Originally Posted by
Age - 25
Weight - 160
Height - 5'7
Testosterone E - (250 x 2) Monday Thurs 12 weeks
HCG 500 IU weekly same day as Test E
For AI should I use Aromasin or Armidex? Aromasin is more expensive.
I would do 12.5mg daily for 12 weeks.
Wait 2 weeks
Nolvadex: 40 / 40 / 20 / 20
Clomid: 50 / 50 / 50 / 50
Should I run an AI into PCT because I want to be as safe as possible.
Last ten days before my PCT I will take 1000 IU every day. Then idk what to do HCG dosage?
6000 calories everyday. 5 Days Training, 1 Cardio.