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Thread: Dbol + Test prop - high E2!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Dbol + Test prop - high E2!

    Hey guys,

    I'm running a cycle stacked with T prop (650 mg/wk) and Dbol (30 mg/ed) + hCG twice a week (500 UI/wk). It's my second cycle - healthy 24 y.o., 85 kg of weight, 12% BF. I implemented AI in the beginning of the cycle because of highly estrogenic compounds (Arimidex 0,25 mg/eod). Blood test was done 2 weeks after cycle's started (taken in the morning, 1 h after 10 mg od Dbol was administered):

    T total > 52 (10-28 nmol/l, the result out of lab scale)
    E2 364 (40-161 pmol/l)
    PRL 414 (57-357 uIU/ml)
    P4 0,86 (<0,47 nmol/l)

    PRL is most probably high because of E2, I have never had problem with this marker (it's also probably it's caused by sex I had 30 min before taking the test). Already running 500 mg vit. B6 and 300 mg vit. E daily to alleviate this. E2 is very high despite using the AI, that's why I decided to increase frequency of administering Arimidex from 0,25 mg/eod to 0,25 mg/ed. P4 (progesterone) is also high, I've no idea why (it's E2 antagonist and should be low in the case of my E2 levels), if I should do anything with this, and how. T prop and Dbol aren't progestagens.

    My libido isn't as high as it should be on such high T (PRL + E2 + P4 obviously). I'm having sex ~4 times/daily, but it isn't fun at all - I really have to focus sometimes (ED sometimes as well). Weight and strenght gains are huge. Energy and motivation levels are fine, no gyno symptoms.

    Arimidex 0,25 mg/eod increase to 0,25 mg/ed should be enough for now? What do you think guys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    1. on day of hormone test DO NOT take hormones until after blood draw.

    2. At two weeks on 650 your E2 reading is as if you never took an AI dose. Is your Adex underdosed?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    1. on day of hormone test DO NOT take hormones until after blood draw.

    2. At two weeks on 650 your E2 reading is as if you never took an AI dose. Is your Adex underdosed?
    This ^^ and why would you stop taking an AI in the first place?? Your running two of the most aromatizing compounds at once I'd suggest .5 EOD at 650test and d-bol but you'll need more BW your E2 is as high as a menstruating woman... well maybe not that bad... any noticeable acne? Mood swings? Feeling like crying or very emotional??

    Your libido is due to the high estrogen(E2) and no there's no progrstines in test or d-bol but they sure do aromatize!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    This ^^ and why would you stop taking an AI in the first place?? Your running two of the most aromatizing compounds at once I'd suggest .5 EOD at 650test and d-bol but you'll need more BW your E2 is as high as a menstruating woman... well maybe not that bad... any noticeable acne? Mood swings? Feeling like crying or very emotional??

    Your libido is due to the high estrogen(E2) and no there's no progrstines in test or d-bol but they sure do aromatize!
    I didn't want to stop taking an AI, I've already increased it's dosage. I quit dbol for one week (deload) as well. 0.25 mg of Adex daily on 650 mg of T prop solo for this week. Let's see.

    I'm emotional as hell, forgot to mention, but it's obvious cus of E2.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hormon View Post
    I didn't want to stop taking an AI, I've already increased it's dosage. I quit dbol for one week (deload) as well. 0.25 mg of Adex daily on 650 mg of T prop solo for this week. Let's see.

    I'm emotional as hell, forgot to mention, but it's obvious cus of E2.
    What do you mean by stoping the d-bol(deload)? Are you pulsing it b/c of stomach or eating problems then that's fine but I'd go 10on 10off if your having trouble eating etc or is messing your stomach up...

    I'd also find out why your PRL is so high... not that outta range but sure is on high side and over the range?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    What do you mean by stoping the d-bol(deload)? Are you pulsing it b/c of stomach or eating problems then that's fine but I'd go 10on 10off if your having trouble eating etc or is messing your stomach up...

    I'd also find out why your PRL is so high... not that outta range but sure is on high side and over the range?
    I stop it because of 1 week of training deload (to prevent CNS overtraining, I workout hard as hell). No stimulus = no need for extra T.

    PRL is high because of high E2, don't you think?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hormon View Post
    I stop it because of 1 week of training deload (to prevent CNS overtraining, I workout hard as hell). No stimulus = no need for extra T.

    PRL is high because of high E2, don't you think?

    There's no progestin in it PRL follows high E2 when running a progestin you are not - I'd get your HPTA looked at

    Look if your gonna run d-bol you should run it for 4 wks straight

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    There's no progestin in it PRL follows high E2 when running a progestin you are not - I'd get your HPTA looked at

    Look if your gonna run d-bol you should run it for 4 wks straight
    Yes, I know there are no progestins in that stack, what does it to do with PRL? And give me a serious reason against taking a few days break from Dbol please.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hormon View Post
    Yes, I know there are no progestins in that stack, what does it to do with PRL? And give me a serious reason against taking a few days break from Dbol please.
    Progestin s release PRL!! Did you get pre cycle BW? If so what was your PRL? If you haven't than I would recommend more BW and see an endocrinologist or urologist... to see if you have an Adenoma in your HPTA(pituitary) to see if it's secreting PRL!

    Why start and stop the d-bol unless your pulsing it and that's just to mitigate side effects but a week here and there your wasting it keep it built up in your system! More stable blood levels

  10. #10
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Progestin s release PRL!! Did you get pre cycle BW? If so what was your PRL? If you haven't than I would recommend more BW and see an endocrinologist or urologist... to see if you have an Adenoma in your HPTA(pituitary) to see if it's secreting PRL!

    Why start and stop the d-bol unless your pulsing it and that's just to mitigate side effects but a week here and there your wasting it keep it built up in your system! More stable blood levels
    Thanks for your engage. PRL before the cycle was in the middle of the range (around 240), no problems with libido or other health issues. I've taken an extra 0.25 mg of Arimidex and no Dbol. Libido is heavy, banged her few times with a lot of fun, finally. Dbol t1/2 is approximetely 5 h, of what blood levels stability are you talking about?
    Last edited by Hormon; 06-01-2017 at 11:12 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hormon View Post
    Thanks for your engage. PRL before the cycle was in the middle of the range (around 240), no problems with libido or other health issues. I've taken an extra 0.25 mg of Arimidex and no Dbol. Libido is heavy, banged her few times with a lot of fun, finally. Dbol t1/2 is approximetely 5 h, of what blood levels stability are you talking about?
    I mean I've ran it once daily b4 w/o's and also split it throughout the day & I didn't see much difference but you could take it 2x daily as well if you was taking 50mgs/day 25 & 25... but like I said I've not seen much difference... I'd get your PRL looked at it may be nothing

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