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Thread: Anavar/Clen effects to the mood

  1. #1

    Anavar/Clen effects to the mood


    As title says, I am wondering about... If any one of these or both can cause your personality to change such as less patient/making you easier to cause arguements etc.
    After stopping each how long would it take for your moods to return back to normal roughly? Estimates are welcomed, any guess are better than nothing.

    If one differs from the other can you please tell me which is which please, maybe Anavar takes 4 weeks and Clen takes 1 week etc.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    I took var, nothing happened mood wise.

    What i can say is:
    1) It does shut you down (Or at least this happened to me)
    2) balls: It was really powerful on my body, the muscle hardening you get while on var is incredible, the strength after it kicks in is amazing.
    3) Fat burning wise, is marvelous.
    4) I felt a huge difference while taking 50mg a day VS 80mg day (being 80mg WAY more powerful).
    5) It killed my libido hard.

  3. #3
    So how long did it take for those type of things to return to normal for you?

    It has definitely changed my moods, well my attitude in general actually. I think I am more confident, will take less shit and will give it back alot more now lol. Kind of a good thing but sometimes bad. Bad in the eyes of the girlfriend though

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    ...about giving shit to people who give you shit. Isn't it better to stay shit-free?
    Yes these things affect mood but isn't a certain amount of using these things is always trying to be better?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by DStruct View Post

    As title says, I am wondering about... If any one of these or both can cause your personality to change such as less patient/making you easier to cause arguements etc.
    After stopping each how long would it take for your moods to return back to normal roughly? Estimates are welcomed, any guess are better than nothing.

    If one differs from the other can you please tell me which is which please, maybe Anavar takes 4 weeks and Clen takes 1 week etc.

    ANAVAR is considered mild but it is still a potent anabolic steroid. AAS can effect people in different ways and aggression is something that's possible.
    You just have to learn to funnel that aggression into your training and no where else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Anavar/Clen effects to the mood

    Var makes me irritable AF. Roid rage haha
    I'm a woman so I don't know if that makes a difference but Var for sure makes me more irritable/less patient/angrier than usual for sure.
    Clen drains me. Makes me yawn like a mofo and overall does nothing besides make me sweat like a hooker in church randomly throughout the day and sucks the energy from me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    Var makes me irritable AF. Roid rage haha
    I'm a woman so I don't know if that makes a difference but Var for sure makes me more irritable/less patient/angrier than usual for sure.
    Clen drains me. Makes me yawn like a mofo and overall does nothing besides make me sweat like a hooker in church randomly throughout the day and sucks the energy from me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    That's interesting. I've not heard the irritableness fro a woman's point of view.

  8. #8
    Guys/Girls, cheers for your responses but no ones actually answering my question, I cant seem to bring the answers up in google either.

    Whether you find it possible or impossible, doesnt matter, please just go with it:

    Var/Clen has made me SLIGHTLY different at least, in terms of attitude/mood.
    When I stop Var/Clen.. (Whichever it is, probably Var but lets not discuss which)
    ..How long will it take for my attitude/mood to be myself again (Hormones?)
    (Should it be immediately after the half life, so by the next day I should be myself.... or is it more like 1 week or 1 month?)

    Googled it but all I find is people asking how long the drug leaves their body but thats in terms of being detectable etc.. not what I am asking, I want to know long it takes to recover back to normal after cycle.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by DStruct View Post
    Guys/Girls, cheers for your responses but no ones actually answering my question, I cant seem to bring the answers up in google either.

    Whether you find it possible or impossible, doesnt matter, please just go with it:

    Var/Clen has made me SLIGHTLY different at least, in terms of attitude/mood.
    When I stop Var/Clen.. (Whichever it is, probably Var but lets not discuss which)
    ..How long will it take for my attitude/mood to be myself again (Hormones?)
    (Should it be immediately after the half life, so by the next day I should be myself.... or is it more like 1 week or 1 month?)

    Googled it but all I find is people asking how long the drug leaves their body but thats in terms of being detectable etc.. not what I am asking, I want to know long it takes to recover back to normal after cycle.


    Everyone is different guy, if the risk isn't worth the reward for you than don't do it

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    Everyone is different guy, if the risk isn't worth the reward for you than don't do it
    Im talking about coming off cycle hence my question, so obviously I have already done it.

    If you cant answer my question with abit of a clue then dont bother with your smart ass lecture comments, I aint interested in those

  11. #11
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by DStruct View Post
    Im talking about coming off cycle hence my question, so obviously I have already done it.

    If you cant answer my question with abit of a clue then dont bother with your smart ass lecture comments, I aint interested in those
    If you did a proper PCT within a few days on it.

    My balls stop shrinking within 2/3 days on PC and i noted a huge difference.
    I did control my cortisol lvls using Animal Stak (used it as a Test Booster too) and MK.
    Libido = Back within the first week of PCT. (I didnt have issues getting hard, but i had no desire for sex).
    Mood wise i get what you mean, i felt huge changes during the cycle but everything went back to normal right after i started PCT.

    Var = 8/10- life on your blood, just a day after there's nothing left on you.

  12. #12
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by DStruct View Post
    Im talking about coming off cycle hence my question, so obviously I have already done it.

    If you cant answer my question with abit of a clue then dont bother with your smart ass lecture comments, I aint interested in those
    He was not being rude. Just because the answer is not perfect there is no need for an attitude.

    The reason this can not be answered is the same reason why people have different side effects to AAS in general. You will not find a 100% only clues and in the end only your own experience will truly be the truth.

  13. #13
    Apologies, I was just getting a little frustrated.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by CALLMEOCT View Post
    If you did a proper PCT within a few days on it.

    My balls stop shrinking within 2/3 days on PC and i noted a huge difference.
    I did control my cortisol lvls using Animal Stak (used it as a Test Booster too) and MK.
    Libido = Back within the first week of PCT. (I didnt have issues getting hard, but i had no desire for sex).
    Mood wise i get what you mean, i felt huge changes during the cycle but everything went back to normal right after i started PCT.

    Var = 8/10- life on your blood, just a day after there's nothing left on you.
    "Var = 8/10- life on your blood, just a day after there's nothing left on you."
    What do you mean by this exactly?

  15. #15
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    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by DStruct View Post
    Im talking about coming off cycle hence my question, so obviously I have already done it.

    If you cant answer my question with abit of a clue then dont bother with your smart ass lecture comments, I aint interested in those
    Whoa. No need. Apparently you can handle the hormonal changes. I recommend you come off your oral only cycle which isn't recommended if you did any research on it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    NC Highlands
    The Var/Clen is likely the catalyst for the "bad" mood you describe. Psychologists nor anyone else studies the half-life of steroids and their effect on mood. This is because mood cannot be switched on or off, mood is feelings and emotions. It's up to the user to do thier best to establish a positive mood. Hormones, themselves, are the longest acting messengers in the body. However, remove the AAS, hormones normalize, mood becomes more susceptible to change.
    The fact that you are asking this question is a sign that you should remove the AAS.
    Perhaps its the combination or just the batch you have. You may wish to consider using something different or not using at all. Stop taking what you have and you'll be back to normal real soon. Also, don't dwell on your thoughts and feelings, it hinders the transition. (All that stuff about getting in touch with the inner you and your feeling s and shit-it's a bunch of crap.) If your really having trouble, try to think about exhibiting the behaviors which you know are appropriate before you act in future.

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