose weight. Maybe even a pound or 2 a day in sweat. But you feel bad, you stink regardless of how many showers you take, stain the clothes and blankets you use, and you look like garbage while on it. Most people look fat from bloat. I certainly did. And when all was said and done, there was not enough fat burned to ever register or notice. It truly is poison and had no medicinal use at all. I think at one time it was used as an insecticide and as a chemical used to develop photos. I've done if twice, to my shame. If anyone wants to go down a similar path, but get measurable results as use something much safer, T3 is a great option. I love it, and I feel great taking it. You'll sweat a lot, but it won't be a neon green or electric yellow. And it wind turn your whites into yellows. I know many people still use dnp and many love it, but how far do we need to go in order to lose a percent or 2 of body fat? Really? The reward just isn't worth the risk. High body temps for long periods of time isn't good for anything in the body, ESPECIALLY the brain. And the "therapeutic" dose is so close to the "lethal" dose that you really have to trust your supplier or your scales. The last thing I want is an ice water enema in the ER. And it might be several of them. However long it takes to get your core temp down. No thanks. Been there, unfortunately done that. Never again!
    DocToxin8 likes this.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Ephedrine would work well if diet and training are on point. DNP is something MOST people shouldn't mess with,,for the EXTREMELY experienced only!
    When he says extremely experienced, he means that! Not something to tinker with at all.

  17. #17
    qikgq is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    Op to be honest I'm very skeptical about giving you advice. Because its obvious you are very inexperienced. I don't mean that in a rude way. I just don't want to see you hurt yourself. One of the drugs you mentioned is by far much better at burning fat. There is no comparison. But its also the one that can KILL you the easiest. In your post you stated you have dropped barely any weight. Please understand that if you are not dropping weight something is wrong. You should be able to drop 1-2lbs a week fairly easily with just a few diet changes and not even working out. So if your struggling while lifting weights, doing cardio, and "dieting" then that means your doing something wrong. So my advice is to go do a ton of research on diet and training. Watch YouTube videos( but of people like Dr Serrano, Dr Layne Norton) then start implementing the things you've learned. As you become more experienced then you can start looking into the drugs. I will tell you right now if you use aas you will mess yourself up. The last thing you want to do is start taking drugs then when problems arise, trying to educate yourself after the fact to fix them. Learn the basics first. Then the advanced stuff. If you still don't know where to start after a month of solid research. Then pick someone on the forum or at your gym who you think is knowledgeable and might help. See if they will give you pointers or help from time to time. But please don't start ass backwards and dive straight into drug use to reach your goals. Because the sad fact will be, you will end up right back where you started once you come off the drugs. Because you didn't learn good habits, and the basics in the beginning. I hope you listen to what I'm saying so you won't be back her in 3-6 months posting a thread about how your all messed up!
    I'm 175 Cm, and I was 93Kg, I really tried, what I could. I drinked 2x protein shake, some legal fat burners which is easy to get in the shops here, I cheated with my diet a little bit, like every 2-3 weeks, but other than that, I ate a max of 20g fat at all, calculating the egg with that, and 200g carb, and a lot of chicken, around 1 kg, I fried it without any oil/fat, sometimes with rice, but mostly without it. After that, i switched to drink a fruit mix in the morning, next time I could eat was 3pm, ate salad with chicken, in these days the only fat I ate was the yoghurt for the sauce. Still nothing, so I lost my most of my motivation. Then I picked up 7kg under 3 months, however, whenever I'm getting close to 100kg, I'm not that hungry, so I hop back to 97kg. At the moment I've ordered ephedrine, that seemed the best, and the safest (from my list). I assume the best and riskiest is the DNP , which you've mentioned. I don't want to do anything else, than this, and looking to do 2x 3 week cycles, if my supplement will be enough for that.

    Edit: That's just my diet try, of course I was working out before this.
    Last edited by qikgq; 05-31-2017 at 09:14 PM.

  18. #18
    sumpm1 is offline New Member
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    Steroids can be used for fat loss. To be clear, steroids themselves will not aid in burning fat. But since you will be at a calorie deficit, you are at risk for burning muscle. So you can use gear to prevent the loss of muscle during a cut.

  19. #19
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    You are 19 years old. With respect put down the X-box controller and run around the block a few times. You do not need anything to lose fat.

    Just jogging 4-5 miles a day will drop a ton of weight over 2 months. My record was 43 lbs in 50 days with just jogging and no clue what a diet was. If you are serious cut now and keep it off. If not going to keep it off wait for your AAS window to open in 5-6 years.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by qikgq View Post
    I hardly lose any weight, neither gain muscle, so thats why im thinking about it. no no no...So many things wrong with this post.
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by qikgq View Post
    I'm 175 Cm, and I was 93Kg, I really tried, what I could. I drinked 2x protein shake, some legal fat burners which is easy to get in the shops here, I cheated with my diet a little bit, like every 2-3 weeks, but other than that, I ate a max of 20g fat at all, calculating the egg with that, and 200g carb, and a lot of chicken, around 1 kg, I fried it without any oil/fat, sometimes with rice, but mostly without it. After that, i switched to drink a fruit mix in the morning, next time I could eat was 3pm, ate salad with chicken, in these days the only fat I ate was the yoghurt for the sauce. Still nothing, so I lost my most of my motivation. Then I picked up 7kg under 3 months, however, whenever I'm getting close to 100kg, I'm not that hungry, so I hop back to 97kg. At the moment I've ordered ephedrine, that seemed the best, and the safest (from my list). I assume the best and riskiest is the DNP , which you've mentioned. I don't want to do anything else, than this, and looking to do 2x 3 week cycles, if my supplement will be enough for that.

    Edit: That's just my diet try, of course I was working out before this.

    Bud trust me I feel for you, more then you know. I use to be 324lbs at my heaviest, and im not talking muscle. That's why I wrote you such a long response. After reading your response I can tell you right off the bat where your issue is. Its strictly your diet. The reason I say that is you should be able to drop weight without working out or cardio(its not as easy, but 1-2lbs aweek should be able to be done) I wish I could tell you an excate answer. But I can't without actually knowing exactly how much you eat. So what you need to do for 2 weeks is track your calories and macros(protein, fat, carbs) then you will know if you are way under eating and starving yourself. Or if your actually eating to much! Your 220lbs at about 5'9 so you definitely have some weight you can drop. May I ask have you dieted a lot off and on? If I had to guess I would say you are over eating( but again its very hard to tell without seeing everything you eat) unfortunately someone your size and body fat level doest require that many calories(especially if not active and metabolism has been damaged by yo-yo dieting) also a few things that stand out to me in your post that might be where your struggling is. The yogurt( what kind is it, how many calories, fat and carbs? You said you use a "fruit mix" do you use fruit you cut up yourself or a mix from a store, again how many calories, fat and carbs. The last thing was your protein shakes, what all is in them, do you add things like peanut butter,milk, fruit? Just these 3 things I mentioned could easily add up to 1500 calories if there not the right or processed. Also you stated you ate 2.2 pounds of chicken? What kind of chicken? Even chicken breasts would be around 1000-1400 calories(depending on brand and type) so just off of what you stated the chicken and protein shakes( even if just protein) your at around 1250-1650(very rough estimate) calories for the day. If your chicken is processed and not lean then your way over eating. Now just to be clear the numbers I quoted are all general guess's based off of what little info I have. But to me its indicating your overeating. Which I could be wrong. So my advice is track your food for a minimum of 2 weeks, and also research any and all diet and nutritional info you can find. Then go from there. Leave the drugs for later.
    Last edited by michael30; 06-01-2017 at 02:00 PM.
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by qikgq View Post
    I hardly lose any weight, neither gain muscle, so thats why im thinking about it.
    More often then not when the answer is such as yours is it's because you need help in the kitchen brother . Diet will solve just about anything when it comes to bulking or cutting . Learn about proper diet and you will have a leg up on everybody .
    michael30 likes this.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by qikgq View Post
    I'm 175 Cm, and I was 93Kg, I really tried, what I could. I drinked 2x protein shake, some legal fat burners which is easy to get in the shops here, I cheated with my diet a little bit, like every 2-3 weeks, but other than that, I ate a max of 20g fat at all, calculating the egg with that, and 200g carb, and a lot of chicken, around 1 kg, I fried it without any oil/fat, sometimes with rice, but mostly without it. After that, i switched to drink a fruit mix in the morning, next time I could eat was 3pm, ate salad with chicken, in these days the only fat I ate was the yoghurt for the sauce. Still nothing, so I lost my most of my motivation. Then I picked up 7kg under 3 months, however, whenever I'm getting close to 100kg, I'm not that hungry, so I hop back to 97kg. At the moment I've ordered ephedrine, that seemed the best, and the safest (from my list). I assume the best and riskiest is the DNP , which you've mentioned. I don't want to do anything else, than this, and looking to do 2x 3 week cycles, if my supplement will be enough for that.

    Edit: That's just my diet try, of course I was working out before this.
    Diet is way out of wack . Best thing you could do is spend as much time as possible in the diet and exercise portion of the forum . Nutrition is number 1 when it comes to bulking or cutting .

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